Ever notice how much pride and time people spend on their outward appearance?? Yes, it is amazing to take the time to have a put-together look and it is always important to have a good respectable first impression, but when is it too much??? Today our society focuses on labels, and all of the new and hottest things to get, do you notice that all of those are a distraction? There are much more meaningful things going on around us. It is very easy to be blinded when people are telling you what you need or should have, or what the majority of people have. I have said this many times before and I will always keep saying it, these things are ALL TEMPORARY!!!! Its great to reward yourself, but don't get consumed in it. It is very easy to get wrapped up in it and forget about the most important value, and that is what is inside. We are judged on eternity for our inside, not the outside. When it is our time to stand before God, we are alone and judged on how we lived our life and how our inside is, and if we had obedience following God. We should have a fear for God. If we don't fear God, then we do what is best for us, and don't think about consequences. We need to respect the authority of God, and think about if what we are doing is pleasing to God, or if a change needs to take place. Once you get tapped into God's Word, and following Jesus, you will experience a different relationship and a more intimant relationship. God won't seem so distant anymore, he will be more present in your life. God forgives and loves us, but it is up to us to acknowledge him and have obedience. The more involved you get and the more you open yourself to God, the feeling is something I cannot explain. Your eyes will be fully opened and you will want more and more, and you will want to share with others what you learn. Time on earth is limited and its important to remember that all of our days our numbered, if you were to go right now, do you know where you would be spending your eternity??
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