Monday, December 28, 2020

AND THAT IS A WRAP.....2020!

 What a year this has been!!!  I don't even have the words to describe what kind of year this has been.  I believe this has been a year of pain.  This year has taught us to deal with fear of the unknown, and how to endure.  This year has been fear for 365 days straight.  Fear on the virus, Fear on the news, Fear on statistics, etc.  We have been hearing it from ALL sides!  We put up our Christmas tree before Thanksgiving.  I feel like this is the year that we needed to get Christmas going early.  We needed some cheer.  This world needs some cheer.  Thank God For Jesus!!!  That CAN be celebrated in the middle of a pandemic.  

We have 4 days until 2021!!  I believe this is a great year to start Resolutions.  I know that some may laugh at this and roll their eyes, but once again after 2020, we need something GOOD to focus on and look forward to.  I can't go into another year and still feel the effect from the year prior.  I NEED a fresh start, I need NEW vision, I NEED hope that WILL REMAIN!!  I wanted to share how I am starting off the New Year, and what I am choosing to focus on.  

Spiritual/Mental:  First and foremost, I researched a Bible Reading Plan.  There are several plans out there, I will include a link at the end of this paragraph.  I wanted to pick the right reading plan for me.  I have chosen "The Bible In Chronological Order of Events."  This will take my the entire year and take me in order of the events.  I have also chosen a Bible Reading Plan to do with my children.  I will also include that link at the end of this paragraph.  We need to get in a routine for the new year in starting the day with God first.  The way to start that is to read his word and get it in our hearts and minds before we start the day.  We do not know what each day will bring us, so we need to make sure we are prepared in advance.  We can FULLY rely, lean and trust God at his word.  This is a Must for 2021!!

Bible Reading Plans: Bible Reading Plan Link

Bible Reading Plans For Kids: Bible Reading Plan for Kids Link

Physical/Mental:  This will be short and sweet.  Yes I know everyone starts off the New Year with fitness goals and this is a cliche.  However, this is going to be different.  My goal is to "MOVE."  This means to be active EVERY SINGLE DAY.  It could be simple as going for a walk.  Our bodies are a gift and we need to be kind to ourselves.  So for 2021 I am going to make sure that I MOVE for the entire 365 days of the year.  This is a way I show myself love and also show love to the Holy Spirit.  So I want to challenge you to MOVE for everyday in 2021!!

Nutrition:  I want to be FULLY transparent in this category.  This will probably be one of the hardest for me.  I do not have a specific plan I wish to follow.  I do not want to follow a certain diet.  I want to be a smart human being and use the brain that God gave me.  For instance, whatever I am choosing to eat, does it....... Fuel my body?  Bring nutrition to my body?  

Those are the two questions I will be asking myself.  If it doesn't check those 2 boxes I DO NOT NEED IT.  It is as simple as that.  The majority of the time I want to be able to ask myself those 2 questions.  I believe 2020 taught us that we need to keep our body healthy and our immune systems up.  As we get older we need to make sure this is a MUST.  We cannot afford to have our health decline due to things that we CAN control.  We CAN control what we put in our mouths.  We CAN control that!!  This will honestly take discipline but I feel that if I keep it simple, it is attainable.  I don't have a long list of "rules."

1) Does This Fuel My Body?

2) Does This Bring Nutrition To My Body?

Those are my Top 3 New Years Resolutions For 2021!! I told you they would be simple.  I want to leave off this post with some truth and encouragement.  

Do you know that we serve a God that knows the Beginning, Middle, and End?  Do you know that NOTHING takes God by surprise?  This pandemic did not take God by surprise.  He knows everything that is happening and that is to come.  I don't find my rest in the news stations or in the newspaper.  I find my rest in knowing that I serve a God that knows the beginning, middle, and end.  I find my peace in his word.  I know that when we remain faithful to him, he is faithful to us.  I know that we are under his covering and he will protect us.  So I want to encourage you to remain faithful.  Finish the race that is set out before you.  Endure until the very end.  Finish the race and receive your reward.  We were created for such a time as this.  You have something that this word needs during this time.  God has you alive in this specific season for this specific time!! It is an honor to be an ambassador for Jesus.  We are warriors.  We are to suit up each morning, do battle, and lead others to Jesus!!!  Sign me up!!!

Be blessed in the New Year.  Know that you are blessed and highly favored.  It is a pleasure doing this life together with other Brothers and Sisters in Christ!!

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