Friday, September 25, 2020

Uplifting/Encouragement Friday....

 I wanted to do this post a little different.  I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes/messages and break down my outlook on each one of them!!! 

My Outlook from the quote above:  It takes absolutely No thought/rhyme/or reason to start complaining.  This comes across like breathing.  It is natural to complain and be justified in doing so.  Some situations come to our front door because we invited it there.  Other times we did not ask for it, and it comes breaking the door down, trashing the place, and setting everything on fire.  When we complain we submit to the "victim" role.  We want to pull the "red" card and scream the words "Unfair!"  We want to surround ourselves with the right audience that views and agrees with our thought/voice. In this state of mind we only see it from our perspective.  Saying it out-loud doesn't make it right or give us justice. In this quote above it says we have 2 choices.  1) Leave the situation 
2) accept it.  It is that simple!! It is cut and dry.  To keep talking about it out-loud will only stir up anger and bitterness.  It will also rob you of peace, and that is exactly where the enemy wants you!! He wants you to sit in that rocking chair, rocking back and forth complaining about what happened, and staying in the exact same place!!  I find it easy to "leave the situation" I struggle more with the "accept it" stage.  Sometimes it is hard to fully accept something and make that part of the bed.  Sometimes you don't want to accept what that person said, or what they stand by.  Sometimes it comes with pain and hurt that you didn't ask for.  

My outlook from the quote above:  I like to have closure.  I associate "Peace and Closure" in the same chapter.  I feel those two go hand in hand.  So if I do not have closure, then I find I lose my peace. This quote above opened my eyes to seeing that they both can be separate and not go side by side.   We cannot force reconciliation.  We cannot change someones mindset that is not set on being changed.  We are responsible for our part and our part only.  We can have enlightenment in our minds but it is ALL that we have control over.  I have to come to grasp that with peace,  I may never have closure with some people, and that it needs to be ok.  The most important concept I need to grasp is that IF and WHEN that person chooses to reach out, that I need to extend my hand and accept it with no questions ask.  This goes similar to how we are with Jesus.  We may be bitter and angry and do something wrong, but when we have the clarity we go to Jesus and ask for his mercy/grace and he extends it to us with no questions ask.  Some people may in-fact actually want to stay broken, and may never want to be fixed.  We are to fight that battle in the prayer room.

My outlook from the quote above: Boundaries are one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.  You do not have to let any and everything close to you.  You are allowed to keep people outside of your circle.  When you forgive someone, you are releasing them to God and walking away.  It is a process of freeing yourself from bondage and anger. If you allow toxic people around you, they will continue to hurt you over and over.  Some people are ok with having the enemy take up a place in their heart and be used by him.  Sometimes you may need to keep extending forgiveness to those that hurt you from a distance.  

My outlook from the quote above: In this world we tend to care about what others think about us.  We live in a society where people feel just because God gave them a voice, that they can speak and shout whatever comes to mind.  In the Bible it says we are to be "Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger."  We are to not speak every opinion that comes to mind.  If you are lucky you should have at least 2 people in your lift that you can always go to.  These should be people that are going to tell you the truth in love, and not always agree with you.  It should be people that live their life by the Word of God, and lift you up in prayer and encourage you.  If someone says something about you, ask yourself this:  "Would I go to that person if I needed advice?"  If the answer is no, then you do not have to accept what they have said.  You do not have to attach their words to your spirit.  You can set up those boundaries and forgive their words from a distance and move on. 

My outlook from the quote above:  You have a choice each and every day.  We can wake up and make the decision that we WILL BE IN A GOOD MOOD.  We can make the choice that NOTHING is going to dictate us, and steal our peace and joy.  We are to not be led by our feelings.  Feelings are not stable and they will vary from different circumstances.  Our feelings can change in a moment, that is why we cannot give into them.  We need to make up our mind in advance!!! When we feel that shift starting to happen, we need to shake those thoughts off, and once again say "I WILL BE IN A GOOD MOOD!"  This is something you could find yourself repeating throughout the day.  The important thing to grasp is that WE are in control of how we think.  We do not have to let ANYTHING or ANYONE steal our joy and peace.  We can hold onto it not matter what storm comes our way!!

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