I am currently going through a season in my life where certain things are not making sense. I have had some difficult things knock at my doorstep and have caused me great heartache. In the sadness, anger, and frustration of it all, I find myself asking "Why?"All I hear is silence. I am waiting for a response, an explanation and I hear nothing. I struggle to cling to a verse that I can make my very own. Here 2020 just kicked off and I find myself losing peace. It is discouraging and I find myself caught in the middle of it. I am reminded that there are certain seasons in life that we will go through. There is a time for planting seeds and waiting. During this time there is no action that we can see. It isn't the progress that we wish to see. We want it now!! We want to see the fruits of our labor. We have to water those seeds and have the sun (SON) shine upon it. We have to do our due diligence and make sure we "SHOW UP" and not get lazy. Even if we can't see it with our own eyes, doesn't mean nothing is happening. (Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1)
Under the soil there is action. That seed is slowly growing and expanding, little by little. The roots are taking foundation. Things are getting strong and rooted. When looking at the ground we just see soil. We see dirt. We see nothing happening. It can get discouraging. If we are taking the time to water that seed then why don't we see anything happening? (If we are in the word, have a relationship with Jesus, go to church, follow Jesus) then why don't we see things happen faster than those that don't. These are thoughts that combat my mind sometimes. I have to remind myself that we are to do those very things because of what Jesus did for US. It isn't for special favors. We don't have a VIP pass where we get to bypass the line. What we are given is Grace. (May grace and spiritual peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. May blessing be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm! Even as He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless in His sigh, even above reproach, before him in love. Ephesians 1:2-4)
That grace is freely given to us by the sacrifice that Jesus did for us. It was his LOVE for us that made him do it. When we receive Jesus we get to approach Heaven and come BOLDLY to the throne room of Grace. That means we get to approach God almighty with spiritual authority and come to him as his Son Jesus. We are clothed in HIS robes of righteousness and what HE did on the cross. This gives us a certain spiritual inheritance. It doesn't make us special, it makes us BLESSED.
Then I was reminded of other seasons we walk through. Seasons where the land is plentiful and we are surrounded by fruit. It seems like we almost just casually stumble upon it and just receive it's beauty without even having to work for it. Seasons where you have joy, and peace. Maybe a great job opportunity happens, maybe you are healed, maybe a child that has gone astray returns, financial blessing, etc. I LOVE this type of season. lol. who wouldn't right? I tend to try and stop and smell the roses during these seasons because I feel they are far and few in between. Sometimes Gods voice may become even more audible in this season. I rejoice in these moments because I feel closer to him more than ever. There is a part of me that doesn't want to admit it, but I will since I am feeling bold. I honestly feel during this time when everything is running smoothly, that we tend to rely more on ourselves than on HIM. I believe rough times keep us humble and remind us that we can do NOTHING in our own strength. I think of the Bible and the story of Job. That is a man that truly had a rough season that he had to walk through. It seemed like he lost everything in one day.
What I collect from all of this is: we are to trust God no matter what SEASON presents itself. We could be in the desert thirsty, hungry, dry, etc. But guess what? ....... He is STILL Good. We could be watering our harvest and pleading with God for movement and action, but guess what?..... We are STILL Blessed. Jesus went through this life and came to Earth to identify with everything we face. We have a Savior that TRULY understands us and can identify with us. It says that he sticks closer to us than a Brother. We do not have to feel alone in these tough seasons. We can have true rest in ANY season we are facing. We understand that God already knows what tomorrow brings, and he will equip us in advance, if we do not lean or rely on our own understanding but we acknowledge him and his ways. Our Joy does come from circumstances but from the Lord. The joy of the Lord is our strength. When we are weak, HE is strong. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. That is why Paul could boast from a prison cell about his weakness, because he had the Joy of the Lord as his very strength.
Maybe you are having a year like me. Maybe you are stumbling blindly through the darkness at the moment. Take direction from the Light that directs your next step. It is the SON.
Under the soil there is action. That seed is slowly growing and expanding, little by little. The roots are taking foundation. Things are getting strong and rooted. When looking at the ground we just see soil. We see dirt. We see nothing happening. It can get discouraging. If we are taking the time to water that seed then why don't we see anything happening? (If we are in the word, have a relationship with Jesus, go to church, follow Jesus) then why don't we see things happen faster than those that don't. These are thoughts that combat my mind sometimes. I have to remind myself that we are to do those very things because of what Jesus did for US. It isn't for special favors. We don't have a VIP pass where we get to bypass the line. What we are given is Grace. (May grace and spiritual peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. May blessing be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm! Even as He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless in His sigh, even above reproach, before him in love. Ephesians 1:2-4)
That grace is freely given to us by the sacrifice that Jesus did for us. It was his LOVE for us that made him do it. When we receive Jesus we get to approach Heaven and come BOLDLY to the throne room of Grace. That means we get to approach God almighty with spiritual authority and come to him as his Son Jesus. We are clothed in HIS robes of righteousness and what HE did on the cross. This gives us a certain spiritual inheritance. It doesn't make us special, it makes us BLESSED.
Then I was reminded of other seasons we walk through. Seasons where the land is plentiful and we are surrounded by fruit. It seems like we almost just casually stumble upon it and just receive it's beauty without even having to work for it. Seasons where you have joy, and peace. Maybe a great job opportunity happens, maybe you are healed, maybe a child that has gone astray returns, financial blessing, etc. I LOVE this type of season. lol. who wouldn't right? I tend to try and stop and smell the roses during these seasons because I feel they are far and few in between. Sometimes Gods voice may become even more audible in this season. I rejoice in these moments because I feel closer to him more than ever. There is a part of me that doesn't want to admit it, but I will since I am feeling bold. I honestly feel during this time when everything is running smoothly, that we tend to rely more on ourselves than on HIM. I believe rough times keep us humble and remind us that we can do NOTHING in our own strength. I think of the Bible and the story of Job. That is a man that truly had a rough season that he had to walk through. It seemed like he lost everything in one day.
What I collect from all of this is: we are to trust God no matter what SEASON presents itself. We could be in the desert thirsty, hungry, dry, etc. But guess what? ....... He is STILL Good. We could be watering our harvest and pleading with God for movement and action, but guess what?..... We are STILL Blessed. Jesus went through this life and came to Earth to identify with everything we face. We have a Savior that TRULY understands us and can identify with us. It says that he sticks closer to us than a Brother. We do not have to feel alone in these tough seasons. We can have true rest in ANY season we are facing. We understand that God already knows what tomorrow brings, and he will equip us in advance, if we do not lean or rely on our own understanding but we acknowledge him and his ways. Our Joy does come from circumstances but from the Lord. The joy of the Lord is our strength. When we are weak, HE is strong. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. That is why Paul could boast from a prison cell about his weakness, because he had the Joy of the Lord as his very strength.
Maybe you are having a year like me. Maybe you are stumbling blindly through the darkness at the moment. Take direction from the Light that directs your next step. It is the SON.
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