Monday, December 28, 2020

AND THAT IS A WRAP.....2020!

 What a year this has been!!!  I don't even have the words to describe what kind of year this has been.  I believe this has been a year of pain.  This year has taught us to deal with fear of the unknown, and how to endure.  This year has been fear for 365 days straight.  Fear on the virus, Fear on the news, Fear on statistics, etc.  We have been hearing it from ALL sides!  We put up our Christmas tree before Thanksgiving.  I feel like this is the year that we needed to get Christmas going early.  We needed some cheer.  This world needs some cheer.  Thank God For Jesus!!!  That CAN be celebrated in the middle of a pandemic.  

We have 4 days until 2021!!  I believe this is a great year to start Resolutions.  I know that some may laugh at this and roll their eyes, but once again after 2020, we need something GOOD to focus on and look forward to.  I can't go into another year and still feel the effect from the year prior.  I NEED a fresh start, I need NEW vision, I NEED hope that WILL REMAIN!!  I wanted to share how I am starting off the New Year, and what I am choosing to focus on.  

Spiritual/Mental:  First and foremost, I researched a Bible Reading Plan.  There are several plans out there, I will include a link at the end of this paragraph.  I wanted to pick the right reading plan for me.  I have chosen "The Bible In Chronological Order of Events."  This will take my the entire year and take me in order of the events.  I have also chosen a Bible Reading Plan to do with my children.  I will also include that link at the end of this paragraph.  We need to get in a routine for the new year in starting the day with God first.  The way to start that is to read his word and get it in our hearts and minds before we start the day.  We do not know what each day will bring us, so we need to make sure we are prepared in advance.  We can FULLY rely, lean and trust God at his word.  This is a Must for 2021!!

Bible Reading Plans: Bible Reading Plan Link

Bible Reading Plans For Kids: Bible Reading Plan for Kids Link

Physical/Mental:  This will be short and sweet.  Yes I know everyone starts off the New Year with fitness goals and this is a cliche.  However, this is going to be different.  My goal is to "MOVE."  This means to be active EVERY SINGLE DAY.  It could be simple as going for a walk.  Our bodies are a gift and we need to be kind to ourselves.  So for 2021 I am going to make sure that I MOVE for the entire 365 days of the year.  This is a way I show myself love and also show love to the Holy Spirit.  So I want to challenge you to MOVE for everyday in 2021!!

Nutrition:  I want to be FULLY transparent in this category.  This will probably be one of the hardest for me.  I do not have a specific plan I wish to follow.  I do not want to follow a certain diet.  I want to be a smart human being and use the brain that God gave me.  For instance, whatever I am choosing to eat, does it....... Fuel my body?  Bring nutrition to my body?  

Those are the two questions I will be asking myself.  If it doesn't check those 2 boxes I DO NOT NEED IT.  It is as simple as that.  The majority of the time I want to be able to ask myself those 2 questions.  I believe 2020 taught us that we need to keep our body healthy and our immune systems up.  As we get older we need to make sure this is a MUST.  We cannot afford to have our health decline due to things that we CAN control.  We CAN control what we put in our mouths.  We CAN control that!!  This will honestly take discipline but I feel that if I keep it simple, it is attainable.  I don't have a long list of "rules."

1) Does This Fuel My Body?

2) Does This Bring Nutrition To My Body?

Those are my Top 3 New Years Resolutions For 2021!! I told you they would be simple.  I want to leave off this post with some truth and encouragement.  

Do you know that we serve a God that knows the Beginning, Middle, and End?  Do you know that NOTHING takes God by surprise?  This pandemic did not take God by surprise.  He knows everything that is happening and that is to come.  I don't find my rest in the news stations or in the newspaper.  I find my rest in knowing that I serve a God that knows the beginning, middle, and end.  I find my peace in his word.  I know that when we remain faithful to him, he is faithful to us.  I know that we are under his covering and he will protect us.  So I want to encourage you to remain faithful.  Finish the race that is set out before you.  Endure until the very end.  Finish the race and receive your reward.  We were created for such a time as this.  You have something that this word needs during this time.  God has you alive in this specific season for this specific time!! It is an honor to be an ambassador for Jesus.  We are warriors.  We are to suit up each morning, do battle, and lead others to Jesus!!!  Sign me up!!!

Be blessed in the New Year.  Know that you are blessed and highly favored.  It is a pleasure doing this life together with other Brothers and Sisters in Christ!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


As Human Beings, we are creatures of habit.  We like routine, it gives us a sense of purpose and control.  We need to feel that sense of accomplishment, so when our head hits the pillow at night, we can smile with a sense of purpose.  Change is scary.  Adapting to a new environment is scary.  Trying to adapt to a changing environment is another beast in itself.   We can feel like we are treading water trying to stay a float and have the feeling of drowning at the exact same time.  

I do not have all of the answers, nor do I have it figured out on my end.  What I do have is the perception that something needs to be done!  There needs to be a concrete action in place that helps keep you accountable.  I will be going into detail below on what I am talking about. 

 Organization is Key.  You have to work with your current "schedule" and literally map it out to a science.  You need to be organized with what is expected each day, and even break it down to time blocks.  When things change, you need to start the process over from square one.  This is something that will help you stay on target and also help give that sense of control and purpose.
- Work on one day at a time (Mon-Fri)
- Have it broken down in time blocks (8-830, 830-9, 930-10) etc
- Do color coordinated tasks (you can prioritize colors etc)
- Create "free time" where you do not have to think or do anything
- Have a Rest Day.  * If God created the Universe in 6 days and took an entire day to rest, then you should too! *

Prioritize is the next step!  There are things that are more important that need to be handled first.  For an example, your health!  You need to make time to make sure your health is a priority.  If you are running on empty, then you are not giving your best to yourself, and you are giving your family members the last of yourself.  Start each day with a time block to your health.  This could be breathing exercises, mediation, yoga, going for a walk, reading the word, running, journaling etc.  Whatever helps your mind and body needs to be handled first thing in the morning.   

Being Realistic.....  This will vary from person to person on what is realistic.  If you are not a morning person, be realistic about it.  Don't come up with a plan that you know will be difficult for you.  If you struggle in the morning, then do things the night before so that way you have that extra time in the morning.  You know yourself the best, so customize a schedule that works best for you.

Forgive Yourself.  There are going to be times you may not stick to your schedule, or fail.  Learn to forgive yourself and not be so hard on yourself.  The beautiful thing is that we have another day to start fresh and get it right!! Thank God for his grace, favor, and mercy.  His mercies are new every morning!! 

I find myself currently going through a season where I find myself constantly trying to find my footing.  I feel like I can't find my ground at the moment.  I have a schedule and a routine and all of a sudden the rug is pulled out beneath me.  I find myself having to keep coming up with new routines and adapting.  This can be stressful and cause anxiety.  We just want that security blanket.  We want to know everything will be alright, and we want peace.  With the few things I mentioned above is what I find has worked for me.  I continue to work on this daily, and allow myself room for error.  If I mess up, I laugh at myself and try again the next day.  Thank God we don't need to be perfect.  I don't think I could handle that pressure. LOL

Friday, September 25, 2020

Uplifting/Encouragement Friday....

 I wanted to do this post a little different.  I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes/messages and break down my outlook on each one of them!!! 

My Outlook from the quote above:  It takes absolutely No thought/rhyme/or reason to start complaining.  This comes across like breathing.  It is natural to complain and be justified in doing so.  Some situations come to our front door because we invited it there.  Other times we did not ask for it, and it comes breaking the door down, trashing the place, and setting everything on fire.  When we complain we submit to the "victim" role.  We want to pull the "red" card and scream the words "Unfair!"  We want to surround ourselves with the right audience that views and agrees with our thought/voice. In this state of mind we only see it from our perspective.  Saying it out-loud doesn't make it right or give us justice. In this quote above it says we have 2 choices.  1) Leave the situation 
2) accept it.  It is that simple!! It is cut and dry.  To keep talking about it out-loud will only stir up anger and bitterness.  It will also rob you of peace, and that is exactly where the enemy wants you!! He wants you to sit in that rocking chair, rocking back and forth complaining about what happened, and staying in the exact same place!!  I find it easy to "leave the situation" I struggle more with the "accept it" stage.  Sometimes it is hard to fully accept something and make that part of the bed.  Sometimes you don't want to accept what that person said, or what they stand by.  Sometimes it comes with pain and hurt that you didn't ask for.  

My outlook from the quote above:  I like to have closure.  I associate "Peace and Closure" in the same chapter.  I feel those two go hand in hand.  So if I do not have closure, then I find I lose my peace. This quote above opened my eyes to seeing that they both can be separate and not go side by side.   We cannot force reconciliation.  We cannot change someones mindset that is not set on being changed.  We are responsible for our part and our part only.  We can have enlightenment in our minds but it is ALL that we have control over.  I have to come to grasp that with peace,  I may never have closure with some people, and that it needs to be ok.  The most important concept I need to grasp is that IF and WHEN that person chooses to reach out, that I need to extend my hand and accept it with no questions ask.  This goes similar to how we are with Jesus.  We may be bitter and angry and do something wrong, but when we have the clarity we go to Jesus and ask for his mercy/grace and he extends it to us with no questions ask.  Some people may in-fact actually want to stay broken, and may never want to be fixed.  We are to fight that battle in the prayer room.

My outlook from the quote above: Boundaries are one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.  You do not have to let any and everything close to you.  You are allowed to keep people outside of your circle.  When you forgive someone, you are releasing them to God and walking away.  It is a process of freeing yourself from bondage and anger. If you allow toxic people around you, they will continue to hurt you over and over.  Some people are ok with having the enemy take up a place in their heart and be used by him.  Sometimes you may need to keep extending forgiveness to those that hurt you from a distance.  

My outlook from the quote above: In this world we tend to care about what others think about us.  We live in a society where people feel just because God gave them a voice, that they can speak and shout whatever comes to mind.  In the Bible it says we are to be "Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger."  We are to not speak every opinion that comes to mind.  If you are lucky you should have at least 2 people in your lift that you can always go to.  These should be people that are going to tell you the truth in love, and not always agree with you.  It should be people that live their life by the Word of God, and lift you up in prayer and encourage you.  If someone says something about you, ask yourself this:  "Would I go to that person if I needed advice?"  If the answer is no, then you do not have to accept what they have said.  You do not have to attach their words to your spirit.  You can set up those boundaries and forgive their words from a distance and move on. 

My outlook from the quote above:  You have a choice each and every day.  We can wake up and make the decision that we WILL BE IN A GOOD MOOD.  We can make the choice that NOTHING is going to dictate us, and steal our peace and joy.  We are to not be led by our feelings.  Feelings are not stable and they will vary from different circumstances.  Our feelings can change in a moment, that is why we cannot give into them.  We need to make up our mind in advance!!! When we feel that shift starting to happen, we need to shake those thoughts off, and once again say "I WILL BE IN A GOOD MOOD!"  This is something you could find yourself repeating throughout the day.  The important thing to grasp is that WE are in control of how we think.  We do not have to let ANYTHING or ANYONE steal our joy and peace.  We can hold onto it not matter what storm comes our way!!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Stumbling Blocks.....

In this walk of life I have come to notice that there are many things that tend to trip us up from time to time.  It seems it is never a smooth path.  Things can be going fine, and before you know it, you trip on something that you didn't see coming.  This could come from a bad decision made, or just out of the blue for no reason.  As a believer I have come to learn a few things...... 

Perspective:  It depends on how you view the situation.  Do you spend time focusing on the Why/ How/ What/ How you feel/ Facts/ The Scene/ Etc.   There are many factors that can come into play. I can rest knowing that God sees the entire picture and is not caught off guard.  He knows the beginning, the middle, and the end.  I can rest in knowing that God is the author of the story, and that he has a plan.  Even if I don't understand it, I am to trust him because he already knows. 

Focal Point:  I believe having the correct focal point is key.  We are to not let things distract us from what really matters, or what is really important.  We are to remain fixed on Jesus and not take our eyes off of him.  Do we Magnify the stumbling block or what our Savior can do?  We have a choice!!  We can be like Peter and keep our eyes on him in the middle of the storm and have faith, or we can look at the stumbling blocks and be overtaken by fear. 

This post speaks to me in particular at my current stage in life.  I have stumbling blocks that are currently trying to trip me up and distract me.  I find myself praying and asking God to help me keep my eyes on him and not what is happening.  I don't want to waste a day or a moment being distracted from the greatness of God.  I feel the enemy will use things/situations/ and even people to distract us from certain blessings from God or even vision from the Holy Spirit.  He sees what is coming and wants to trip you up and distract you from the very moment you have been blessed with.  A particular story in the Bible comes into my head.

The Parable Of The Sower (Matthew 13:1-18)

That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake.  Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore.  Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.  Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.  Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.  Whoever has ears, let them hear."  The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"  He replied, "Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.  Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.  This is why I speak to them in parables:  "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.  In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.  For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.   But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.  For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.  "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means:  When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart.  This is the seed sown along the path.  The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.  But since they have no root, they last only a short time.  When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.  The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.  But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it.  This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."

I find myself asking God to help get the Word rooted deep inside me so when seeds come my way they are planted and rooted in good soil.  I want the Word of God hidden deep in my heart so the enemy cannot take was was given to me.  I want to have the fullness of God.  In certain situations I find myself getting distracted on the worries of the word and I can see myself magnifying those areas by focusing on them.  I believe self awareness is key.  It is important to not waste too much time focusing on the wrong things.  I see these things as temporary earthly struggles and I see them as stumbling road blocks.  These are not "dead end" kind of stops.  They are temporary road blocks.  I need to figure out a way to get around them and drive over them.  The Word of God can help me do this, and this is the ONLY way I can overcome these stumbling block. 

In closing I am speaking to myself and anyone going through these stumbling blocks at the moment. 

Have perspective in what you are looking at.  

Look at who/what you are focusing on

Make sure you have the right kind of soil where the seeds can grow.

If you are a follower of Jesus then you want to make sure you are operating in the full capacity of who he created and designed for you to be.  We cannot afford to waste a minute/moment/second/day/week/or year.  We need to understand we have a specific purpose and goal and it is our job to not let things or circumstances distract us. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Trials & Tribulations....

Romans 8:18 says: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy (to be compared) with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

Each day we face the unknown.  We do our best to stick to our routines and schedules but to be 100% honest, we are walking around blind.  We put our hope and focus in "things" and most of the time these are temporary and not eternal.  It is important to grasp the fact that we were never made for this world, we are simply a visitor passing through.  We have been given a task, and it is our job to fulfill it by walking in the ways of Jesus Christ.  The Bible is our spiritual guide that we need to refer to.  The most beautiful thing to grasp is that we have a Savior that can identify with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.  He has literally taken on human flesh, walked with us, taught us important life lesson, and showed us that he could do it with no mistakes.  I believe the word Humble is something that we tend to forget as believers.

Humble: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
Humility: The state of being humble.  The origin in the Latin word humilis, means "low."  When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

It is an important lesson to understand that since we were not made for this world, we are going to experience things from this world and they are going to be dark.  They are going to be not natural.  Is it scary?  Yes.  Is it hard? Yes.  But let me leave you with this question........ Should you be consumed with fear?  We have been told in the Bible that "fear" is a spirit.  That is exactly how Jesus defines it.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.

So when we experience things that are not natural, what is our first response?  Do you give into everything we see and experience? Do we submit ourselves to it?  Do we let it consume and take over us?  I don't know about you, but I don't want any spirit taking over me or attaching to me.  I know that I was created in the image of God and for good things.  I know that Light drives out darkness.   The fact is "Darkness" cannot exist in the presence of light, and sin cannot exist in the presence of God.

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

As believers we are taught that we are over-comers because we receive what Jesus did for us on Calvary's cross.  Once we understand what Jesus purchased for us with his perfect blood, we can start to walk out who God created us to be.  Do you know that you have a new name in Heaven?  Do you know that God has you engraved on the palms of his hands?

Isaiah 49:16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

This should give us confidence!  But this is not confidence that we can find in ourselves.  This comes from the grace that God freely gives us as a gift.  We cannot earn it, we cannot be "good" enough, and it cannot be bought or come from things.

So we are instructed to come BOLDLY into his throne room of grace and make our requests known.  What I envision in my head is a child who walks up to their parents and freely asks over and over and over again.  Children have that confidence because they are pure and simple.  We are to come to Jesus like children.  We are to ask and believe.

When things come our way and we find ourselves stumbling in the darkness we are to do it one step at a time.  His word is a lamp to our feet.  His word will guide our steps in the darkness.  We are never alone, and we are to never be consumed with the spirit of fear.  Nothing takes God by surprise or catches him off guard.  We have to trust that God is STILL in control, and that God has this covered.  What we are to do is to keep our eyes on Jesus.  There was a painting I painted and in the very small center if you focus on the painting you see a tiny cross.  This painting was to remind me to not be distracted by everything going on.  I am to remain still and calm and focus on that tiny cross.  I have included a picture of my painting below.

Zoomed in below you can see the tiny cross in the center.

So I want to leave you with this verse to cling to:

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.  Where does your help come from? Jesus!  Who is the glory and lifter of your head? Jesus!  Who died for you? Jesus!  Who has your name engraved on his hand? Jesus! Who saves every single one of your tears? Jesus!  You are precious, loved, and valued!

Watch this video below to remind yourself to turn your eyes on him.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020


I saw something that really caught my attention and it inspired me to write a blog post.

I think we can all agree that at this current moment with what is happening in our world that we all have felt anxious recently.  Having constant fear poured out to us about the unknown and the "what if's" are really coming at us full speed.  It isn't hard to become overwhelmed and anxious.  All it takes is focusing on the issue/issues and letting them overtake you.  Anxiety is an emotion/feeling, we choose to give it more power.  I think fear in the unknown is one of the greatest tools that create panic and anxiety.  I think a close second would be "fear of the unexpected." When we get that surprise news that we weren't expecting.  When we are truly caught off guard and don't even know how to respond.  I want to back up what the word of God says about these two very issues.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

   For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. -2 Timothy 1:7

   But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles;         they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Isaiah 40:31

    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you      and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10

    I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. -Psalm 34:4

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways      submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6

          Now I would like to go into detail about the first issue of anxiety that I addressed.
                                                       Fear Of The Unknown:

It is scary to not know the outcome.  We want to know the end of the story before we even begin.  We want to know that everything is going to be ok.  By having this mindset we are putting our OWN will before God's.  We are leading with this attitude saying "I know what is best."  "I will take control since nobody else is doing anything."  Our mentality is "wow this looks really bad, so it must be really bad."  It is easy to look at the effects from the storm and gather with the small knowledge we have in our brains and try to formulate a plan based off of that.  We see the thick dark clouds, see the wind moving the trees, and we understand that things are getting bad.  This is what is currently happening right now.  If you turn on the TV we are hearing numbers, hearing about panic, disease, misinformation, people speaking lies, nobody speaking truth, etc.  It seems it is ALWAYS bad news and something bad happening. We have the control on what we put in front of our eyes and what we listen to.  We can be informed of what is going on, without having it consume us with fear of the unknown.  We get to have the final say : "No More!"  We can put on praise and worship and focus on what God says in his word and take comfort from what he says, and what he already did!!  The way to sum it up is this: God knows EVERYTHING that has happened, that will happen, and that is to come.  NOTHING takes him by surprise!   We have to have FULL trust on him no matter how bad the storm looks.

                                                        Fear Of The Unexpected:

This happens when we are caught off guard and taken by surprise.  Each morning we wake up, we have no way of knowing what the details are for that day.  We can all have our little plans and checklist but we must remind ourselves that we are NOT the ones in control for that day.  We are alive that morning, because of HIM.  He allows our hearts to beat for another day, he gives us breathe in our lungs for that day.  He has a purpose for us for that day, and we can choose to do our own thing, or follow his will.  Wouldn't it be a smart thing to wake up already being prepared for that day and be dressed properly?  The bible talks about this:

We are to wake up and dress ourselves "Spiritually" for the day.  We do not know what attacks might come our way for that day and we need to make sure we have guarded. ourselves properly.  We have to have the mindset that we are preparing for battle for that day.  It is not just another Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.  It is easy to stay busy and distracted with all of our plans and errands.  There is nothing wrong with having goals, but what can happen is when other things consume you and take your time and place for where God should be.  Is your job on the throne of God? Is your body and self image on the throne of God? Is Money your God? 

So I would like to finish off this blog post with some Good News!!!  We serve a God that knows what is going to happen.  He ALWAYS has a plan and is never caught off guard.  We have the Holy Spirit to be our official guide.  When we feel the spirit of anxiety coming on, we have the FULL Authority to rebuke it.  We do not focus our attention on all the bad, we focus on what God says.  We have to be dressed properly for each day and it all starts in our mind.  We need to make sure our minds are fixed on God and that we stay steady on his plan for our lives.  In his word he has told us that things will happen and take place, but we are to not be consumed by the fire. We have to trust him the way Peter did when he walked on water to Jesus in the middle of the storm.  He saw the storm, wind, waves, he even began to sink.  BUT then he fixed his gaze on Jesus and trusted FULLY in him and then he began to walk on water.  

Thursday, March 5, 2020

When Things Don't Make Sense.....

I am currently going through a season in my life where certain things are not making sense.  I have had some difficult things knock at my doorstep and have caused me great heartache. In the sadness, anger, and frustration of it all, I find myself asking "Why?"All I hear is silence.  I am waiting for a response, an explanation and I hear nothing.  I struggle to cling to a verse that I can make my very own.  Here 2020 just kicked off and I find myself losing  peace.  It is discouraging and I find myself caught in the middle of it.  I am reminded that there are certain seasons in life that we will go through. There is a time for planting seeds and waiting.  During this time there is no action that we can see.  It isn't the progress that we wish to see.  We want it now!! We want to see the fruits of our labor.  We have to water those seeds and have the sun (SON) shine upon it. We have to do our due diligence and make sure we "SHOW UP" and not get lazy.  Even if we can't see it with our own eyes, doesn't mean nothing is happening.  (Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1)

Under the soil there is action.  That seed is slowly growing and expanding, little by little.  The roots are taking foundation.  Things are getting strong and rooted.  When looking at the ground we just see soil.  We see dirt.  We see nothing happening.  It can get discouraging.  If we are taking the time to water that seed then why don't we see anything happening?  (If we are in the word, have a relationship with Jesus, go to church, follow Jesus) then why don't we see things happen faster than those that don't.  These are thoughts that combat my mind sometimes.  I have to remind myself that we are to do those very things because of what Jesus did for US.  It isn't for special favors.  We don't have a VIP pass where we get to bypass the line.  What we are given is Grace.  (May grace and spiritual peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. May blessing be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm!  Even as He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless in His sigh, even above reproach, before him in love. Ephesians 1:2-4)

That grace is freely given to us by the sacrifice that Jesus did for us.  It was his LOVE for us that made him do it.  When we receive Jesus we get to approach Heaven and come BOLDLY to the throne room of Grace.  That means we get to approach God almighty with spiritual authority and come to him as his Son Jesus.  We are clothed in HIS robes of righteousness and what HE did on the cross.  This gives us a certain spiritual inheritance.  It doesn't make us special, it makes us BLESSED.

Then I was reminded of other seasons we walk through.  Seasons where the land is plentiful and we are surrounded by fruit.  It seems like we almost just casually stumble upon it and just receive it's beauty without even having to work for it.  Seasons where you have joy, and peace.  Maybe a great job opportunity happens, maybe you are healed, maybe a child that has gone astray returns, financial blessing, etc.  I LOVE this type of season. lol. who wouldn't right?  I tend to try and stop and smell the roses during these seasons because I feel they are far and few in between.  Sometimes Gods voice may become even more audible in this season. I rejoice in these moments because I feel closer to him more than ever.  There is a part of me that doesn't want to admit it, but I will since I am feeling bold.  I honestly feel during this time when everything is running smoothly, that we tend to rely more on ourselves than on HIM.  I believe rough times keep us humble and remind us that we can do NOTHING in our own strength. I think of the Bible and the story of Job.  That is a man that truly had a rough season that he had to walk through.  It seemed like he lost everything in one day. 

What I collect from all of this is: we are to trust God no matter what SEASON presents itself.  We could be in the desert thirsty, hungry, dry, etc.  But guess what?  ....... He is STILL Good.  We could be watering our harvest and pleading with God for movement and action, but guess what?..... We are STILL Blessed.  Jesus went through this life and came to Earth to identify with everything we face.  We have a Savior that TRULY understands us and can identify with us.  It says that he sticks closer to us than a Brother.  We do not have to feel alone in these tough seasons.  We can have true rest in ANY season we are facing.  We understand that God already knows what tomorrow brings, and he will equip us in advance, if we do not lean or rely on our own understanding but we acknowledge him and his ways.  Our Joy does come from circumstances but from the Lord.  The joy of the Lord is our strength.  When we are weak, HE is strong.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  That is why Paul could boast from a prison cell about his weakness, because he had the Joy of the Lord as his very strength.

Maybe you are having a year like me.  Maybe you are stumbling blindly through the darkness at the moment.  Take direction from the Light that directs your next step.  It is the SON.