Friday, May 27, 2016

Fitness Motivation

  My Fitness journey is on-going and WILL always be on-going.  I don’t feel there will ever be a moments where I am like “YES!!!”  Before I started my fitness journey after I had both of my children, I was always told that fitness is a “lifestyle change.”  It is something that needs to be incorporated DAILY and WEEKLY.  There can be days off and “breaks” but that can only be for a short time.  There have been many instances where I worked my butt off then took 3 weeks off, and with that long of a break, I end up having to start over again.  If you are tired of starting over, then DON’T STOP!!  As long as you keep going then you are IN PROGRESS!!  

We can end up putting too much pressure on ourselves and have un-realistic expectations.  We need to cut ourselves a break and be realistic.  Changes are NOT going to happen overnight.  Everything good takes time.  It is worth the weight and it is worth the effort.  If it was easy, then everyone would be healthy and in shape.  The best message that keeps me motivated is seeing my children every day.  I want them to see my transformation, I want them to have a strong healthy mother that can chase them and play sports with them.  Many times as people age they let themselves get out of shape because they are too tired or busy with work.  Many times parents are not able to play with their children or keep up with them.  I vowed to myself that as I become older, I will continue striving to be in the best shape of my life.  I will be in better shape then when I was in my 20’s.  I will never stop making new goals for me to complete, and I will never stop running.  

I never want someone to look at me and think “wow that looks easy, or she has it made.”  I literally bust my butt with training.  I know that if I didn’t do it, then I wouldn’t be the best version of me that I could be.  It is important to encourage others and have inspiration from others.  I love looking at people training and their workout plans.  It makes me feel like I am part of a fitness family.  My motto is always Faith & Fitness.  You cannot have one without the other. 

I want to challenge you to make a plan and stick to it.  Hold your head high and be the BEST version of you for yourself and for your family!! You deserve it!! They deserve it!!!  You will FEEL better, FEEL stronger, and BE healthier.  I love being an open book with my on-going journey, and that is what my Instagram fitness account is all about (Instagram: KatyRoseTrains)  I even have a website that has everything on it (Website:  I love to encourage and motivate others while doing it myself!!! 

  Be blessed,