Sunday, February 7, 2016

Standing Firm & Being Bold...........

This blog post is going to be on how to truly stand strong and firm in what you are believing God for.  I can honestly  tell you that I am going "through something" at the moment and I am believing God for certain things.  I do not see any signs of the things that I am believing God for yet, but I remind myself that I am NOT moved by things that I can see.  I fix my eyes on things of the eternal, on things that I cannot see.  I am not moved by the things of this world because they are temporal and subject to change.  This post can be for new believers and for those who are strong in their faith walk, or like myself "going through" at the moment and waiting for God for a specific time.  I want to encourage you to stay strong and to stand firm.  When we stand on God's word we understand that it is the ONLY truth in this world, so this should give us confidence.  We cannot look to ourselves for answers, we are to have faith and take him at his word, because he cannot go back on his word.  If his word says it we have to confess it over our lives and our situations DAILY!!

  We are to take ownership over his word and speak it into existence.  Many can get discouraged as to why nothing has happened and when this happens we need to remind ourselves to fix our eyes on the things that we cannot see.  This is where it says we stand on the firm solid rock (which is his word) and we are to not be moved.

 I do not care on what is "cool" in this world, or how the government is going/ economy/ etc.  We serve a BIG God and NOTHING is impossible for him!!  It pleases God when we have faith in him and when we believe BIG things from him.  I want to encourage you to get into Gods Word and confess scriptures over your life DAILY.  Rise up in the morning and start confessing his word before your feet even hit the floor.  You have divine favor if we arise to another day.  If you are awake another day that means you have breathe in your lungs and your heart is beating another day.  It is truly a gift and we need to practice giving thanks and stop complaining.  We need to break our daily routines of complaining.  We need to "plan" on purpose on how we can stay in the word of God throughout the day.  I just recently downloaded a podcast for Joyce Meyer and this way I am able to stay in the word on the way to work.  I read books on my down time that are uplifting and that offer the Word of God.  Listening to Praise & Worship music is important as well.  PRAYING DAILY is a given!!  How we treat others and how we speak to others shows if we are bearing "fruit" as it speaks about in the Bible.  We are responsible to do our part and not solely focus on ourselves and our situations.  It is important to constantly "look up" and see who we can bless next.  We cannot stay in our own little worlds only focusing on our own situations.  So I want to ask you something..... Are you being Bold for the kingdom of God?  Are you standing firm in your faith walk and taking him at his word?

 When we struggle in our faith walk it is so important to involve ourselves in a good church and be around other believers.  I cannot tell you how much I look forward to Bible Study on Wednesday Nights.  It honestly gets me through the week.  Just like "working out physically" we need to work our muscles "spiritually."  We need to be putting the time in spiritually.  Going to church on Sunday simply isn't enough.  We need to be "feeding" ourselves every single day of the week.  I can honestly tell you that it has taken me a long time to get to where I am at with my boldness in Christ and I am still working on it daily.  I have learned by trial and error on when to be bold.  When someone needs prayer, I will pray with them on the spot and lock arms with that person.  It could be a friend I have known for years, or a complete stranger.  This concept used to scare me because you start having fear on what others will think, and I finally am at that point in my faith walk on where I have learned on how to be bold in that specific area.  This is just one of many examples that I can give.  I hope this blog post encourages you in your walk with the Lord and helps you stand strong in your current situation.

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