Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Not Settling..

Many times we get in a mind-set of thinking we don’t deserve better, and we end up settling for mediocre.  I am hoping this blog post encourages you because it is speaking to myself as well.  We only get one shot on earth here and we need to remember to keep that in mind.  When you truly grasp that you don’t get another shot, then you are more careful and calculated with making decisions, relationships, career choices, health decisions, your faith walk, etc.  Many people get in the mind-set “oh I will do it tomorrow, or next week.”  Remember, that you are NOT guaranteed tomorrow or next week.  We are to take each day at hand and work with one day at a time and not get ahead of ourselves.  If you are a born again believer then you know that you have a new identity IN Christ Jesus and that you are made brand new!!  By knowing this, it should empower you to learn your new identity in Christ Jesus and learn exactly who you are by reading his word.  What good is it be a brand new creation and not learn about what has been purchased for you?  We need to learn the tools that we have received and how we have favor that surrounds us like a shield.  We are not alone anymore and we can do ALL things through Christ Jesus because he WILL give us strength.  We cannot settle when we are followers of Christ Jesus.  We are to be a light in a dark world, and share the love of Jesus with others.  We are to not be bitter and not gossip about others. We need to set an example at our job place, in our homes, and when nobody is watching.   As you are aware it is a brand new year and you can start making healthy changes RIGHT NOW!!!  Make a list and find out what is important to you and decide on what you truly want out of life.  DO NOT SETTLE!! Dream BIG, Pray BIG, and Believe BIG!!!  With God ALL things are possible and he can do anything!!  It pleases God when we put our faith and trust IN him.  We are to march forward and be godly and this should be modeled in our behavior and how we speak.  It is easy to say one thing with our mouth and have our actions show otherwise.  Start small, and then get to the bigger things.  I know when I read the word of God I find myself getting convicted on certain issues and realize I need to work on different areas on myself. This is an amazing gift!! It is a gift to receive revelation from the Lord Almighty when reading his word.  I have heard many say that they never hear God speaking to them, and my question is:  “How often are you in his word?”  God WILL speak to you through his word and he will be gentle when speaking.  We are to be people of God and know that we are different from the “world.”  Our values and morals should be the total opposite of the world.  Do not bad mouth others.  Love covers a multitude of sins, and we are to forgive because while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us and forgives us from our sins.  I want to encourage you to NOT settle!!! The bible says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, then we can speak to mountains and they will be cast into the sea.  Start having faith in small things, read his word, and see the power of God Almighty!!!

God Bless,


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