This blog post is going to be different from any other posts I have done before. I am a big fan of Beth Moore and I love a woman who is passionate about the Lord and on fire for him. Yesterday I watched a Bible Study taught by her and afterwards I found a few quotes from her that I wanted to share and go into detail explaining what they mean to me.

We are living in this world with the "Father of Lies" (Satan) so we are constantly being bombarded with lies and deception. The best way I could to describe it is "smoke and mirrors." We are not really seeing the absolute truth. We are constantly having filters over our eyes, our ears, and what we feel. We cannot trust the things in this world, they are all subject and temporal to change. We cannot stay distracted by the things of this world, and we need to stop chasing the things of this world. Nothing in this world is eternal. EVERYTHING in this world is temporary. So if we are believers of Jesus Christ and we know that his word is the ONLY truth we have in this world, then that needs to be the standard. That needs to be the level that we live by. If we are living in this world and not reading the word of God then we are truly being deceived and not experiencing the absolute best for our lives because we are only seeking our own will, and not HIS. The quote above speaks to me by saying we need to get the Word of God so deep in our hearts that when a lie is thrown our way that we need to cast it down and rise up and speak the truth of Gods Word over it. We can choose to have hope in our Savior and know that things WILL change for the better. We cannot always be downcast and negative. We have the choice to believe Gods Word or believe the Father of Lies.

This spoke personally to me, and I loved reading this. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.(Proverbs 9:10) We need to understand that we serve a Just God and that what he says is right and true. With that being said we serve a Mighty Powerful God and if we choose to go against his word, we need to understand that there will be consequences because he is a Just God and he cannot go back on his word. Many people like to put God in this "Love Bubble" and think that if they go against his word that he will just turn the other way and pretend not to see it. There needs to be fear in our hearts because of the Mighty Power that God does have, and we need to respect and honor him. We need to understand that he means business when he speaks through his word. We are not to take him lightly and we are to not make excuses. When you can FULLY submit to God and give him EVERY SINGLE area of your life, then you do not need to fear anything because he has every area covered. There are NO "What Ifs" to worry about. God wants us to trust him even when things don't look good or add up. If you can be honest with yourself and say that you have truly given God every area of your life and you do fear him, then you have no reason to every worry about anything else happening. Stay surrendered to him!!

We are not here for ourselves or for our own will. We were created in HIS image and we are here to serve one another and fulfill HIS great will!! We are here to be ambassadors for Christ and to spread the Gospel with the world. We are promised in this world that we will have trials and tribulations, but we are to take comfort because the greater one who lives in us has already overcome the world.(John 16:33) We should have a certain level of peace with us because we are not alone and he lives through us and we live in him. We cannot be surprised when we experience pain in this life. Jesus was the only perfect human and he suffered greatly. We are sinners in need of a Savior, so of course we are going to have pain as well. The beauty in the pain is because God can take anything that we go through and turn it around for good and for HIS glory. We have to have eyes like Jesus and see beyond the cross. He was able to suffer because he saw beyond the cross. He saw your face and my face. When we go through our trials we need to ask ourselves "How can Jesus be glorified through this?"

Jesus is the one that makes things happen!! We are weak in our bodies and weak in our flesh. We grow tired and weary, our bodies need rest. Jesus is the one who needs to be glorified when you make it out of a tough season. His grace and mercy cover us when we are in times of trouble
The credit is not due to us, it is always due to HIM!! We got through it because of HIM!! We relied on him and on HIS strength. We cannot trust ourselves because we have a sinful nature and we are weak. We are honestly in trouble if we rely on ourselves because we will disappoint ourselves every single time. The Lord does work through people and their testimonies always point back to him!! Make sure to always remember where the credit is due!!! Praise him and Thank him!!! He never leaves us or forsakes us!!