Friday, July 24, 2015

The Lord WILL Give You The Desires Of Your Heart...

The Bible verse Psalm 37:4 reads "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."  This entire blog post is going to be based on that verse.  I am going to give an amazing testimony of what the Lord did for one family that I have come to know and love.  I will explain on how the Lord can use people to pray on his behalf, and the true power of coming together and interceding on behalf of one another.  I will explain on the power of Tithing, and how this is the only place in the Bible on where God tells us to "TEST" him on it.  I want to first give a brief description of how I met this family.  My Mother works with this woman named Courtney, and as
co-workers they became close.  My Mom and I speak daily on the phone just to touch base and check in with one another.  My Mother in passing mentioned Courtney, and said that she was around my age and that she was having a difficult time.  She did not go into full detail of anything, she just mentioned a few things here and there.  The moment my Mother mentioned this Courtney, my heart immediately began to grieve and I just knew in my heart that I HAD to speak with her on the phone.  We live in different states, so the only way I could connect with her was over the telephone.  I told my Mom that I wanted to speak with her and I told her to ask her if she would speak with me.  I knew it was in Gods hands and that if he wanted us to connect, then it would happen.  A few days went by and sure enough she agreed to speak with me.  We would text a bit, and then we decided to have our first phone conversation.  I would have my Husband watch our children downstairs, and I would grab my Bible and notepad and go to our bedroom and lock myself in the room, so I could have complete privacy.  There were certain Bible verses the Lord put on my heart that I know I needed to share.  I knew that my specific place in this moment in time was to speak "Life" and "Encouragement" into her life and help strengthen her faith walk.  We began to have telephone conversations here and there and tried to talk as much as we could.  We would pray together on the phone, and we knew that we were in it together and that we had to STAND ON GODS WORD, NO MATTER WHAT!!!

I did tell her the verse Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this, " says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
I told her and her husband to begin tithing immediately if they weren't already.  I just knew in my spirit that God wanted to bless them!  To give a short back story, Courtney wanted to be a Mother more than anything in the world.  She went under many tests and procedures and ended up doing IVF.  After several failed IVFs she was running out of options.  After the failed attempts she became discouraged.  I did not know much about IVF, but I did know what Gods Word had to say, and I did know that he is the Great Physician.  I had no doubt in my heart that this was going to be the time that it worked, because God wanted to bless her and her husband.  I knew that once they started Tithing, that it was the game changer that started it all.  God WANTS to bless his children, he does NOT want to punish his children.  We went over different Bible stories and talked about each appointment she went to.  I spoke with her and her husband (Eric) the night before they went to the hospital to have the implantation done.  I told Eric to lay hands on her womb each night and cover her in prayer.  As time passed she got her first positive pregnancy test!!  I told her to run outside and scream it as loud as she can "I AM PREGNANT!!!"  I knew that God was giving them the desires of their heart, and that he was giving them their little family that they have always wanted.  Now Courtney went through many "health scares" along the way.  Each time we would come together even stronger and stand BOLDLY on what HIS Word says and we agreed that we were NOT going to be moved by the things that we were seeing.  (2 Corinthians 5:7)  No matter how many health scares Courtney endured, these little girls would be moving during each ultrasound and be as healthy as can be!!!  It was almost God showing her " See, I have them in the palm of my hand, there is a shield of favor surrounding them." 

During these months of her pregnancy we became so very close.  We literally would talk daily through text messages and phone calls.  My husband Carlos, and Eric started talking and became friends.  We found out that the four of us have a lot in common and that we get along so well.  I want to fast forward and tell you that through all of the struggles that this couple endured, that the Lord blessed them with two healthy baby twin girls on June 1, 2015.  They are the most beautiful baby girls I have ever seen.  The family is healthy and doing well. 

I have been talking to Courtney now for over nine months and we never have met.  Last week was the first time I had the privilege of driving to their home and spending the day with this family.  I finally was able to meet Courtney, Eric, Baby Brooklyn, and Baby Bella in person!!!  It left me speechless when I walked in and saw the two little baby girls that we were believing God for!!!  All of our prayers were answered, and we were looking at the proof right in front of us!! My Mother and I spent the entire day at their home and had the most wonderful time.  I am proud to say that we are now going to be life long friends.  We even have made plans in the future to have them come down and stay with us in Florida so we can all go to Disney together.  I wanted to post pictures below from our visit!!

Courtney and I

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Eric, Bella, and I

Eric and I

Courtney and I

The reason I wrote this blog post is to share the Mighty Power of Gods hand when he moves!! Being disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to lock arms with one another and pray for each other.  Many people are afraid of the unknown and the thought of speaking to a complete stranger intimidates them.  We are to be BOLD for Christ and step outside of our comfort zones.  We are to be moved by his spirit and have faith in what he can do. If you are going through a similar struggle with IVF and would like to connect with Courtney, I will put her blog address below.   Courtney has been able to reach so many other couples who are going through the struggles of IVF, and she can use her testimony of what the Lord did for her family.  Be encouraged and uplifted after reading this post.  God STILL does miracles today, and he uses people.  We are called to be prayer warriors for him and to STAND firmly on his word!!! NOTHING is impossible for God, and he loves to show his Mighty Hand.

Courtney's Blog Address: