Monday, March 23, 2015

3 Important Lessons In Life... (And My Formula For Life)

I wanted to write a brief blog post and share some wisdom and understanding that I have learned in the last few days.  It seems we all go through life struggling and constantly trying to find our purpose.  This life honestly is so difficult, and it is because this is not our home.  We are constantly trying to "fit" in a place where we are not meant to "fit."  I know the last post I wrote was pretty long, so I wanted to keep this one short and brief.  I will just jump right into the important lessons that I have learned, that I wanted to share with everyone.  I pray with my whole heart that this post brings enlightenment and knowledge.

#1)    Make It About The Other Person:  This wisdom comes straight from my Mother, and this honestly really caught my attention.  She told me to ALWAYS make it about the other person, and never about yourself.  This can go with spouse, kids, family members, co-workers, friends, strangers, enemies, etc.  Naturally we live in a "ME" serving world, and naturally our selfish desires want to be met first.  I am currently learning this lesson at the moment, and this concept was something powerful that I needed to hear and understand.  We can feel heavy and burdened when we focus on ourselves and everything that we are going through, and before you know it, the walls feel like they are closing in on us, and we cannot get out.  If I would of learned this concept a long time ago, it would of honestly saved me alot of tears and pain.

#2)    Say Gods Word ABOVE Your Own:  This is something I have recently learned as well.  The key with this lesson is that you have to know what Gods Word says.  The amazing thing about most Bibles is that in the back of the book they usually give a variety of titles and scriptures that go along with it.  So if in the moment you experience Fear then you find the title Fear, and a variety of scriptures that talk about that subject.  I want to encourage you if you are struggling with something at the moment, grab your Bible and see what Gods Word has to say about that particular subject.  Just last night I had to go to a particular subject to see what Gods Word said about what I was experiencing.  Many times a certain cycle repeats itself and we have trouble figuring out how to break it.  I have come up with my own formula and I will share it:

Cause of Event + Trigger + Decision = Result (Life Or Death)

So the first thing that happens is that there is an event that starts off.  It could be something planned or something that caught you by surprise.  An example could be an argument/ Loss of Job/ Bad News/ A death etc.

The second this is a Trigger.  This event has now caused a trigger to go off inside of us that starts a reaction and starts our feelings and thought process to follow.  These triggers are powerful and strong and can at times over take us at a great speed.

The third is the Decision.  Those triggers will then help us form our decision and this decision part of the process is the biggest part of the formula.  When we make this decision we will then reach our Result.

The last part of the formula is Result.  The result will always be one of two things: Life Or Death.
Life and Death are in the power of the tongue, so whatever we speak or do will be Life Or Death.

As you can see this formula can work at different speeds.  It will be different every single time, and it will ALWAYS catch you off guard.  That is why during the "Decision" process we need to run to Gods Word and see what HE has to say about it. When we spend time seeing what he has to say, then usually our "Result" will be Gods Will and His Way and end up in Life.  We cannot think we can do this life on our own, it is too difficult and we will fail every single time if we do it in our own strength.  We are not made to operate alone in this life without the manual (Gods Word)

#3)  Don't Think You Are Smart:  Many times as we get older we tend to think that we have become smart enough for our own good.  We tend to measure ourselves against one another, and determine if we know more than others.  In the Bible it says we are to have faith as a child.  We are to be simple, humble, and trusting.  Many times in order for us to "trust" we need to see facts and then base that on our decision.  When you tell a child to have trust, they do 100% and ask no questions.  We are to trust God at his Word.  We should try to keep things simple, and not complicate our lives with work and technology.  The world is very good at keeping people distracted and we need to shut everything off and keep it simple.  Every single time I go for a night run, I purposely leave my headphones at home.  I like to have peace and quiet and just hear my thoughts and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement.  I like to look up at the sky and see the starts and just imagine what Abraham felt when he would look at the stars and talk to God.  You know Abraham didn't have all of the distractions, and he was able to focus and get alone with God.  So keep it SIMPLE!!

I hope this blog post helped each person that read it, and I pray that someones life was changed.  I know mine was certainly affected, and I am excited that I am moving in the right direction!! Have a blessed week everyone! God Bless, KatyRose

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