Monday, March 23, 2015

3 Important Lessons In Life... (And My Formula For Life)

I wanted to write a brief blog post and share some wisdom and understanding that I have learned in the last few days.  It seems we all go through life struggling and constantly trying to find our purpose.  This life honestly is so difficult, and it is because this is not our home.  We are constantly trying to "fit" in a place where we are not meant to "fit."  I know the last post I wrote was pretty long, so I wanted to keep this one short and brief.  I will just jump right into the important lessons that I have learned, that I wanted to share with everyone.  I pray with my whole heart that this post brings enlightenment and knowledge.

#1)    Make It About The Other Person:  This wisdom comes straight from my Mother, and this honestly really caught my attention.  She told me to ALWAYS make it about the other person, and never about yourself.  This can go with spouse, kids, family members, co-workers, friends, strangers, enemies, etc.  Naturally we live in a "ME" serving world, and naturally our selfish desires want to be met first.  I am currently learning this lesson at the moment, and this concept was something powerful that I needed to hear and understand.  We can feel heavy and burdened when we focus on ourselves and everything that we are going through, and before you know it, the walls feel like they are closing in on us, and we cannot get out.  If I would of learned this concept a long time ago, it would of honestly saved me alot of tears and pain.

#2)    Say Gods Word ABOVE Your Own:  This is something I have recently learned as well.  The key with this lesson is that you have to know what Gods Word says.  The amazing thing about most Bibles is that in the back of the book they usually give a variety of titles and scriptures that go along with it.  So if in the moment you experience Fear then you find the title Fear, and a variety of scriptures that talk about that subject.  I want to encourage you if you are struggling with something at the moment, grab your Bible and see what Gods Word has to say about that particular subject.  Just last night I had to go to a particular subject to see what Gods Word said about what I was experiencing.  Many times a certain cycle repeats itself and we have trouble figuring out how to break it.  I have come up with my own formula and I will share it:

Cause of Event + Trigger + Decision = Result (Life Or Death)

So the first thing that happens is that there is an event that starts off.  It could be something planned or something that caught you by surprise.  An example could be an argument/ Loss of Job/ Bad News/ A death etc.

The second this is a Trigger.  This event has now caused a trigger to go off inside of us that starts a reaction and starts our feelings and thought process to follow.  These triggers are powerful and strong and can at times over take us at a great speed.

The third is the Decision.  Those triggers will then help us form our decision and this decision part of the process is the biggest part of the formula.  When we make this decision we will then reach our Result.

The last part of the formula is Result.  The result will always be one of two things: Life Or Death.
Life and Death are in the power of the tongue, so whatever we speak or do will be Life Or Death.

As you can see this formula can work at different speeds.  It will be different every single time, and it will ALWAYS catch you off guard.  That is why during the "Decision" process we need to run to Gods Word and see what HE has to say about it. When we spend time seeing what he has to say, then usually our "Result" will be Gods Will and His Way and end up in Life.  We cannot think we can do this life on our own, it is too difficult and we will fail every single time if we do it in our own strength.  We are not made to operate alone in this life without the manual (Gods Word)

#3)  Don't Think You Are Smart:  Many times as we get older we tend to think that we have become smart enough for our own good.  We tend to measure ourselves against one another, and determine if we know more than others.  In the Bible it says we are to have faith as a child.  We are to be simple, humble, and trusting.  Many times in order for us to "trust" we need to see facts and then base that on our decision.  When you tell a child to have trust, they do 100% and ask no questions.  We are to trust God at his Word.  We should try to keep things simple, and not complicate our lives with work and technology.  The world is very good at keeping people distracted and we need to shut everything off and keep it simple.  Every single time I go for a night run, I purposely leave my headphones at home.  I like to have peace and quiet and just hear my thoughts and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement.  I like to look up at the sky and see the starts and just imagine what Abraham felt when he would look at the stars and talk to God.  You know Abraham didn't have all of the distractions, and he was able to focus and get alone with God.  So keep it SIMPLE!!

I hope this blog post helped each person that read it, and I pray that someones life was changed.  I know mine was certainly affected, and I am excited that I am moving in the right direction!! Have a blessed week everyone! God Bless, KatyRose

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Feeling Like Cinderella....

Today is my Birthday and I turn 31 years old!! I feel so special and the Lord above has blessed me so much!!  I honestly feel like I am on top of the world!!  I have the most wonderful Husband who daily encourages me and tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me!! I have the most amazing children that inspire me to become a better Mother each day!! I have my amazing church family that I get to have as an amazing support system as I go through life! I am blessed with my family that spend time pouring into me, and helping me as I grow older.  I wanted to share this amazing letter that my Husband wrote me today on my Birthday!!  I honestly feel like Cinderella herself!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I AM Amazing....

I know the title of this blog post got your attention.  You could first be thinking.....hmmmmm "Is this woman conceited or what?"  Please take a few moments and read this blog post and see the REAL meaning behind this title.

I honestly believe with my whole heart that we can be our own worst critic.  We can judge ourselves the hardest, and guilt trip ourselves like no other.  We believe that things apply to every single person besides ourselves.  We have doubt and fear and struggle to find out our purpose and identity.  I myself have struggled with this in the past, and I have gotten better, but I find myself still coming across this obstacle in my life.  I have always been known as an energetic person.  From the very start of grade school all of my teachers would always tell my parents that I ALWAYS had a smile on my face.  I get excited about the smallest things in life because I believe that living life is all about the small details and little things.  I set goals to keep myself motivated, and I am always trying to better myself.  I am CONSTANTLY a work in progress!! :)  Can any of you identify with this?  Or am I the only one?  :)

It took my a long time to find my identity of who I was IN Christ, and I still struggle with it today.  I find myself constantly learning, and failing at things, only to find myself dusting off my knees and trying again.  I never give up on anything because as long as there is still breathe in my lungs, then I am ALWAYS going to find a way.  This blog post was inspired from the day I experienced yesterday.  I am a Stay- At- Home- Mother and my day is constantly filled with chores, errands to run, playing with my children, cooking meals, changing diapers, etc.  Yesterday was different though, and I found myself saying something for the first time in 30 years.  I had to wake up early and make a long list of phone calls because there was an issue with our insurance company.  I was on the phone all morning, and I remained peaceful because I knew that as long as I do "my" part then God will do "his" part.  As soon as that was done, I knew that I had to pray about it, and called my Husband to let him know what we needed to be in prayer about regarding this issue.  I then got my daughter situated with breakfast and dressed her, and we headed off for some light grocery shopping.  We then came home and I fixed her lunch and began to do some deep cleaning.  I cleaned the floors, drawers, trash, vacuum, etc.  I then laid my daughter down for her nap, and then my Husband came home to drop off a princess bed for our daughter because she has decided to become a ninja baby at night, by escaping her crib. After that it was time to go get little man from school, so we got him home then I carried the entire new bed upstairs to our daughters room.  I got tools out to break down her crib and took care of that.  I then had to re-arrange her entire room for the new bed, and put that together.  After that was done I did laundry and fixed the kids an early dinner and they watched a movie.  It was then 5:05pm and I finally was able to sit down for the first time that day.  I literally ran the entire day through my mind and said out loud "I AM Amazing!"  This was the first time in my life that I have ever said that about myself.  I then started to ask myself why has it taken me this long to ever say that?  My husband daily edifies me and builds me up, and I have family members that encourage me.  I also have close friends that lift me up as well.  Why couldn't I say that or believe that about myself?  I started to get the answers to my question and began to understand why.

I grew up desperately seeking attention from my Father and started to be insecure and have low self esteem at a young age.  I then went through a rebellious period to where I had nothing good going on in my life, or to say about myself.  I then was in an abusive relationship (physically and verbally).  I have struggled with being a "people pleaser" and being obsessive compulsive.  I reminded myself that IN Christ ALL OLD things have passed away, and I am a BRAND NEW CREATION!!! I have the DNA of Christ!! God Almighty is MY FATHER and he has loved me and accepted me this ENTIRE time!! I realized that the enemy has been deceiving me and I haven't taken care of myself properly with speaking LIFE over myself.  I am ALWAYS lifting others up and speaking LIFE towards others, but haven't been doing it to myself.  I need to stop being such a harsh critic on myself, and understand that Jesus accepts me for me as I am right at this very moment!!  I need to be proud of the Woman I have become!! I need to be proud of the Wife that I am!! I need to be proud of the Mother that I am!

Then it came to me...... I wonder how many other people struggle like this as well???  I knew right then and there that I needed to write a blog post the very next day and that the title should be: I AM Amazing!  I want to let you know that YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

I want to encourage you to BUILD YOURSELF UP, NOT DOWN!!!  Understand that you are accepted in Christ, and loved!! You are UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED!!!!  Jesus died for you, and if you were the only person in the entire world, you were worth dying for!!! You ARE fearfully and Wonderfully made!!! God makes NO mistakes!!!  God took his time creating you and giving you YOUR traits!! It is time to hold your head high and STOP calling yourself negative things.  YOU ARE A CONQUEROR!!!  You have the STRENGTH IN CHRIST JESUS!!!  God can make beauty from ashes!!! Your past DOES NOT dictate your future!!!  I want you to say out loud: I AM AMAZING!!!!  Do not wait 30 years like I did.  Tomorrow I turn 31 years old, and I actually look at it as a brand new start for me.  I am really going to focus on how I speak about myself.  I pray that this blog post really gave you insight and understanding.  I pray that you have had revelation and wisdom from the Holy Spirit!!! God Bless, KatyRose

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


This blog is going to start off with a Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."

Maybe this verse is brand new to you, and you have not heard it before.  People like to throw God a bunch of questions, and expect answers from him during each season in their life.  There are seasons of pure joy that we experience, and then there are seasons of heartache and sadness. As humans we try to figure things out ourselves and try to piece things together to make sense.  This is where the true separation starts between Jesus followers, and Non- believers.  In the "world" we go by head knowledge, and as followers of Jesus Christ we walk by Faith not by sight.  We run to our manual (The Bible) and see what God has to say about the situation.  Many people only call on God during a rough season, and expect him to bring them right out of it.  Once we understand the reason for these different seasons, we are truly able to REST and ABIDE in the shadow of the Almighty.  In 1 Peter 1:7 it says "These trials will show that your faith is genuine.  It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold- though your faith is far more precious than mere gold.  So when you faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.  

We need to remind ourselves that we were created for a specific purpose, and we serve a higher calling on our lives.  We are not to live for ourselves and seek after every selfish desire.  We are to be followers of Christ Jesus and spread the good news of the gospel to a lost and fallen world.  Are Christians popular?  No!!!  The world hated Jesus, so of course they are going to hate us.  It honestly shouldn't surprise us when we see what is going on in the world today.  Instead of joining others in Hate, we need to lock arms and pray to lift up brothers and sisters and pray for our country and leaders.  I have seen so many "So Called Christians" bash our government leaders and hate their enemies.  This goes directly against the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are to love others as ourselves.  We are to serve one another and edify one another.  When we are going through these seasons in life, we are to pray for one another and be encouraged.  In this world today people love to see others fail, just so they can feel better about themselves and get ahead.  So I want to ask you, what season are you currently experiencing in your life?  Maybe you are reaping a harvest and things are amazing for you.  Maybe some of you are walking in a dark valley and you see no hope at the moment.  You cannot see your next footstep because it is so dark, and you feel alone.  Let me be a woman of my word and lift you up and encourage you and remind you of what the word says.  Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid of terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. (Psalm 3:3)
Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12)

Be lifted up and encouraged my dear brothers and sisters.  Greater is he that is in us, then he that is in the world.(1 John 4:4)  We are over comers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. (Revelations 12:11) We are more than conquerors.(Romans 8:37)  We need to be reciting these out loud to ourselves when we are going through rough seasons.  I pray that this blog post really spoke to each person that read it, and that you are encouraged and lifted up.  It is a shame these days that alot of the hurt that occurs often happens inside the church.  People get offended and get stuck on unforgiveness and it honestly disables a healthy working church body.  We need to remember that we are all members and we need to function as one.  Romans 12:5 says: So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.   
The enemy loves to get inside the church and start strife.  No matter what season you are experiencing remind yourself that you are to cast your cares to him, because he cares for you.  You are not alone, and NOTHING takes God by surprise!! God Bless,

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Religion Vs. Relationship....

It has been awhile since I have written a blog post.  For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you know the reason why.  My husband and I have been married for 5 years and just got back from vacation.  We never got a chance to take our honeymoon, so we finally were able to do so.  I am back and rested, and now have to slowly shift back into routine.  My birthday is March 19 and I will be 31 years old.  I am so thankful to the Lord for blessing me and keeping me healthy and alive this long here on earth.  I know each day is truly a gift from God and he gives us the ability to have breathe in our lungs, so I am very grateful.  I am tinkled pink to tell you that I received an early birthday present and I am using it at this very moment.  I have a brand new writing desk that I received, and I now can write blogs from my desk.  It is a Victorian writing desk (my style) and I am super excited to write this blog post from it.  Now that I have gotten all of the updates out of the way, I am now going to go into my blog post :) Thank you for your patience!! :)

This post is going to be from personal experience, so this is from my perspective, and maybe some of you can relate with this.  As for the others, I am asking you to have an open mind.  Growing up we get placed into these "spiritual roles and rules" because of our up-bringing.  If many people were asked what their religion is, they would respond "I am ___________ because I was raised that way."  I was brought up in a specific religion and went to school for 8 years as a child practicing that type of religion.  I literally went through the motions and treated it as a "to do list."  I had to go to service on Wednesdays and Sundays.  I was excited for service on Wednesdays because it got me out of Math class. (Hey, I am just being honest :) )  I was taught specific classes on this religion and knew the basics of it.  I honestly taught it as a class, and just did what was required.  To me, it honestly was a "story" and wasn't real to me.  I knew that Jesus died for everyone else, but I didn't except it for myself personally.  I knew what Jesus did on the cross and my thought was: "Wow, very cool." (That is honestly as far as it went)  The point of giving this short insight is because many of us fall into this category.  We are raised a certain way, and it is honestly because our parents brought us up that way, and it is the "norm" for us.  It is great to carry on values, but those values have to be for our own.  We cannot do people "favors" because in the end, it comes down to ourselves.  We need to truly dig deep and understand why we believe what we believe.  We cannot fool ourselves.  Many years passed and I struggled with my identity.  I was walking around with a big hole in my chest, and was finding everything insight to stuff it with.  I constantly searched  and searched for the next thing.  I was brought to a life and death moment in my life to where I had a face to face encounter with Jesus.  It was NOT textbook, it was REAL!!  I finally understood the difference between Religion and Relationship.  Religion is a bunch of rules and standards that we can never live up to.  If we could live up to it, then we wouldn't need a Savior.  I spent a good part of my life trying to live up to these un-realistic expectations, and was constantly disappointed in myself.  I finally understood that I am a sinner in need of a Savior.  My life was never going to be complete unless I had Jesus in the center of it.  This is where the "Relationship" aspect enters in.  It is a DAILY walk and a DAILY interaction.  We need to meet with Jesus and interact with him daily, and cannot afford to go days without him.  God designed us and knows what we need.  The only way we are able to stay in connection with him, is if we check in with him daily!!  The reason for this blog post is to enlighten and tell my story to each person.  Maybe you find yourself in the day to day, and find yourself trying to fill the "void."  Please understand that you will continue to search UNTIL you find Jesus.  He is the only one that can fill that void.  I want to encourage you to see the difference between the two.  Many believe that they are "safe" because of the procedures they do in their religion, when in all actual truth they just need Jesus!!!  I pray that that Holy Spirit enlightens you in this blog post to make Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  If you would like to talk more in depth, I would love to speak with you!!! Feel free to contact me :)  God Bless, KatyRose