As being a disciple of Jesus Christ we are called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ! How do you know what the gospel is if you do not read his word? How are you able to preach to others if you are afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone? These are questions that every follower of Jesus Christ need to ask themselves. It is easy to just say something, and then sit back and do nothing. Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. We are to preach the gospel to a lost and fallen world. We are to lock arms with other believers to pray and lift each other up. There are many lukewarm Christians in this world today and the Bible is very clear on what it means to be "lukewarm." "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."-Rev 3:16
When we are able to TRULY deny ourselves FULLY and follow Christ, then we are able to walk in the FULLNESS of what he died for us to have. Please remember that Christ ALREADY (Past Tense) overcame the entire world!! So why do you still fear? Why do you still doubt? When you are able to FULLY believe in what he did and what he accomplished, then you just walk straight ahead, keeping your eyes fixed on him. He is the author and finisher of our faith!! When you are able to walk in the fullness of Christ then you are able to speak Gods Word "OVER" situations and circumstances. You do not have to settle for the "norm." You are able to rise above EVERY single situation that comes your way. You can speak to things with the word of God and in the Spiritual realm things happen!!! Angels move on Gods Word, and you will have Gods protection wherever you go. You never have to fear about being alone, because Jesus will NEVER leave you or forsake you. He will comfort you and guide you through every single trial. In our society today there is constant fear being put on people. You turn on the news and there are thousands of "what if's." There are shows that specifically show you on how to survive a natural disaster and how to prepare for every crisis that could happen. People are taking their eyes off of Jesus and they are being moved by each and every single thing they see. People are being blown around by every single doctrine and looking for every answer. When you can truly rest UNDER the shadow of the almighty then you do not have to live in fear. Your house is protected, your family is protected, your children are protected, your marriage is protected, your finances are protected, your health is protected. We are called to have dominion OVER the earth, and we need to be speaking Gods Word over our lives. We need to be praying for our leaders, not bashing them. Every person has an opinion, I get that. But, what good does it do to sit and bash our leaders? Are you helping the situation by complaining and being negative? We need to be lifting our leaders in prayer and surrounding them in scripture. Do NOT blend in to the world, be set apart!!! Do you have fears? Speak back to them with the word of God!!! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.(2 Timothy 1:7)
You are able to speak Gods Word over your circumstances. We are called to fight things where they matter, and that is in the spiritual realm. All of the things we can see/taste/touch/smell/etc are temporal and subject to change, so why do we spend our entire lives working like dogs chasing after one thing to the next. These are all distractions, and they take our eyes off of Jesus!! I want to encourage you to start reading Gods Word daily!!! Start putting his word into practice on how you speak, on what you watch, on how you spend your time, etc. Do you want to be lukewarm for Jesus? Do you want to be a follower of Christ? A decision needs to be made, and you need to be ALL IN!!! You will be able to move mountains with the word of God, but what good does that do if you don't know what Gods Word says?? This blog post is to encourage you!!! It is not too late to have Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life!! Make the decision today!! It will be the BEST decision you will EVER make in your entire life!! It is better than graduating from Harvard! It is better than winning the lottery!! It is better than having an expensive house or your dream job!!! Keep your eyes on him and the things that are eternal!!
When we are able to TRULY deny ourselves FULLY and follow Christ, then we are able to walk in the FULLNESS of what he died for us to have. Please remember that Christ ALREADY (Past Tense) overcame the entire world!! So why do you still fear? Why do you still doubt? When you are able to FULLY believe in what he did and what he accomplished, then you just walk straight ahead, keeping your eyes fixed on him. He is the author and finisher of our faith!! When you are able to walk in the fullness of Christ then you are able to speak Gods Word "OVER" situations and circumstances. You do not have to settle for the "norm." You are able to rise above EVERY single situation that comes your way. You can speak to things with the word of God and in the Spiritual realm things happen!!! Angels move on Gods Word, and you will have Gods protection wherever you go. You never have to fear about being alone, because Jesus will NEVER leave you or forsake you. He will comfort you and guide you through every single trial. In our society today there is constant fear being put on people. You turn on the news and there are thousands of "what if's." There are shows that specifically show you on how to survive a natural disaster and how to prepare for every crisis that could happen. People are taking their eyes off of Jesus and they are being moved by each and every single thing they see. People are being blown around by every single doctrine and looking for every answer. When you can truly rest UNDER the shadow of the almighty then you do not have to live in fear. Your house is protected, your family is protected, your children are protected, your marriage is protected, your finances are protected, your health is protected. We are called to have dominion OVER the earth, and we need to be speaking Gods Word over our lives. We need to be praying for our leaders, not bashing them. Every person has an opinion, I get that. But, what good does it do to sit and bash our leaders? Are you helping the situation by complaining and being negative? We need to be lifting our leaders in prayer and surrounding them in scripture. Do NOT blend in to the world, be set apart!!! Do you have fears? Speak back to them with the word of God!!! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.(2 Timothy 1:7)
You are able to speak Gods Word over your circumstances. We are called to fight things where they matter, and that is in the spiritual realm. All of the things we can see/taste/touch/smell/etc are temporal and subject to change, so why do we spend our entire lives working like dogs chasing after one thing to the next. These are all distractions, and they take our eyes off of Jesus!! I want to encourage you to start reading Gods Word daily!!! Start putting his word into practice on how you speak, on what you watch, on how you spend your time, etc. Do you want to be lukewarm for Jesus? Do you want to be a follower of Christ? A decision needs to be made, and you need to be ALL IN!!! You will be able to move mountains with the word of God, but what good does that do if you don't know what Gods Word says?? This blog post is to encourage you!!! It is not too late to have Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life!! Make the decision today!! It will be the BEST decision you will EVER make in your entire life!! It is better than graduating from Harvard! It is better than winning the lottery!! It is better than having an expensive house or your dream job!!! Keep your eyes on him and the things that are eternal!!
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