Let us look at the definition of Obedience: compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority. Now let us see what the Bible says about Obedience: Romans 1:5 and Romans 16:26 says: Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name's sake. But now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith.
So as we can see that in order for us to be "obedient" we need to submit to another's authority. Who is the leader that I am talking about? God!! How do we submit to him? By doing what his word says!! What if I mess up? Well, that is what Jesus came for!! We literally have no excuse because God covered it ALL for us!! It then falls down to making a choice. We can do it "our" way or "God's" way. Now the main question that I want to ask you is: How Can You Start To Become Obedient And Do It Gods Way?? The answer is: In the smallest things first, then the big will follow. If you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you also have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, and he is your guide. When you make decisions, counsel with the Holy Spirit and see if you have peace. If you do not have peace, then you know it isn't the right thing to do. I am going to make this blog come alive now with real life everyday principles that everyone can relate with:
- Calling in sick to work when you are not sick
- Canceling plans and making up a lie on why you had to cancel
- Paying for something at the store and something you didn't purchase ends up in your bag and you choose to keep it.
- Holding onto anger towards another person, and know that it is wrong.
- At work playing on the computer, and the moment your boss walks in, you act like you are working.
- At the grocery store and you choose to leave your shopping cart in the parking lot, instead of walking it to the proper place it should go.
Now some of these things might sound small to you, but it is the small things like this, that lead to true obedience. In our eyes we have two categories: 1) Big lies and 2) Small lies
We like to play games with ourselves and think that if we do only "small" lies, then we will be fine and that it is ok. I am going to ask you to look up to the top of the Blog where I mention who the leader is that we are to submit to? The answer is: God!!! So in God's eyes it is wrong whether it is a Big lie or a Small lie. We need to remind ourselves that we serve an audience of one, and that we are to please HIM!! When we do things HIS way, it is showing that he is our number 1, and that we trust him with our whole lives. Everything we do, should be for the glory of God!! When we return that shopping cart to the proper place, it is for the glory of God! When we choose to forgive someone that has wronged us, it is for the glory of God!! When we return that item that got put in our bag that we didn't pay for, it is for the glory of God!! God sees our heart, and we need to start submitting to him!! I want to encourage you to start in the small things. Be God conscious!! Seek HIS WILL FIRST before your own!! If this subject is new to you and you want to dig deeper in it, I want to highly recommend a book that I have read that is phenomenal. You will learn so much in this book, and it will challenge you mentally. The name of the book is: Spiritual Authority by Watchman Nee
I have included a brief description of what the book is about below:
So as we can see that in order for us to be "obedient" we need to submit to another's authority. Who is the leader that I am talking about? God!! How do we submit to him? By doing what his word says!! What if I mess up? Well, that is what Jesus came for!! We literally have no excuse because God covered it ALL for us!! It then falls down to making a choice. We can do it "our" way or "God's" way. Now the main question that I want to ask you is: How Can You Start To Become Obedient And Do It Gods Way?? The answer is: In the smallest things first, then the big will follow. If you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you also have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, and he is your guide. When you make decisions, counsel with the Holy Spirit and see if you have peace. If you do not have peace, then you know it isn't the right thing to do. I am going to make this blog come alive now with real life everyday principles that everyone can relate with:
- Calling in sick to work when you are not sick
- Canceling plans and making up a lie on why you had to cancel
- Paying for something at the store and something you didn't purchase ends up in your bag and you choose to keep it.
- Holding onto anger towards another person, and know that it is wrong.
- At work playing on the computer, and the moment your boss walks in, you act like you are working.
- At the grocery store and you choose to leave your shopping cart in the parking lot, instead of walking it to the proper place it should go.
Now some of these things might sound small to you, but it is the small things like this, that lead to true obedience. In our eyes we have two categories: 1) Big lies and 2) Small lies
We like to play games with ourselves and think that if we do only "small" lies, then we will be fine and that it is ok. I am going to ask you to look up to the top of the Blog where I mention who the leader is that we are to submit to? The answer is: God!!! So in God's eyes it is wrong whether it is a Big lie or a Small lie. We need to remind ourselves that we serve an audience of one, and that we are to please HIM!! When we do things HIS way, it is showing that he is our number 1, and that we trust him with our whole lives. Everything we do, should be for the glory of God!! When we return that shopping cart to the proper place, it is for the glory of God! When we choose to forgive someone that has wronged us, it is for the glory of God!! When we return that item that got put in our bag that we didn't pay for, it is for the glory of God!! God sees our heart, and we need to start submitting to him!! I want to encourage you to start in the small things. Be God conscious!! Seek HIS WILL FIRST before your own!! If this subject is new to you and you want to dig deeper in it, I want to highly recommend a book that I have read that is phenomenal. You will learn so much in this book, and it will challenge you mentally. The name of the book is: Spiritual Authority by Watchman Nee
I have included a brief description of what the book is about below:
Authority is a tremendous thing in the universe, nothing overshadows it. God's throne is established on His authority. God's authority represents God himself. God alone is authority in all things; all the authorities of the earth are instituted by God. It is therefore important for us who desire to serve God to know the authority of God. God's authority is absolute, hence we must give Him absolute submission (our hearts attitude) and absolute obedience (our outward actions). But to His delegated authorities we can render absolute submission, but only relative obedience. For their authorities are circumscribed by the measure of life of Christ in them. Only when they themselves submit to God's authority in them are they able to represent God. Hence there is much we have to learn about how to represent God.
I really hope that this blog post inspires you to dive into TRULY following God and being Obedient to HIS ways. I really pray that this post inspires you to pick up this book and dive into it and learn about how to truly represent God.
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