I cannot believe this day is finally here!!! I signed up for my race 6 months ago, and I have been counting down each day until this very moment. The reason for this race was because in my mind this was the definition of IMPOSSIBLE for me. Running is one of the hardest things for me to do. I have never been able to run long distances, and have never enjoyed the sport. I wanted to do the IMPOSSIBLE for my body and do my first Half-Marathon and train for it. I have been training for this race for over 3 months now. My longest distance in training for this race was 10 miles. I purposely didn't want to run 13 miles in training because I wanted to do it for the very first time in my actual race. This journey has been so rewarding for me because it has taken so much hard work and discipline. My husband has played a huge part in it because he made it possible for me to train each day for hours at a time. My husband has always been my biggest supporter, and has encouraged me from day one about this race, and my training.
I have filmed a short video the night before my race and wanted to show everyone what I plan on bringing to my race. When I first started running, I had no clue about the "running world" and I learned so much through this process, that I wanted to share my knowledge with everyone. In this short video I will go through EVERYTHING that I will be bringing, and the reason behind it. Throughout this blog I will post lot's of pictures and videos because I wanted everyone to be on this experience with me, and see it through my eyes. So I hope everyone enjoys this detailed behind-the-scenes blog post about my race.
What I Pack Before My Race:
I am on the way to pick up my race bib in Tampa at International Mall. My husband and I are going to pick up my race packet and then get something to eat. This is the day before my race, so we are going to take it easy. The plan is to get some food, walk around a bit and then get a night of rest because we will waking up around 5am on race day!!
Good Morning!!!! :) It is my race day!!!! Here is a quick picture before heading out the door.
Here, we are officially at the race and I am just going to start posting a bunch of pictures below :)
Here is a picture of getting out of the car and arriving at race destination!
There were 422 runners at the race and here is a picture of the American Flag and singing the National Anthem. They had a live Band at the event and tents set up.
My Husband and I went inside to stay warm because it was very chilly out, and of course I had to pee from all of the water I was drinking. While I was waiting in line for the restroom, we decided to take a quick selfie!! I love my husband and it was so nice to have him their to support me, and be in my corner!!
TIME TO START THE RACE.........................................................................
The race start time was 6:30am. They had a D.J there at the event to play music and countdown for all of the runners. I was staying as calm as possible and stretching while waiting. It was finally time to start, the horn was sounded, and all of the runners took off!!!!
On Your Mark.... Get Set.... GO!!!!!
Here is the actual course map. We were to run over several bridges and go over to Davis Island in Tampa and run around the entire Island. We were then to cross over another bridge and run along side Bayshore Blvd which is along the water. We were to then turn around and run on opposite side on Bayshore Blvd and then arrive at our original starting point, which was at the Hockey Stadium in Downtown Tampa.

I started off at a good pace and made sure to go nice and slow and get into a rhythm. I was nervous when I started because I couldn't believe I was actually doing it. I even started to tear up because it honestly overwhelmed me, but I quickly got it together because I needed every breathe I could get in order to make this run a true success. I prayed the night before because during my training I encountered many problems with my calf muscles locking up to where I literally cannot walk or run. Having this problem in training kept me from covering several runs because my legs were out of commission. The thought was in my mind and I knew if I could make it over 1 mile with no issues, then I was in the clear zone. I prayed to Jesus the night before and in the morning and I knew once I did that, then I was covered and safe. As I began to run I found my rhythm and got my breathing down. I was starting to pass people, and I got in a clear zone to where it was me alone and I didn't have people around me. At mile 2 there was a mile marker and a water station. I kept on running and didn't stop for water. It seemed like every 2 miles there were mile markers and then as the race progressed, the mile markers were spaced out. I honestly felt good during my run and didn't have any issues, it actually flew by pretty quick. At mile 6 I took my first cup of water and literally took two sips while running, and through the cup. I did not want to stop running, because I didn't want to lose my rhythm. At mile 9 I felt my hamstrings tighten up and felt intense pain. I knew my body was pushing itself and that I was giving it everything I had. I told myself that I had to keep going but to just back it down a bit with my run.
I then approached mile 11 and my body started to feel robotic. My legs were so heavy to where I had a hard time picking them up and my legs were extremely tight. My hamstring pain was still intense and I knew my lower body was screaming in pain, and that I was hitting the wall. In my training I hit the "wall" a few times and it was usually around my 9mile/10mile runs. Keep in mind that 10 miles was the longest I ran, and I did that on purpose because I wanted my first 13.1 to be accomplished in my first Half Marathon. So here this 11 mile territory was new ground for me and my body was letting me know that it was not happy, or used to it. I started to talk to myself and tell myself "Katy 2 more miles, you can do this, keep going!!!" I started to talk to Jesus and thank him for this race and for no injuries and that I needed him with me to strengthen me for the last 2 miles. I can honestly say the last 2 miles of the race were the absolute hardest for me. My goal was to not stop one time, so no matter what, I knew I HAD to keep running. I got to mile 12 and there was a guy standing there clapping and cheering the runners on. I gave him a thumbs up and went in for a high five!! I looked down at my Garmin and that truly helped motivate me because I was able to see how close I was getting to the finish. Towards the end we had to go up another bridge and my first thought was "Are you kidding me?? I can barely lift my legs!" I got my favorite motto going: "Hardwork/Dedication" and powered through it. I got up on the bridge and started to go back down. I could see the Finish Line in the distance, and I was excited to see my endpoint. I looked and saw my Husband in the distance. I began waving to him, and he grabbed his phone and started to film me. As tired as I was I knew I had to finish strong and proud. I began talking to my husband as he videotaped me and he started to run alongside of me. I was pumping myself up by talking to the camera and could finally see the "timer" above the finish line and I was super excited to see that I was WAY AHEAD of my goal time. My goal time was 2 hours and 30 minutes. The timer was at 2 hours and 18 minutes. I began to sprint because there was NO way that I was going to finish at 2 hours and 19 minutes. I sprinted my little heart out and my entire body went numb because I was running on fumes. As I was crossing the finish line the DJ yells out "KatyRose making the sprint and finishing under 2 hours 19 minutes." I was so proud of myself and I got a bottle of water and got my medal!!!

Here is the link to the video my husband filmed as I was finishing:
I walked off to the side to catch my breathe and my husband and I
embraced. I began weeping and he started crying as well. I hugged him and told him that I didn't stop at all!!! He said he was so proud of me, and he couldn't believe how fast I finished!!
Here I am catching my breathe, and giving my legs a rest!!
Here is a picture of my husband and I after the race!!
Here is a picture of me celebrating!!!
Here is my ticket to show how I did :)
Clock Time: 2 hours 18 minutes 59.3 seconds
Chip Time: 2 hours 18 minutes 34.6 seconds
Overall: 255/422
Gender: 150/279
Age Group: 57/102
Pace: 10:34 per mile
Start Time: 6:30am
I went inside and changed into clean clothes!!!
We sat and talked for a bit, and I called my Mom to tell her the news!! At this point I had to limp to walk to the car because my lower body was DONE!!!
We got to the car and I was finally able to put on my 13.1 sticker!!
My husband and I went out to Breakfast and then came home and slept. I took some pain relief medicine and took a hot bath. To celebrate tonight, we are going to a Hockey Game in Tampa (at the venue where my race was that morning) and then we are going to our favorite Spanish restaurant/club: Ceviches!!
My Thoughts On My Race:
I would not of changed one thing about my race. My preparation was on point, and I did everything I was supposed to do!! I made sure to keep my nerves down, and to pace myself and take it slow. I am still amazed that I was able to accomplish this dream for me. Being 30 years old and having two children and NOT being a runner or ENJOYING running at ALL, made me honestly push myself and truly discipline myself. I now see that I can accomplish anything!!!!