Thursday, October 2, 2014


One of my favorite books in the Bible is Hebrews and I am currently going through it again!!  I love going over things I have already read in the Bible because each time God reveals something completely different from the first time around.  I absolutely love Hebrews 3:5 where it says " And Moses certainly was faithful in the administration of all God's house (but it was only) as a ministering servant.  (In his entire ministry he was but) a testimony to the throne which were to be spoken (the revelations to be given afterward in Christ)."

I LOVE this because it is a reminder that we are NOT here for "OUR" purpose and will.  So many times we get caught up in things that we believe are best for us.  We pursue our selfish desires and give in to them every time!!  Do we ever stop and seek counsel from God on what our next move should be?  Do we sit in silence and wait for God to answer back?  What if God tells you something that you are not comfortable with?  What if God tells you to quit your job tomorrow?  Could you do that?  Can you honestly say that you can trust God 100% and rely on him?  These are questions that we need to ask ourselves because it will show the true condition of our heart.  We can "fool" ourselves and others, but we cannot fool God.  He sees the true shape and condition of our heart.  I love the fact that this verse refers to Moses.  Moses was a bold character in the Bible and usually people who don't read Gods Word, at least know of Moses or heard of him.  Moses accomplished ALOT during his lifetime and he walked with the Lord and talked with him!!  This verse is a reminder that Moses had a purpose from the Father and it was HIS duty to fulfill it and walk it out.  Was Moses scared? Yes!!!  Did he experience Fear? Absolutely!!!  But Moses took step by step with God, and trusted him in his journey.  We are to do the same in our relationship with the Lord!!  We are here for a reason and it is our job to pray and seek his face DAILY and find our purpose.  We are to BE Jesus wherever we go and put HIS will above our own flesh.  Have you been offended lately?  That is from the enemy!!  The devil comes only to  steal, kill, and destroy!! (John 10:10) So if something is stealing you, killing you, and destroying you, then you know who it is from.  *** If you would like to read about the job duties of the devil click the link right here to read a blog post:

We are expected to know the difference between God and Satan, and each time choose God!!!  Will this take practice? Yes!!! Will we mess up? Yes!!!  That is why we are to stay aligned with God and walk with him and STAY under the shadow of the Almighty.

Another verse I love in Hebrews is 4:2 which says " For indeed we have had the glad tidings proclaimed to us just as truly as they (the Israelites of old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them): but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with faith (with the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute trust and confident in His power, wisdom, and goodness) by those who heard it: neither were they united in faith with the ones (Joshua and Caleb) who heard (did believe)."

We can see this scripture alive and well today in the world.  Some people get it, and some people do not.  Some walk around with blinders on and do not see the whole picture.  There are even some that call themselves followers that deceive themselves.  We are to have faith and lean our ENTIRE personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in HIS power, HIS wisdom, and HIS goodness!!  Do you see that it is all on HIM and not ourselves?  We are to not know the next move because we are trusting him to guide us!!  We need to STOP trying to be in control and take the drivers seat!!  I want to encourage you today to open up your Bible and start reading Hebrews!  Take your time going through it and highlight and write in your Bible.  Start to personalize your Bible and make it your own!!  Meditate on the things you read and ask God to speak to you!!  I pray this blog post has brought enlightenment, and that seeds were planted from the Word!!

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