Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Journey

I am in the middle of my journey and it has been hardwork every step of the way! Nothing worth having ever comes easy.  If it was easy, then everyone would do it. I am on week 14 of my training and have 6 more weeks to go! If you would like to be a part of my journey please follow me on Instagram at: KatyRoseTrains
I am excited to be closer to my goal and cannot wait to see all of my hardwork finally pay off!!! Faith is #1 Fitness is #2

Friday, September 26, 2014

How To Look At God....

People have many views on how they look at God and perceive him.  Some look at him as "Controlling."  Some view him as "Punishing," and Some view him as "Love."  I am going to break down each three categories that I have listed.

 Some of my friends who are un-saved see God as Controlling and treating us as "puppets."  They see him as always having it "HIS way" and they do not feel the need to have God in their life because they do not want that control.  The best way I can answer this is to simply say this: They are not educated and they do not know any better.  If they truly understood the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then they would know that God is not like that at all.  Someone who is like that is: Satan.  Let us remember that Satan was a rebellious angel and the sin of "Pride" is what caused him to fall out of Heaven.  Satan viewed God as Controlling and wanted to become his OWN God and choose what is right and wrong.  Satan wanted to sit on the throne and call all of the shots, and wanted to make the decisions.  When people view God as "Controlling" then they are acting out of rebellion and their pride is getting puffed up.  The Gospel is very simple to understand, Jesus did not want to complicate it for us, and here he did ALL of the work for us.  We are only to acknowledge him as Lord and Savior, Acknowledge that we are sinners, and repent from our wicked ways. The change happens from the inside, and it begins in the heart.  Once you give your life to Jesus you will start to have revelation and see things in a way that you have never seen them before.  I myself personally have never viewed God as "Controlling," but I can relate with the next category.

I personally can relate with this viewpoint because I was raised Catholic and from the very beginning I was taught on how Powerful God is, and how we are to "make it up to him because we are such wicked sinners."  I grew up in fear of God, but not the type of fear that the Bible talks about.  I feared God to where I was scared of him and wanted nothing to do with him because I felt un-worthy and like a piece of trash.  I thought if I just avoided him, then I was good.  I had no relationship with him, nor did I want a relationship with someone that I was afraid of.  I felt each moment I messed up that he was going to pour fire down from Heaven on me.  There are many religions that teach this, and it robs people from a true personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Some religions get caught up in works and acts and to be 100% honest, that is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus did not need our help when he went to the cross.  His words on the cross were: "It Is Finished!"  We do not need to add onto anything he did.  It states in the Bible that Jesus is the ONLY Mediator between us and the Father.  I was taught from being Catholic that I needed to pray to Saints, go to a Priest for Confession, and to Pray the Rosary to Mary.  I was taught to be a good person and then that will help me get to Heaven.  I experienced many years of struggles and trials because I was constantly doing things on my own and doing it my way.  It took me to have a face to face encounter with God and I finally saw that he wasn't punishing.  He taught me that I do not need to punish myself anymore for my past because Jesus suffered for me.  My job is to forgive and follow Jesus.  Becoming a Christian was the best decision I have ever made in my whole life.  I was able to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and I actually started to read the Bible for myself and see the TRUE character of God.  We do need to understand that God is a Just Judge and his standards are incredibly high, and we are not able to live up to them.  We do not need to beat ourselves up about this, because God already knew we couldn't live up to them.  God sent his ONLY Son Jesus to pay the penalty that we could of never paid ourselves.  God punished his ONLY Son for YOU and for ME!!!  He did this because he loves you so much and does not want you to suffer or go to hell.  This leads up to my next point, Love.

John 3:16 is the true definition of Love!!  Many people here on earth try and explain what "Love" is and they do not come close to it at all!!!  Here on earth we have "Conditional Love."  We love others when they are kind to us and help us out, but the moment they mess up and hurt us, then we cut them off.  It is easy for people to say that they would give their lives for their loved ones, but how about for a perfect stranger?  How about for a criminal?  How about for a murderer? How about for a sinner?  THIS IS WHAT JESUS DID!!!!!!!  THIS IS WHAT GOD DID!!!!!!!!!!!  You and I were born cursed and we were sentenced to hell for eternity.  We had NO Hope!!  God sent his Son for us because God IS LOVE!! We never asked Jesus to go to the cross, we never accepted what he did at the cross when we entered this world.  Jesus went because it was His Fathers Will, and God's Will for us IS LOVE!!!  Whenever you truly grasp how much God loves you, you will understand how much you do not deserve it and how much grace he freely gives you.  God doesn't want us to get caught in "works," he wants our hearts.  God has a specific will for each and every person and it is ONLY good!!  He wants to see us prosper and have an abundant life!  When we neglect God and continually mess up, he is kneeling down with his arms open wide, waiting for us to run to him.  Do you see God as Love?  I pray that you get a better picture of him now!!  A good example I can give is this: If you are a parent and have children, how do you act when they mess up?  Do you look forward to punishing your children?  Do you want to control your children?  Do you get joy from making them suffer?  NO!!!!  You want to teach them and explain that there is a better way then they know and you give them love.  This is how God is with us!!  He is Our Father, and we are His Children!!  Accept His Love and bathe in it, Jesus came so you can have an abundant life!!  I pray that after you read this blog that your eyes are opened and you receive true revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Please take a few minutes and click the link below and watch this video below and see the TRUE Character of Jesus Christ!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pray For One Another.....

This blog post is going to be short and to the point.  How many times can you honestly say that you have been in a situation and felt alone and needed prayer?  Have you asked for prayer from a close friend/relative/co-worker?  When you have asked for prayer has that person responded and prayed for you at that very moment?

We live in a generation today that is very self involved and many Christians today lack boldness.  Many Christians settle for the "normal" life and do not know how to properly exercise who they are IN Christ Jesus.  There have been many times when I needed prayer and the normal responses I have gotten were: "I will keep you in my prayers," "I will keep you in my thoughts," "Yes, I will pray for you." (And they walk away)  I do not want to judge anyone and I sincerely hope that when people say these popular phrases that they really are truly praying and interceding for that person that needs prayer.  Is it uncomfortable to pray out loud with someone?  Absolutely!!  Prayer is very intimate and many people are afraid of looking weird or not praying properly, etc.  The beauty is that God sees our heart and already knows what we are going to pray, so there is no need to try and "impress" him with fancy prayers.  The more you do something outside of your comfort zone, then the easier it becomes.  I can share a personal story that happened with myself that changed me forever.  I was pregnant with my second child at the time and someone close to us asked us for prayer for his wife who was sick in her bed, and of course my response was "Absolutely we will be praying for her."  As I walked away and went to work that day I noticed that the Holy Spirit was trying to speak to me during the day.  Something didn't sit right with me, and I could not figure out what it was.  I was finally able to figure out that I didn't like what happened that particular morning with how I responded.  Here my Husband and I were there with our friend and we could of prayed over his wife at that moment and we didn't.  I later went home and told my Husband that it bothered me that we didn't pray for her right when he asked for it, and that I let fear get the best of me that day.  I was shy and not used to exercising the boldness of who I am in Jesus Christ, and I chose to play it safe that day.  I vowed that I will NEVER let that happen again.  Jesus cannot FULLY use us unless we get BOLD for him and step outside of our comfort zone and get out of the boat and walk to him!!!  If a stranger needs prayer, I am locking hands at that moment with that person and praying out loud.  If a friend of mine needs prayer I am reaching out and praying out loud with that person.
When you truly understand the power of prayer and how it works, then you will want to do it at that EXACT moment!!!  I want to encourage other believers to step outside of your comfort zone and lift one another up in Christ.  We need to truly lift our brothers and sisters up and help one another.  Jesus calls us to do so, and we need to be stretched to our limits.  It is an absolute honor and privilege to be an ambassador for Christ and be battling for one another on the front line for him!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Steal, Kill, Destroy.......

This blog is off of Bible Verse John 10:10- The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy.  I came so that they could have life-indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.  The "thief" is Satan and he comes to ONLY Steal, Kill, and Destroy.  Let us look up definitions of what Satan's Job Title Is:

Steal- take another person's property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.
Kill- cause the death of a person, animal, or other living thing.
Destroy-  Put an end to the existence of something by damaging or attacking it.  Ruin someone emotionally or spiritually.

Here we have a clear copy of what Satan's job description is.  In the second part of the verse Jesus says that he comes so that we could have life, and have life to the fullest.  Jesus is our Hope!!  Jesus is our Solution!!! Jesus is our One and Only Answer!!!  So I want to ask you a question.... Anything happening in your life where you feel like you are getting robbed?  Anybody in your life speaking death over you?  Anything happening in your life where you feel you are getting destroyed?  This is straight from Satan himself!!!  If you are having a problem with spouse/family members/friends/co-workers/doubt/fear/etc.  This is from Satan himself!!!  So many people get into the "norm" and think that they have to settle for things like this.  Christians do not realize the power they have through Jesus Christ!!!  Jesus ALREADY overcame!! Did you notice that it was past tense?  Jesus ALREADY finished it!!!  We get to walk in HIS victory and overcome through the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Our Testimony!!!  What is Satan robbing you of?  Is it an un-healthy marriage? conflict in family? Is Satan robbing you your joy?  These are questions you need to sit down and ask yourself!!  Sit down and ask yourself if Satan is Stealing/Killing/or Destroying you.  Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and clarity and that you will have true revelation on what areas need to be addressed in your life!!!  Once you receive confirmation then you have the choice to stay in the cycle, or rise up and proclaim the Word of God over what the enemy has stolen!!!  It is time to get BOLD for Jesus and stop the enemy in his tracks!!!  Jesus came to give us a better life, it is up to us to accept him as Lord and Savior and walk FULLY in it!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014


This blog post is going to be different from all of the other posts.  I am going to do this post on running, and give a quick view into what I have been up to in my training.  When I used to think of "running" I would roll my eyes back into my head and let out a big yawn.  I knew how difficult running is and how it does not favor my body type.  I am 5'2 and muscular build, and I am better at doing bursts of sprints.  I have always been a realistic person knowing what my body can and cannot do.  I have always been active and played every sport I could think of.  I played Tennis, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, etc.  Tennis of course was my #1 sport and I chose to focus on that and keep building on that.  After having two children I took a look at myself one day in the mirror and realized I didn't like the way I looked.  My body has NEVER been perfect and I am not obsessed with perfection, but it was different.  I could see all of the loose skin from carrying two babies and I still looked pregnant.  If I am no longer pregnant, I sure as heck do not want to continue "looking pregnant."  The last thing I want is for someone to come up to me in a store and ask "When are you due?"

The problem I now faced was that my mental side thought I was still an athlete.  My mental side remembered all of the training I used to do, and was telling me that I can just jump back into it like old times.  Any Woman who has had a child can understand that their body will NEVER be the same again!!  You have to learn how to work with what you got, and ease back into it slow.  I did lot's of cardio, sprints, and jumping rope.  I would run on the treadmill here and there but never thought much of it.  I decided that I needed to have a "goal" so I signed up for my first 5k a few months in advance.  At this point I could not run 1 mile without stopping.  I had two goals for my first 5k: 1) To Finish in 35 minutes and 2) To not stop at all!!!  I was happy to say that I finished in 30 minutes and I did not stop once!!  I was so proud of myself and my Husband was proud of what I had accomplished.  After I finished the race I broke down into tears because I remember being that woman staring in the mirror and feeling ugly, and out of shape, and ashamed of how I looked and felt.

 I see now that it came around full circle and I was able to accomplish my goal!!!  I took a month off of training because I needed a break.  I realized though that I lost my motivation and I didn't know what I could do next to really amp it up.  I could of signed up for a 10k or done another 5k but for some reason I kept fixating on "Half-Marathon."  When I thought of me doing a "Half-Marathon" the word "IMPOSSIBLE" came to mind.

 Here I can barely run 3 miles and now I am thinking of signing up for 13.1 miles!!!  I knew that it would be the hardest thing I would train for because I dislike running so much.  Here I would have to train for long runs and run several miles a week!!  I knew this was going to challenge me physically and mentally.  The thought of me running 13.1 miles rocked my imagination to where I decided...... I HAVE TO DO IT!!!  I looked ahead and found a race coming to my area in November 2014.  I paid the money and reserved my spot!!  I remember the anxiety I had after I clicked the "confirmation number" because I now knew that there was no turning back.  I researched training plans online and picked one that was for me.  The plan I picked was for people who do not like to run and have never ran a big race before. (This plan had my name all over it :)   It was a 4 month training plan and it slowly builds up each week with training.  I got severely injured a few weeks into training to where I had to take a week off here and there.  I am proud to say though that I have stuck with it!!

 My 4 month plan was obviously extended because of the time I had to take off, so I will now finish my training in November a week before my actual Half-Marathon.  I am 10 weeks into my training and I am now running over 20 miles  a week!!!  I have good runs and bad runs, but I keep going!!  There are times when I walk by my training sheet and just stop and stare at what I have accomplished so far.  I remember the bold word (IMPOSSIBLE) and I see that I am actually in progress and doing something about it!!

 I already know that I am going to be overwhelmed with such emotion when I cross that finish line in November.  I will probably be crying for weeks afterwards.  For me this will be one of my greatest accomplishments because I did something that I truly thought was impossible for me.  To be able to press through something each day and not like it, but still fight through it, is one of the hardest things to do.  My husband has asked me if I will plan to do a Marathon and I can answer proudly and shout: NO!!!!!  I am 100% proud of myself for doing my first Half-Marathon and that is my goal!!!  By becoming a runner now I have developed so much respect for other runners.  I used to see people running when I was driving and wouldn't look twice at them.  Now when I see someone running, I cannot take my eyes off of them.  I am looking at the person running and asking myself "Wow, I wonder how far they are running today?"  "I wonder if they are training for a race?"  I have all kinds of questions going through my mind.  Whenever I see people running, I see the definition of Passion.  I can see the hard work and I see the runner pressing towards their goal.  I have a new vision now on running, and that is only because I have now become a runner.  Do I have a goal finish time for my race?  No!!!!  My goal is to finish the race and not get injured!!!  I already know I will probably be crying at certain points in the race because I will remember how far I have come and all of the months of training leading up for this very moment!!!  I tear up just thinking about it right now.  This blog post is for all of the runners!!!  I have such respect for what you do, and the passion that you have!!! Keep up the amazing work and be proud of what you have accomplished!!! I feel like I am finally a part of a "secret runners club."  I now can talk the lingo and have the Garmin running watch and give a head nod to every runner I see. :)  Happy Training!!!!