Thursday, March 27, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Happy 30th Birthday......
March 19, 2014 marks my 30th Birthday!!! I am so blessed and thankful for this 30th Birthday!! I have my amazing family that I cherish everyday. I have my health and I am in the same shape that I was BEFORE I had both of my children!! My heart is on fire for God and God is moving mightily in my life and I am overwhelmed by HIS goodness. I can honestly say that this is my best birthday so far!!! God has been recently opening up such a blessing that I cannot contain and I am just lifting my arms up high and praising him as his blessing is pouring out on our family.
2014 Has been a phenomenal year and so much has happened!!!
God is moving on our Women's Group so strong and powerful to where lives are being changed!! Rafa is healed and whole, Gabe is growing and learning so much in school and loves it!! Carlos and I are coming up on our 4 year Wedding Anniversary and we are moving into our first home next month!!!
I can honestly say that I know for the first time in my life I am right where God wants me to be. I give praise and thankfulness to Jesus Christ!!!
This is what Carlos and I go by for our Marriage!!! I wanted to share this with everyone!!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Gabriel Receives His First Award!!!
My Son Gabe started preschool recently, and he received his first award today at the ceremony. They have this rally for grades Pre-K-5th grade. Gabe has been in school just under a month and he has already earned an award!!! I am one proud Mother and so happy for him!!! This is something he achieved on his own!! From Birth I have had to help him do everything, and since he has started school he has become his own person to where he does things for himself and this award he earned all by himself!!! The award was received for "On Task."
It was a chilly morning today and the award ceremony started at 8:45am. Rafa and I went to the ceremony and made sure to sit in the back because I didn't want Gabe to see me, and I didn't want to distract him. I was VERY impressed with how many people came. They started off with the Pledge of Allegiance and my eyes teard up when I heard "One Nation Under God." God has been squeezed out of everything lately and to hear this being said at my Son's school made me so happy. Then they sang "America The Beautiful" I again started to tear up because it was overwhelming to hear all of these beautiful little voices sing out and in one accord.
They then started with the ceremony and they started off with Preschool. I made sure to get to a good place to where I could videotape and I was ready. They announced one child's name and the next name was Gabe's. They announced his name and I yelled out a big "Whooooooooooooo" (and I was told to wait to cheer at the end) haha. I wanted my little man to know that I was proud of him and that I was there rooting for him, so I do not feel bad for my outburst. :). They finished calling the rest of the children and they all stood on stage while everyone cheered for them and then they sat down.
I got video and pictures and it was so cute to see my little man on stage. I did run up to him afterwards to tell him "good job." I then left quick because Rafa was getting fussy and I wanted Gabe to continue on with the rest of his day at school.
I am one proud Mother and I already bought a frame and decorated it, so when he gets home today, we will put it in the frame and hang it in his room!!!!
It was a chilly morning today and the award ceremony started at 8:45am. Rafa and I went to the ceremony and made sure to sit in the back because I didn't want Gabe to see me, and I didn't want to distract him. I was VERY impressed with how many people came. They started off with the Pledge of Allegiance and my eyes teard up when I heard "One Nation Under God." God has been squeezed out of everything lately and to hear this being said at my Son's school made me so happy. Then they sang "America The Beautiful" I again started to tear up because it was overwhelming to hear all of these beautiful little voices sing out and in one accord.
They then started with the ceremony and they started off with Preschool. I made sure to get to a good place to where I could videotape and I was ready. They announced one child's name and the next name was Gabe's. They announced his name and I yelled out a big "Whooooooooooooo" (and I was told to wait to cheer at the end) haha. I wanted my little man to know that I was proud of him and that I was there rooting for him, so I do not feel bad for my outburst. :). They finished calling the rest of the children and they all stood on stage while everyone cheered for them and then they sat down.
I got video and pictures and it was so cute to see my little man on stage. I did run up to him afterwards to tell him "good job." I then left quick because Rafa was getting fussy and I wanted Gabe to continue on with the rest of his day at school.
I am one proud Mother and I already bought a frame and decorated it, so when he gets home today, we will put it in the frame and hang it in his room!!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
My Entire 66 Day Challenge.....
Before the 66 Day Challenge I weighed 161lbs. I lost 15lbs which put me at a starting weight of 146lbs!
33 Days Into The Challenge (Half Way Point) I lost 6lbs which put me at the weight of 140.5lbs!
At the end of the 66 Day Challenge I lost .5lbs which puts me at a weight of 140lbs!
Total Amount of Weight Lost in 66 days: 21 lbs!!
*******I can proudly say that I now weigh:140lbs!!!!!!******
My Goal weight for this challenge was 130lbs!! When I was playing College Tennis (2007-2009) and working out 6 days a week I was in amazing shape and I weighed 140lbs. I have always had muscle and I have never been skinny. I have an athletic build, so numbers on a scale never mattered to me. I thought it would be cool to work hard and get at a weight that I have never been at (even in my best shape). I knew this was NOT going to be easy, especially after having two children close together (Ages 3 and 1)
I was working out for a few months prior to this challenge because I was unhappy with how I looked and felt. I felt sluggish and slow and had no energy. I knew that I had to take charge and do something because if I didn't do anything I knew that I was going to get worse and gain more weight. I wanted to have energy to run around after my two children and by my 30th Birthday (March 19) I wanted to actually be able to say: "That I am in the BEST Shape of my Life!!"
My husband took pictures of me before I started working out and my starting weight was 161lbs!!
I worked out 2-3 times a week by running on a treadmill and burning ALOT of calories!!
My weight loss was around 4lbs a month!!
Over the next several months those added up to a total of 15lbs lost!!!
My weight was now 146lbs!!
I was so proud of myself but then I reached a plateau to where the weight stopped coming off. I then got sick with a horrible cold that I had to deal with, so that put me 3 weeks behind of no working out at ALL!!
By this point I lost my motivation and didn't even care to work out!
I knew that I needed to do something but I didn't know where to start!
I went to a Nail Salon to get my nails done and was reading a magazine that mentioned a "66 Day Challenge." It basically just said that you need to work out for 66 Days Straight, and take no breaks!!
This really intrigued me and the article sparked my interest to where I got motivated and wanted to do this challenge. I wanted to document my entire challenge and show what I did for the entire 66 days!! I wanted pictures along the way so you could see my progress. As you can see I did a variety of different exercises to try and "shock" my body. I had "lazy" days to where I did very little exercising and I had "crazy" days to where I went really hard with exercising.
I complained on a daily basis because it is VERY HARD to discipline yourself to working out every single day and take no breaks!! My body was sore and I pulled my back a few times to where I had to power through it and work out a different part of my body.
I could not of done this challenge if it wasn't for my husband!!! My husband made it super easy for me to workout daily. He would watch our kids for as long as I needed to workout. He encouraged me with his positive words, and would tell me that he was seeing results!!!! I would like to thank you Carlos for supporting me and believing in me and helping me through this challenge!! I love you with all of my heart and I am happy that I was able to do this challenge to where I can be healthy and set a good example for our family!!
Please enjoy this very special Blog Post and walk through the 66 Day Challenge with me personally!! You will see my daily workouts below, along with pictures and videos!! I hope this blog post inspires you to where you can do your very own 66 Day Challenge!! If you need encouragement or advice please feel free to email me personally and I can tell you things I experienced during my challenge. My email address is:
It is about hard work and dedication! It is about having vision of the end goal, and powering through the process. If it was easy, then everyone would do it!! It takes you to reach a point of saying: "Enough!" It is about taking charge of your body and what you eat!! You are making a decision to be healthy and to set an example for your family!!!
Here is my 66 Day Challenge!!!!
Amount of Weight Lost BEFORE Starting This Challenge: 15lbs
****** I wanted to list some of the things that I am taking to boost my workouts****
I started taking this after my workouts and I only use water with this shake. I actually used this until I ran out then I switched to a different brand of protein.
This is the new brand that I am on right now and it is supposed to be the best!! The flavor I have is Chocolate Fudge and I only use on scoop of powder. The taste is very strong for me so for this shake I need to add one scoop of Peanut Butter, one half of a Banana, handful of Chia Seeds, Water, and Ice.
I put Chia Seeds in EVERYTHING!! I cook with them, put them in my drinks, snacks, etc. If you have never heard of Chia Seeds, I wanted to give you the short version.
8 Good Reasons To Start Eating Chia Seeds:
1) Help Weight Loss- They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system.
2) Feel fuller faster- They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.
3) Hydration for athletes- They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.
4) Reduce your blood pressure- There is evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.
5) Omega-3 - They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (The vital fats that protect against inflammation-such as arthritis-and heart disease. In face, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon.
6) Benefits for diabetes- Chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar.
7) They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.
8) They are tasteless and odorless, so you can put them in ANYTHING!!
** So now that you have been able to read what I have been taking, please continue on reading below and see my entire 66 Days of Training!! **
Day 1 12/28/2013
30 Minutes on Treadmill and burned a total of 283 Calories. I ran for 20 minutes straight and for the last 10 minutes I did a fast walk on an incline of 8% and did a pace of 3.5.
Sweaty but still smiling after first part of running workout!!
Did Bicycle for 10 minutes at a fast pace and burned 58 calories!
50 squats completed
200 sit-ups
30 push-ups
Total amount of calories burned: 341
Day 1 down, 65 more days to go!!
Day 2 12/29/2013
I did 35 minutes on the treadmill and burned 293 calories. I did a variety of incline/running/sprinting/and fast walking.
My goal each day is to run over 2 miles. So today I ran 2.41 miles.
I then did this "Mini Workout." This was a nice little workout to do and I enjoyed it. Do this fast and take no breaks in between!!
I must say I was feeling the burn after this workout. I am still sore from Day 1's workout, but I must admit it is nice to feel my muscles working.
Total Amount of Calories Burned: 293
Day 3 12/30/2013
Today, I took a break from the treadmill and focused on arms and abs.
I took out my 5lb weights and worked my biceps and triceps. I then doubled up the weights in each side to make it a total of 10lbs and did biceps and triceps. I did 2-3 sets of 10 on each side.
I then did:
100 push ups
350 sit ups
and finished up with weighted squats
I don't have an exact number of how many calories I burned today, so the amount I am going to put down is: unknown
Day 4: 12/31/2013
Happy New Years Eve!! It is 9:00pm at night and I am outside working out enjoying this beautiful night.
1,300 jump rope
and ran 1 complete lap around our complex.
I can honestly say this was the first time I worked out without listening to music and I LOVED it!! I enjoyed listening to the sound of the jump rope swinging through the air, hearing cars pass behind me, listening to the wind blow the trees. I really enjoyed running outside with the no headphones because you can focus on your breathing and hear the sounds of the trees and leaves. I can honestly say I felt peace tonight during my workout and I really enjoyed training tonight!! I think running is slowly making a place in my heart :)
Day 5: 1/1/2014
Happy 2014 Everyone!!!! I pray that everyone had an amazing day today and a great start to a new year!!
This by far has been my toughest workout yet. I am sore afterwards and I had to mentally force myself to get through it!!
I started out with this workout on the treadmill. This is a killer and you will find yourself trying to catch your breathe. I did this 20 minute treadmill workout and burned 203 calories.
I then went to the Bicycle and did 10 minutes and burned: 53 Calories!
As you can see, I was super sweaty after the treadmill and bike workout.
I then did 100 sit-ups
30 push-ups
and then did another circuit which you will see below:
(85 Burpees)
(235 Squats)
This was a brutal circuit and I could definitely feel the burn. Here are some pictures below to let you see how amazing this workout is:
Lot's of sweat here and total amount of calories burned: 256
Day 6 1/2/2014
I can honestly say that I am still sore from all of the Burpees that I did yesterday. My arms and thighs hurt, so today I wanted to try a lighter workout.
I warmed up for 2 minutes on the Stair Climber and burned 17 calories
I then did the workout below and burned 160 calories
I can honestly say that I did not care for this workout at ALL. I am not a "walker" and to me it wasn't worth it. I would not recommend this workout or do this workout again.
Today's workout wasn't hard and I did take it easy today because I am still sore, so tomorrow I will make up for today's light workout.
Calories Burned: 177
Day 7 1/3/2014
I had to make up for yesterdays workout so today I did lot's of cardio.
I ran for 40 minutes on the Treadmill and burned 402 calories.
I ended up running 3.15 miles on the Treadmill.
I then did the Bicycle for 11 minutes and burned 57 calories.
100 Sit-ups
200 Jumping Jacks.
So for today's workout I burned a total of: 459 calories!!
I can say that I made up for yesterdays workout!!
Day 8 1/4/2014
Today for my workout I ran 25 minutes on the Treadmill and burned 247 Calories!
I ran a distance of 2.04 Miles.
100 Jumping Jacks
50 Push-ups
200 Sit-ups
2 Minute Wall Sit
50 High-Knees
50 Squats
Today's Workout I burned a Total of 247 Calories!!
Day 9 1/5/2014
Today I went outside at night and worked out with my Jump Rope.
I did 1,500 Jump Ropes
Ran 1 time around our Complex
This workout honestly deserved a fist pump because I literally forced myself to workout.
You can definitely say that I did earn my shower!!!
Day 10 1/6/2014
I started off with a 20 minute run on the Treadmill and added a workout in the middle of my run. The circuit is posted below. I ended up burning a total of 185 calories.
I then did several other workouts:
290 Sit-ups
10 weighted Push-ups
2 Minute Wall-Sit
30 Second Planks (4 times)
30 Weighted Triceps
I then did 3 rounds of shadow boxing with 5lbs weights for 1 minute.
I finished off with a 5 minute bike and burned: 29 calories!!
I really enjoyed this workout because it had a good variety!!! I can honestly say that I am going to do more shadow boxing in future workouts!!
Total amount of Calories Burned: 214
Day 11 1/7/2014
I ran on the Treadmill for 25 minutes and burned 213 Calories!
Today was a short workout today, so I just stuck with running!!
The tummy is getting toned!!!! I love the fact that I am getting healthy and strong!!
Total Calories Burned: 213
Day 12 1/8/2014
3 Minutes of Jumping Rope
100 Jump Ropes with just Left Leg
100 Jump Ropes with just Right Leg
100 Jump Ropes with feet split apart
100 alternating lunges with Jump Rope
50 side jumps over line
50 front jumps over line
50 alternating curb jumps
50 box jumps
50 alternating high knees on Box
20 Incline Push-ups on Box
Workout Completed!!!
Day 13 1/9/2014
I did the "T.O Resistance Bands" tonight because my brother gave them to me, so I was excited to try them out. I did alot of Biceps and Triceps tonight and several other arm exercises. I am going to do research and find other workouts that I can do with my resistance bands.
Here is a short video below of me doing part of the workout!!
Day 14 1/10/2014
I worked out on the Treadmill today for 60 minutes.
I burned 541 Calories.
I did a total distance of 4.14 Miles.
I did the Bike for 15 minutes and burned 82 Calories!!
Total Calories Burned: 623
Day 15 1/11/2014
Today I wanted to just focus on Abs
600 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
1 Minute Plank
Day 16 1/12/2014
Today I ran for 30 Minutes and burned 330 Calories
I ran a distance of 2.25 Miles
I then did an additional 15 minutes on the treadmill and walked at a steep incline and burned 129 Calories.
2 minute Planks
1 minute Push-ups
1 minute Squats
2 minute Wall-sit.
Total amount of calories burned for this workout: 459
Day 17 1/13/2014
Today, I did this Boxing Program Below
I really enjoyed shadow boxing with my 5lb weights!
Quote from Floyd Mayweather "Hard-work, Dedication."

I burned 120 calories on the treadmill and did the bike for 5 minutes and burned 36 calories!
Total Amount of Calories Burned:156
Day 18 1/14/2014
Today is a day that I can honestly say that I looked forward to Running. I couldn't wait to get on the Treadmill and forget about the stressful day I had and just focus on my breathing and running.
Today I ran for 30 minutes and burned a total of 309 Calories!
Total Amount of Calories Burned: 309
Day 19 1/15/2014
Today my family and I went to "Planet Jump." This is a facility that has HUGE bounce houses with HUGE slides. Our family spent 3 hours there today and my husband and I were climbing up these slides over and over. I actually consider this my workout today, so I made sure to run around alot and climb lot's of things. This place is alot of fun!! If you have children check it out, and make it a priority to climb up the slides with your kids.
Total amount of Calories burned: Unknown
Day 20 1/16/2014
Today, I got home late from work, so I did only:
100 Push-ups
***As you can see there should be NO excuses with being too busy or too tired. There can always be some type of exercise squeezed in! ***
Day 21 1/17/2014
I did this program below today, and I can say that it truly challenged me
I burned a total of: 614 Calories
I ran a total distance of 5.05
Total amount of calories burned today: 614
Day 22 1/18/2014
Here is some motivation: If you have lost one pound, be proud of yourself!!!! Seeing a picture will motivate you to keep going because it DOES make a difference.
These women are known for their bodies but what you don't see is how hard they train. You don't need to be a Tall Model to be beautiful. No matter how tall or small you are, you can train and be healthy. These women put in the time. I was blown away with watching training sessions with their boxer:
Here is a link below to see a short workout:
For Today's Workout I did 100 sit-ups. These sit-ups are different from normal sit-ups and VERY hard to do. In order to do this workout you will need a partner.
1) You lay down on your back on the floor and your partner will stand over you. Your partner faces forward and their feet they will space apart and your head will be in between. You should have their left foot by your left ear, and their right foot by your right ear.
2) You will then hold your feet together and legs straights and bring them upward toward the sky.
3) Your partner will then reach his hands out and push your legs down with force.
4) You do NOT let your feet touch the ground. They should get close to the ground but not touch.
5) You will then bring them back up and your partner can push your legs down the middle/to the left/or to the right/
** The key is that your partner will change directions so you don't know what direction they will force your feet to go. It will contract your abs the entire time and you WILL feel it afterwards.**
Day 23 1/19/2014
Tonight I jump roped for 8 minutes and even did a few "doubles." (For those of you who aren't familiar with "doubles" it is when you make the rope go around twice before your feet touch the ground)
I then ran around our entire complex and completed that run in 6:54 minutes and the distance was .22 miles I burned 23.81 calories on this mini run
I then did 50 push-ups
Day 24 1/20/2014
I discovered this Jump-Rope Workout for GQ Magazine. Yes the magazine is for Men, but I like a challenge and I decided to do this workout.
3 minute jump rope (Keep feet together and legs straight, jump at the same time)
Stretch lightly
15 regular push-ups (until nose almost touches ground)
3 minute jump rope (Keep feet together and legs straight, jump at same time)
10 regular push-ups (until nose almost touches ground)
10 dips
3 minutes jump rope (bounce from one foot to another)
15 full sit-ups (arms crossed and feet on ground, come all the way up until elbows touch knees)
3 minutes jump rope (bounce from one foot to other)
5 push-ups, 5 dips, 5 sit-ups
3 minute jump rope (high knees)
60 seconds pushups
3 minute jump ropes (high knees)
60 seconds leg lifts (lay on back and make a diamond with hands under tailbone for support.
3 minutes jump rope (run in place)
60 second dips
3 minutes jump rope (side to side each foot)
60 seconds decline push-ups
3 minute jump rope (feet together, jump at same time)
60 second leg lifts (make diamond with hands under tailbone)
3 minute jump rope (bounce on foot for a full minute and 1/2 then do the other foot)
60 seconds double crunch ( Lay flat on your back with arms back behind your head, feet on ground, and knees bent. Bring knees to chest while doing crunch at same time)
30 seconds jump rope (high knees)
30 seconds jump rope (side to side)
30 seconds jump rope (feet together legs straight)
60 seconds jump rope (high knees)
60 seconds jump rope (side to side)
60 seconds (feet together and legs straight
5 regular push-ups
5 decline push-ups
Day 25 1/21/2014
My body is very sore from yesterdays "GQ Workout" so today I did a light workout.
50 Sit-ups
240 Glute Exercises
30 Push-ups
*** It is so important to listen to your body, your body does need time to rest and re-fuel. If you are sore in certain areas, give those days a break, and work on the areas that aren't sore.**
Day 26 1/22/2014
Today's Workout was a total of 5 minutes long!!
1 minute Sit-ups
1 minute Leg Raises
1 minute Push-ups
1 minute Squats
1 minute Wall Sit
****On your "Busy Days" just try and get at least 5 minutes in! There are NO excuses!!! ****
Day 27 1/23/2014
Today I did a 35 minute Treadmill Workout that I will explain below:
1 minute at 4.0 speed
1 minute at 4.5 speed
1 minute at 5.0 speed
1 minute at 5.5 speed
1 minute at 6.0 speed
1 minute at 6.5 speed
1 minute at 7.0 speed
(then repeat 5 times!!!)
I burned a total of 368 Calories
I ran a distance of 3.20
As you can see that this is not a Beauty Pageant, and you are not going to look pretty after this workout!!
Total amount of calories burned: 368
Day 28 1/24/2014
Push Ups/Planks
- Elevate feet on a chair or bench
- Press up and down five times
- Lower onto forearms and hold for 10 seconds
- Repeat 4xs
Running on Treadmill for 10 minutes, Calories burned: 122
Total Calories Burned Today: 122
Day 29 1/25/2014
I ran on Treadmill today for 25 minutes and burned: 273 Calories!
I ran a distance of 2.18 miles.
Total Calories Burned Today: 273 Calories!
Day 30 1/26/2014
100 Sit-ups
3 minute Planks
1 minute Push-ups
1 minute Leg-ups
2 minute Wall-Sit
1 minute Superman
1 minute Dips
5 minute Bicycle ride, burned total of 37 Calories!
Today was a good workout, I burned a total of 37 calories!!!
Day 31 1/27/2014
3 Minutes of Jumping Rope (warm-up)
Jumping Rope
1 minute of high knees
1 minute of both feet at same time
1 minute of left foot
1 minute of right foot
10 seconds of double jump
3 Minutes of Jumping Rope
*Repeat Cycle*
50 Sit-ups
Day 32 1/28/2014
500 Sit ups
4 Sets of Push ups (with 10 second planks)
50 Squats
50 Leg lifts
50 Push ups
Day 33 1/29/2014
Watch the link below to see my "Mid-Point Weigh in!"
Here is a video of after my Weigh in!!
As you can see from the videos above of how much weight I have lost so far. I have more work to do in the next part of my challenge!!!
Today's Workout:
I ran for a total of 27 minutes!! Since I need to increase my program, I spoke with my brother and he recommended that I run and sprint. So for this workout, I would jog at 5.0mph and then I would sprint at 8.0mph for a minute. I burned a total of 243 Calories!!
I ran a distance of 2.12 Miles
I then did "Man" Push-ups 10
I did 10 more Push-ups but this time with just my legs.
Here is a picture of me at a total weight loss of 21lbs total!! (6lbs from the 33 day Workout)
Total amount of Calories today: 243!!
** I am happy of what I have accomplished and I am motivated to really step up my program to where I can reach my "goal weight" in 33 days!! **
Day 34 1/30/2014
I did a 20 minute Treadmill Workout:
0:00min-5:00min Ran at 5.0mph
5:00min-6:00min Sprint at 8.0mph
6:00min-8:00min Ran at 5.0mph
8:00min-9:00min Sprint at 8.0mph
9:00min-11:00min Ran at 5.0mph
11:00min-12:00min Sprint at 8.0mph
12:00min-14:00min Ran at 5.0mph
14:00min-15:00min Sprint at 8.0mph
15:00min-17:00min Ran at 5.0mph
17:00min-18:00min Sprint at 10.0mph
18:00min-20:00min Ran at 5.0mph
Total amount of Calories Burned: 220!
** My workouts are shorter and fewer calories are burned during the workout, but the intensity is higher. My heart rate is being challenged at the different rates so I am burning more calories after my workouts are over.**
I am going to keep doing Running and Sprint Combinations to burn off the extra weight that I need to lose!!
Day 35 1/31/2014
Today, I did 20 minutes on the Treadmill. I was not able to sprint today because I am listening to my body, and my legs needed a day to recover from yesterday's sprints.
I burned a total of 183 Calories!
I then did the Bicycle for 5 minutes and burned: 39 Calories!!
Today's total amount of Calories burned: 222!!
Day 36 2/1/2014
Today I ran on the Treadmill for 45 minutes. I burned a total of 419 Calories!
I sprint for the last 3 minutes of the workout:
7.0mph for 1 minute
7.5mph for 1 minute
8.0mph for 1 minute
I then did the Bicycle for 5 minutes and burned: 41 Calories!!
Today's total amount of Calories burned: 460!
Distance Ran: 3.79
*** This is something that I need to keep in mind and I also wanted to share this picture with everyone else. This challenge has been tough on me and has overwhelmed me at times. If you ask my Husband how many times I have complained, he would not be able to give an exact number because I probably do it daily. I love to workout, but doing it DAILY without missing a day for 66 days straight is something I have never done!! So to myself and to everyone else, remember that it is a BLESSING!! Do not take anything for granted!! There are so many people born with no disabilities and choose to do nothing. We need to understand that we have been blessed and we need to take care of our bodies because we are temples and we house the Holy Spirit. We need to make sure we are healthy so we can be around longer to preach the Good News of Jesus!!
Day 37 2/2/2014
Did the Bicycle for 13 minutes and burned 84 Calories!
Ran on the Treadmill for 25 minutes and burned 215 Calories!
(Showing all of the hard work and sweat)
2 Minute Leg Raises
4 Minute Planks
200 Sit-ups
20 Single Legged Squats
20 Push-ups (Man Push-ups)
Total amount of Calories Burned: 299!!
Completed Workout!!!
Day 38 2/3/2014
Ran for 20 Minutes on Treadmill and Burned: 168 Calories!!
30 Push-ups (Regular)
50 Leg Lifts
4 Minute Wall-Sits
Total Amount of Calories Burned 168!
Day 39 2/4/2014
600 Sit-ups
10 Minutes of Jumping Rope
5 sets of 10 double jump rope
This quote above needs to be the attitude that you have with whatever you do!!! Whatever your goal is, own it!!! Do not let ANYONE discourage you or talk you out of it!!!! Be strong!!!
Day 40 2/5/2014
Played Tennis with my brother for 20 minutes! (due to weather conditions) :(
Went on a LONG walk today!!
Today was a simple workout because I wanted my back to recover so I can continue my running and sprinting!!
Day 41 2/6/2014
250 Sit-ups
5 Minute Planks
20 Incline Push-ups
Went on a Long Walk Today!
25 minutes on Treadmill and burned 257 Calories!!
Total amount of Calories Burned: 257 Calories!!
**I am excited because my back feels better today, so I think I can start running and sprinting again**
Day 42 2/7/2014
50 Leg Lifts
4 Minute Planks
1 Minute of Superman
Day 43 2/8/2014
I ran on the Treadmill for 50 minutes today!
For the first 30 minutes I did a jog without stopping.
I then walked for 5 minutes!
For the last 15 minutes I changed the incline to where I would walk/jog/sprint.
Total amount of Calories Burned: 459!
I ran a distance of 3.94 miles!
Today was a great workout!! I really like seeing ALOT of calories burned!!
Day 44 2/9/2014
I did the treadmill for 30 minutes today!!
I burned 260 Calories!
I ran a total distance of 2.14 miles!
I then did 5 minutes of different Sit-up routines!
Total amount of calories burned: 260!!
Day 45 2/10/2014
I did a long walk today with the kids.
I then did 10 minutes of Sit-ups non-stop!
1 minute of Push-ups!
Day 46 2/11/2014
50 minutes on the Treadmill!!
I did Speed Walking/Running/High Incline of Walking/Sprinting.
Calories burned during this workout: 361 Calories!!
Day 47 2/12/2014
1 Minute High-Knees
1 Minute Push-Ups
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
1 Minute Wall-Sit
1 Minute Mountain Climbers
2 Minutes of Shadow-Boxing
Day 48 2/13/2014
I took the kids on a long walk today and I pulled out the jogging stroller and ran. I ran up-hill and would walk/run on and off. I must say that it was really windy and cold out, so I had alot of resistance running with the jogging stroller!!
Day 49 2/14/2014
Long walk today
Day 50 2/15/2014
50 Sit-ups
25 Push-ups
Day 51 2/16/2014
Walked Today
Day 52 2/17/2014
40 Side "Love Handle" Crunches (20 each side)
250 Sit-ups
30 Push-ups
100 Jumping Jacks
1 Minute of High Knees
50 Squats
100 Calf Raises
Working Hard and Muscles are Burning!!!
Day 53 2/18/3014
Long Walk Today!!
Day 54 2/19/2014
100 Sit-ups
2 Minutes of weighted Russian Twist Sit-ups
500 Jumping Jacks
50 Push-ups
40 Single Weighted Squats (20 each leg)
3 Minutes of Shadow Boxing with Weights (1 minute rounds of boxing with 30 seconds rest in between)
75 Bicep/Tricep curls
Day 55 2/20/2014
Today I was on the Treadmill for 31 Minutes. I burned 240 Calories!
I did a distance of 2.28 Miles!
I also did 150 Sit-ups!
Workout Done!!!
Total Calories Burned: 240
Day 56 2/21/2014
Long Walk Today!!
Day 57 2/22/2014
Today I went for a walk
I did 250 Sit-ups!!
**** Update******
I am excited to report that I have lost SEVERAL pants sizes and I am now a size 6!!!
I can honestly say that after 2 kids I never thought I would see myself as a size 6!!! :)
It is amazing to see results after all of the hard work, and it truly motivates me to finish strong!!!
Day 58 2/23/2014
Today I taught my "first private tennis lesson" after giving birth to my 2 children!!!! :)
I can honestly say to walk on the court holding my tennis bag and basket of balls felt so good!! It felt so amazing to be able to wear a dri-fit Nike top and not have my stomach be tight and trim!! I had lot's of energy and was able to keep up with my student!!
My workout for today was teaching a 1 hour tennis lesson and doing short sprints.
Day 59 2/24/2014
50 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
50 Squats
40 Single-Leg Squats (20 each leg)
Day 60 2/25/2014
Today was a day for Sit-ups!! :)
400 Sit-ups
Day 61 2/26/2014
I ran 2 miles today outside!! It is a challenge to run outside since I normally run inside on a Treadmill!! ** Good practice for 5k in April :) **
Day 62 2/27/2014
Went on a long walk today with a friend and we walked close to 4 miles!!
Day 63 2/28/2014
** I have a horrible cold so I am taking it easy on these last few days***
Went on a Walk Today!
Day 64 3/1/2014
Walked Today!
Day 65 3/2/3014
Walked Today!
Day 66 3/3/3014
Walked Today!
To see my FINAL Weigh In, Click on the link below :)
Watch this video below to see My Personal Thoughts On My 66 Day Challenge!!
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