Thursday, November 7, 2013

True Enlightenment.....

I needed to write this blog post to explain the enlightenment I received last night during a Bible Study!  I had such a move of the Holy Spirit to where I felt the very presence of God himself.  We have been learning "Blood Covenant" and this was something I didn't know much about.  When I grew up in church, blood covenant was never explained to me.  In this class we went through the Bible to where we could see "Blood Covenant" throughout the entire Bible and went through the process of what they would do.  We learned the symbolic meaning behind this covenant and can see that "Marriage" mirrors the concept of blood covenant.  While reading Gods Word I am literally seeing words come to life now, and able to see it from a different perspective.  I have never been in a class before where I had so much enlightenment from the Holy Spirit himself to where I couldn't contain the way I felt.  The Bible is the only book that can do this.  The more you read it, the more things are revealed to you, and come alive to you.  I am on fire for God and I don't want this fire to go away, so I am on a mission to keep seeking him and learn more about the Blood Covenant.  The enemy wants Christians to be lukewarm and now know EVERYTHING that we have received from being Abraham's descendants.  I am so thankful for this Pastor for taking the time and doing such an in-depth study on this subject.  All the Glory to Jesus Christ!!!!

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