Monday, November 25, 2013

Learning History......

I can be the first person to tell you that the subject "History" was never my favorite.  I always had boring history teachers and I would lose interest right away when they started talking because I was bored.  My thought was always "Why, do I need to know stuff that already happened?"  I was ignorant and didn't know any better.  God knew this of course, because my husband loves History and knows everything about it.  I am able to learn from him when he teaches me and I can honestly say that I wish I paid more attention in school.  Recently, my Husband and I decided to have a "date" day.  We went out to Breakfast and talked about what we were going to do that day.  We came to the decision that we wanted to go to a Museum.  There are many Museums in our area so we had a good variety to choose from.  We decided to go to the Holocaust Museum.  I thought this was a great learning opportunity for me considering I couldn't name anything about the Holocaust.  I just knew that people were imprisoned and that there was barb-wire.  I didn't know what countries were involved or why it started or how long it went on, etc.  We arrived and took our time going through the three levels of this Museum and even had audio that we could listen to.  The entire exhibit takes 2 hours, when you take your time.  I can honestly tell you that my eyes were opened and I was absorbing everything.  People think the Holocaust happened thousands of years ago, when in fact it wasn't that long ago.  This event lasted for 5 years and millions of Jews died.  Germany was led by Hitler and he got everyone pumped up and thinking that it was the Jews fault, so they started invading different areas and killing them.  They sent the Jews over in train cars when usually you would sit 40 people in one car, these German soldiers would stuff 140 Jews in each car.  Many suffocated because there was not enough air, and people were killed on the spot.  They would arrive to a destination and then separate the children, women, and men.  People were led off to gas chambers, people were shot in the head and thrown in a ditch, and children were buried alive.  They were preparing the concentration camps, but the camps weren't ready yet, so they sent the Jews to these ghettos.  In these ghettos they had little money received from government, poor school teaching, and little food.  When the camps were ready, they would then lead them over and imprison them.  They would work for hours at a time and were starved and freezing.  During lineup some survivors actually said they would pierce their own skin and take their own blood and put it on their cheeks so they looked "healthy."  During these lineups the soldiers would kill anyone that looked weak.  The survivors wanted to appear healthy and fat and well.  There goal was to just survive another day.  They had hope that one day they would get out.

Are you getting a History lesson right now?  Don't feel bad because you are not alone.  There are MANY Americans and young people in general who don't have a clue on what happened and don't care to learn.  We need to learn about History so the past doesn't repeat itself.  Hitler didn't do this all over night, he started little by little.  It takes time to develop total devastation.  It blew my mind on how ignorant I have been living and how common it is in our generation today.  Parents, educate your children on history!  Your kids need to know what has happened in the world!  Adults if you don't know alot, spend some time doing research on the Internet or read a book.  Don't fall into the typical American category.  It seems like our generation knows everything about music and celebrities and these things are all superficial and have no substance or meaning.  It does nothing for our mind or spiritual growth.  We need to start asking questions and looking for the answers.  I can honestly say it was one of the best date days we have had.  We were able to learn History together and sit down and talk about everything we saw at the Museum!!

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