I have just completed a book review on the Book "Billy Graham in Quotes" by Franklin Graham. If you want inspiration, then this book is for you!! Everyone knows who Billy Graham is and how powerful of a writer he is. He lead many people to Christ Jesus with his teaching and writing. This book is covered with his amazing quotes from front to back. This book is also broken down into categories that cover different areas of life, so if you want to hear certain quotes for things that you are experiencing, this book has that covered. You will find yourself highlighting the majority of the quotes because they are that good. I recommend this book to people because it really gives a positive and uplifting message!!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Truly Blessed......
Why am I so blessed? I am blessed because I am a child of the one true king!!! God takes care of his children and ALWAYS provides!! My God has given me the desires of my heart! When you do things Gods Way, you will have his blessing and protection over every inch of your life. I look at my Marriage and literally am in awe! My husband and I are stronger today than when we first got married and we are more closer today. I can honestly say that I love my husband more today then when we first got married. I see what God is doing with him and how God is carefully molding him into a Godly Strong Leader. I know God has found favor with me because he has given my my gift (which is my husband) I totally don't deserve my husband and I remind myself to NEVER take him for granted. So many people are in their marriages and they are struggling. It breaks my heart that people cannot have what "we" have and have not found what we have found. Marriage is such a blessing and the joining of two becoming one, and so many people remain as "two" individuals and never fuse together as one.
I look at my children and it blows me away!!! God has blessed me with such a beautiful little boy and a beautiful little girl. Gabriel is a true angel and I will always have a special place for him because of what I went through with him while I was pregnant with him. Gabriel is a true miracle baby and God has something SO BIG planned for Gabe and I cannot wait to see what it is. God blessed us with Rafaela who is just so beautiful and so sweet. She has such a personality and she is going to be such a godly woman. We cannot wait to teach our children the Lords Ways!!!!
God has blessed me with such a Godly Church!! I can honestly say that I am in love with my church. I look forward to going each week and I cannot wait to teach our class each week. We have met so many amazing people that we now call family. We have been through good time and bad times and have had our church family be there FULLY for us and support us. I have never experienced this until I met our Church. My husband and I love that we hear the Word of God there and also that we get to share the Word of God with others. We are truly humbled that God would even use us at such an amazing church!! We thank him daily for our church family!!!
No matter what you encounter or go through remember that if you do it GODS WAY, you WILL BE blessed!!! Time to surrender EVERY area of your life to him, not just half of your life!!! Get ALL in with God so you can be blessed!!
I look at my children and it blows me away!!! God has blessed me with such a beautiful little boy and a beautiful little girl. Gabriel is a true angel and I will always have a special place for him because of what I went through with him while I was pregnant with him. Gabriel is a true miracle baby and God has something SO BIG planned for Gabe and I cannot wait to see what it is. God blessed us with Rafaela who is just so beautiful and so sweet. She has such a personality and she is going to be such a godly woman. We cannot wait to teach our children the Lords Ways!!!!
God has blessed me with such a Godly Church!! I can honestly say that I am in love with my church. I look forward to going each week and I cannot wait to teach our class each week. We have met so many amazing people that we now call family. We have been through good time and bad times and have had our church family be there FULLY for us and support us. I have never experienced this until I met our Church. My husband and I love that we hear the Word of God there and also that we get to share the Word of God with others. We are truly humbled that God would even use us at such an amazing church!! We thank him daily for our church family!!!
No matter what you encounter or go through remember that if you do it GODS WAY, you WILL BE blessed!!! Time to surrender EVERY area of your life to him, not just half of your life!!! Get ALL in with God so you can be blessed!!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Still At It.....
524 Calories in one hour!! It is not easy to take an hour aside and dedicate to working hard and sweating. I highly despise running, so I literally have to force myself to find joy in running. Having music playing really helps me find a beat and run to that. Our new season starts at the end of September so I am making it a priority to be in better shape at the beginning of the new season, then I am today!!!!
Working out isn't about looking pretty or seeing immediate results, it is a lifestyle. You work out for the "feeling" that you get AFTER your workout is already done!!!!
Working out isn't about looking pretty or seeing immediate results, it is a lifestyle. You work out for the "feeling" that you get AFTER your workout is already done!!!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Is It Possible To Be Too Helpful And Available?
This is something MANY people struggle with. People want to be available and always help a friend in need, but there is a "fine line" that needs to be drawn. I am praying that this blog really reaches people and makes them see that they need to establish a boundary to where they protect themselves and give the rest to God. The enemy uses un-godly people, the enemy also uses godly people. Whenever people are going through a struggle or a trial THAT is the time they show they either have Jesus or they don't. It is very easy to call your friend up several times a day whenever you are struggling, but did you ever open up your bible? Do you talk to Jesus MORE than that friend you keep calling? God needs to be FIRST during good times and in bad times! The Bible covers EVERY area of life, so we know we can go to HIS Word and that we don't need to run to others for help. We can turn to godly people to help lift us up, but we cannot RELY on them. We can only rely on JESUS!! Did you hear what I just said? We can ONLY RELY ON JESUS!!
I am going to address two types of people in this blog. I am going to first address the person who is going through the struggle then I will address the person helping the person in the struggle.
IN THE STRUGGLE: So you are in a struggle/trial right now and this took you by surprise. You didn't plan for it, and you didn't expect it. You literally got knocked over and you don't know how to get back up again. Keep in mind that I am already assuming you have Jesus in your life and that he is your Savior. So right now the enemy is FULLY attacking you to where he caught you where you have your armor of God off. First problem, you took your armor of God off. Why did you take a break to take your Armor of God off? You know that the devil is seeking someone to devour. ( Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.1 Peter 5:8) So you are in the "why" stage right now and trying to figure out WHY this is happening to you. Talk it out with God, he wants a heart to heart with you. Tell him 100% what you are feeling and what you want to know. The next step is one of the hardest steps because you cannot go off of your "feelings." When you are done talking, you need to tell God that you STILL TRUST HIM and that he is STILL GOOD through this trial and you THANK HIM FOR IT.(Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4) (More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.Romans 5:3-5) (For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10)
Next you need to start seeking God and clinging to the cross like Jesus did. You need to work on healing and getting closer to Jesus. Spend time in your Bible and make sure that you are getting to church. Daily you need to confess Gods Word OVER YOUR OWN WORD. There are going to be bad days to where you don't feel like it, on these days IT IS A MUST!! The enemy is going to want you to put God aside and start seeking people and their opinions. Satan wants to use you to disrupt other families and start putting weight on their shoulders with your struggles. You cannot be a burden to people!!!!! Jesus is the person to rely on NOT OTHERS!!!
HELPING THE PERSON STRUGGLING- There is a fine line that needs to be established when you start to see that the person is not taking your godly advice and not seeking God. If that person is doing all of the things that I mentioned above, then this person knows the boundary line and is not being a burden. Unfortunately the majority of the people suffering are only looking at themselves so they don't care to see others to find out if they are crossing that boundary line. They are too busy focusing on themselves. It is important to keep pointing that person to Jesus and Gods Word. Give scriptures more than personal advice. Encourage that person to get involved in groups or to talk to a Pastor. Pray with that person and pray for that person. If the person you are helping is STILL crossing over that boundary line to where it is starting to give you anxiety and disrupt your peace and your family time, then you need to cut that person off. You need to understand that the enemy is working through that person right now and he is trying to disrupt your family. You can tell the person in a loving way and let them know that you need to focus on God and your family and that you will keep praying for them but at this time it isn't best to keep talking. You need to protect yourself and your heart you MUST GUARD.
My husband and I have had situations to where this was brand new for us. We didn't understand that the enemy can use godly people as well. We have had situations that we have experienced to where it took a toll on ourselves and our family. We had times when no boundary line was established and we spent more time helping others than spending time with each other and our family. We have learned through experience when enough is enough. It is so healthy to establish a boundary and we want to encourage you today, that it is ok to say no. No matter what keep pointing people back to Jesus and keep praying for people!!!!
I am going to address two types of people in this blog. I am going to first address the person who is going through the struggle then I will address the person helping the person in the struggle.
IN THE STRUGGLE: So you are in a struggle/trial right now and this took you by surprise. You didn't plan for it, and you didn't expect it. You literally got knocked over and you don't know how to get back up again. Keep in mind that I am already assuming you have Jesus in your life and that he is your Savior. So right now the enemy is FULLY attacking you to where he caught you where you have your armor of God off. First problem, you took your armor of God off. Why did you take a break to take your Armor of God off? You know that the devil is seeking someone to devour. ( Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.1 Peter 5:8) So you are in the "why" stage right now and trying to figure out WHY this is happening to you. Talk it out with God, he wants a heart to heart with you. Tell him 100% what you are feeling and what you want to know. The next step is one of the hardest steps because you cannot go off of your "feelings." When you are done talking, you need to tell God that you STILL TRUST HIM and that he is STILL GOOD through this trial and you THANK HIM FOR IT.(Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4) (More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.Romans 5:3-5) (For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10)
Next you need to start seeking God and clinging to the cross like Jesus did. You need to work on healing and getting closer to Jesus. Spend time in your Bible and make sure that you are getting to church. Daily you need to confess Gods Word OVER YOUR OWN WORD. There are going to be bad days to where you don't feel like it, on these days IT IS A MUST!! The enemy is going to want you to put God aside and start seeking people and their opinions. Satan wants to use you to disrupt other families and start putting weight on their shoulders with your struggles. You cannot be a burden to people!!!!! Jesus is the person to rely on NOT OTHERS!!!
HELPING THE PERSON STRUGGLING- There is a fine line that needs to be established when you start to see that the person is not taking your godly advice and not seeking God. If that person is doing all of the things that I mentioned above, then this person knows the boundary line and is not being a burden. Unfortunately the majority of the people suffering are only looking at themselves so they don't care to see others to find out if they are crossing that boundary line. They are too busy focusing on themselves. It is important to keep pointing that person to Jesus and Gods Word. Give scriptures more than personal advice. Encourage that person to get involved in groups or to talk to a Pastor. Pray with that person and pray for that person. If the person you are helping is STILL crossing over that boundary line to where it is starting to give you anxiety and disrupt your peace and your family time, then you need to cut that person off. You need to understand that the enemy is working through that person right now and he is trying to disrupt your family. You can tell the person in a loving way and let them know that you need to focus on God and your family and that you will keep praying for them but at this time it isn't best to keep talking. You need to protect yourself and your heart you MUST GUARD.
My husband and I have had situations to where this was brand new for us. We didn't understand that the enemy can use godly people as well. We have had situations that we have experienced to where it took a toll on ourselves and our family. We had times when no boundary line was established and we spent more time helping others than spending time with each other and our family. We have learned through experience when enough is enough. It is so healthy to establish a boundary and we want to encourage you today, that it is ok to say no. No matter what keep pointing people back to Jesus and keep praying for people!!!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Choosing Gods Way Above Anything Else.............
Do you see that Our God is so loving and patient that he gives us free will? Our God is not pushy and demanding, he gently moves us and whispers to us. He waits on us and doesn't yell. Here humanity messed up and God had a plan to redeem his people by sending his ONLY Son Jesus Christ to die for us and this gift is FREE to all who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
When you truly receive Jesus in your life you fully accept what he did for you on the cross at Calvary. You understand how you don't deserve it and that it is 100% grace! This should be such a revelation for you that now you want to please God. You want to live for God and now do it HIS way. How do we do that? God gives us his manual, The Bible. The Bible is the best selling book in the world and there is a reason for that. Gods Word is composed from the Holy Spirit and things happen when you read his word. The Holy Spirit will be stronger in you to where you will have a stronger conviction to where you start living Gods Way. You want to have fellowship with God daily and want to spend time in His Word! I can remember in the past I never liked going to church because it felt like a chore. It was something I had to do and was told to do. I would always get so tired and bored in church to where afterwards I needed a nap. When I fully received Jesus I realized how much I need church! I now look forward to church and want to do it twice a week. I cannot get through an entire week without church on Wednesday or Sunday. I need a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit because I feel dirty having the effects of the world on me. I need a pure heart and I need cleansing. The deeper you get with Jesus the more you hunger and thirst for him. You cannot get enough of Jesus, you want to submerse yourself in him.
It is easy to choose Gods way when things are good and easy. When there is temptation and struggle then this is where the TRUE test takes place. Do you honestly believe Gods Word? If so then God wants to see how you are under a temptation. He will always provide a way out when you are being tempted, but you cannot get your flesh get in the way of that way out that he provides. Remember that Our God is gentle and not pushy. The enemy is the one that pushes and shoves and breathes down your neck. The enemy will threaten us and make HIS way look like the only option! We know that he is lying to us because he is the Father of Lies, and that we just need to keep looking for God because God is ALWAYS on time!! We need to choose Gods Way above ANYTHING else. I personally believe that forgiveness is one of the hardest things that society struggles with today. There are so many hurts and hurt people that continually go around hurting one another. Pride loves to get in the way to where we "puff" ourselves up to where WE decide if that person should be forgiven or not. This is the time to show that God is first in your life!! He says to forgive because then Our heavenly Father will forgive us. Do you see that we are doing ourselves the favor when we forgive those who persecute us? We are instructed to pray for those who hurt us. I am not talking about a quick prayer, I am talking about a prayer that you would pray for your closest family member. God sees our heart and knows when we are sincere. So I want to tell you to seek quiet time with God and spend time in his word. Choose HIS way NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE!
When you truly receive Jesus in your life you fully accept what he did for you on the cross at Calvary. You understand how you don't deserve it and that it is 100% grace! This should be such a revelation for you that now you want to please God. You want to live for God and now do it HIS way. How do we do that? God gives us his manual, The Bible. The Bible is the best selling book in the world and there is a reason for that. Gods Word is composed from the Holy Spirit and things happen when you read his word. The Holy Spirit will be stronger in you to where you will have a stronger conviction to where you start living Gods Way. You want to have fellowship with God daily and want to spend time in His Word! I can remember in the past I never liked going to church because it felt like a chore. It was something I had to do and was told to do. I would always get so tired and bored in church to where afterwards I needed a nap. When I fully received Jesus I realized how much I need church! I now look forward to church and want to do it twice a week. I cannot get through an entire week without church on Wednesday or Sunday. I need a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit because I feel dirty having the effects of the world on me. I need a pure heart and I need cleansing. The deeper you get with Jesus the more you hunger and thirst for him. You cannot get enough of Jesus, you want to submerse yourself in him.
It is easy to choose Gods way when things are good and easy. When there is temptation and struggle then this is where the TRUE test takes place. Do you honestly believe Gods Word? If so then God wants to see how you are under a temptation. He will always provide a way out when you are being tempted, but you cannot get your flesh get in the way of that way out that he provides. Remember that Our God is gentle and not pushy. The enemy is the one that pushes and shoves and breathes down your neck. The enemy will threaten us and make HIS way look like the only option! We know that he is lying to us because he is the Father of Lies, and that we just need to keep looking for God because God is ALWAYS on time!! We need to choose Gods Way above ANYTHING else. I personally believe that forgiveness is one of the hardest things that society struggles with today. There are so many hurts and hurt people that continually go around hurting one another. Pride loves to get in the way to where we "puff" ourselves up to where WE decide if that person should be forgiven or not. This is the time to show that God is first in your life!! He says to forgive because then Our heavenly Father will forgive us. Do you see that we are doing ourselves the favor when we forgive those who persecute us? We are instructed to pray for those who hurt us. I am not talking about a quick prayer, I am talking about a prayer that you would pray for your closest family member. God sees our heart and knows when we are sincere. So I want to tell you to seek quiet time with God and spend time in his word. Choose HIS way NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Best Cardio Workout Yet!!
I LOVE this quote right here!!! Today I did my BEST workout and I am happy that I powered through it. When I go to the gym my main focus is cardio because when I am home I do my strength training when my babies are sleeping. The majority of people work out because they want to look good and they want people to notice. My honest reason for training is because I want to have ENERGY and be HEALTHY where I can keep up with my kids. I know as people get older, they usually let their bodies go, and I want it to be the opposite for me. I want my children to see that it is important to be active and healthy, and the fact that I am playing tennis again helps motivate me as well.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Training On A "Lazy" Day....
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If it was easy, then EVERYONE would do it! |
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Stair Stepper 6:06 minutes, 56 calories |
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Treadmill- 24:59 minutes, 208 calories |
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Happy 1st Birthday to Rafaela Rose!!!!
I cannot believe that you are officially a one year old today! Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday when your Father and I were going to the Hospital to meet you! We were so excited to meet our baby girl, and now you are turning one year old!! One year ago today I was 39 weeks pregnant with you and I was scheduled for a C-section on August 17th. We had to go to the hospital at 6:30am to check in. I remember we woke up that morning and took "last pregnant" pictures before we left because we were so excited.
Rafaela Rose was born on 8/17/12 at 12:09pm at 8lbs! Carlos brought her over to me all bundled up and I got to kiss her and smell her and meet my little girl.
I had to get stitched back up and then I got rolled back to the room where I got to spend time with my little girl and my husband. We stayed in the Hospital for 3 days and Gabriel (her Big Brother) got to come and meet his sister too!!! Gabriel spent time with her and loved her but you can tell he didn't understand fully.
We have our little family of 4 that God has blessed us with! Here today she is 1 years old and she is as beautiful as ever and growing perfectly. We are so blessed and thankful to where we are going to have an entire family day today and have presents and cake for her tonight. We are just in Awe of Our Creator and what he has blessed us with. Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl, Rafa!!!
We left to go to the Hospital and I remember the song that played on the radio that morning, "Good Morning" by Mandesa and Toby Mac. Carlos made a quick run to the gas station to get a Gatorade and I was so nervous because we kept getting closer and closer to the Hospital. We got all checked in and situated, we got to listen to your heartbeat and of course took lots of video in our room. We sat and talked, watched T.V, listened to music, etc. All of a sudden my Doctor came in the room and broke the news to us that he wasn't able to deliver our baby because there was some emergency that took our place and we got pushed back and he had to leave. I honestly started to cry because I didn't want another Doctor delivering me, I really trusted my Doctor. He did let us know the other Doctor on staff and Praise God that I already knew of her from when I had my first child. She was a very sweet women and she would of been my back up doctor. We had the nurse come in the room and tell us that Carlos had to get dressed in his scrubs and that they were going to take me into surgery. I was having contractions with the baby and I was so scared because with my first baby I had to be knocked out since I could feel everything and I wasn't able to be awake when I delivered my first baby. Also Carlos wasn't allowed in the room the first time because I had to be knocked out. So I was nervous because I didn't want that to happen again, I wanted to have a "normal C- Section." I got rolled back to Surgery and I watched everyone get ready. It seemed like everyone was moving in slow motion and I began to panic on the inside. I thought to myself "I can't do this." I honestly felt that I couldn't do this because my fear was taking over me. The anesthesiologist came in to give me my Spinal and that did not hurt at all. The moment I got my medicine I felt a numb warming sensation travel down my entire body to where I no longer felt the contractions and I became REALLY comfortable. I laid down on the table and closed my eyes and began to relax. I looked to my right and my Husband was all dressed in his scrubs and he looked so handsome. I felt at peace the moment I saw him next to me. Carlos looked like a Doctor in his scrubs and it just made me realize all over again how handsome my husband is. We began to make small talk because we were both nervous and I could feel my skin separating from the surgery. I knew they were cutting me and that it was beginning. It took a few short minutes and the Doctor told Carlos to stand up and watch if he wanted and to take pictures. Carlos stood up and watched them pull the baby out. I remember looking up at my Husband and hearing him say "Katy, she has ALOT of hair, Oh my Gosh!!!!" I could hear the excitement in his voice and he was watching this happen. I then heard 3 little cries and then I started to cry. Her cry was the most beautiful cry I had ever heard. Carlos then went over so he could cut the umbilical cord and he said that it was really tough to cut through. In his mind he pictured it would be one quick snip, but the cord was tough and thick.
Rafaela Rose was born on 8/17/12 at 12:09pm at 8lbs! Carlos brought her over to me all bundled up and I got to kiss her and smell her and meet my little girl.
I had to get stitched back up and then I got rolled back to the room where I got to spend time with my little girl and my husband. We stayed in the Hospital for 3 days and Gabriel (her Big Brother) got to come and meet his sister too!!! Gabriel spent time with her and loved her but you can tell he didn't understand fully.
We have our little family of 4 that God has blessed us with! Here today she is 1 years old and she is as beautiful as ever and growing perfectly. We are so blessed and thankful to where we are going to have an entire family day today and have presents and cake for her tonight. We are just in Awe of Our Creator and what he has blessed us with. Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl, Rafa!!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
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Treadmill- 24:49 minutes and burned 200 calories |
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Bike-20:00 minutes and burned 146 calories |
Monday, August 12, 2013
Win an incredible Sports Package!
We are doing another contest on our Ministry Page (The link is below) You will have the chance to win an incredible signed sports package. If you want to see the details, go to the link below and "like" our page and go to the "video" section and check out the latest video to see what the rules are to win this sports package!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Cycle Charity.............
Hello everyone, we would like you to meet Jim and Beth! This amazing couple are taking on quite the adventure! They are going to be riding their bicycles 2, 500 miles from Maine to Key West. They are leaving for this journey on September 18 and planning to arrive in Key West on November 8th.
Here is a map of the journey
They will be riding their bicycles for "New Life Solutions." This organization makes a difference in the lives of many people. Beth has been a volunteer at The Pregnancy Center of Pinellas County in Florida. The organization: New Life Solutions is the organization behind "The Pregnancy Center of Pinellas." This organization is also behind several other programs: More2Life Youth Development Program, Passages (Post Abortion Grief Support Program), and The Breath of Life Womens Health Services and Birthing Center.
You can be a part of this amazing journey by going to their website: http://www.cyclecharity.com/
You can get more information about their journey and you can even follow them along on their journey. The webpage will also explain where your money will be going and also give you information on how your amount will be tax deductible. At the bottom of the website you will see the "DONATE" button and there you will be able to give the amount that God puts on your heart.
I have been writing blogs for many years now and I love sharing about Jesus Christ. I wanted to share my personal story about what I went through with my first child, Gabriel. I became pregnant and this was by total surprise. I was scared out of my mind and not ready to become a Mother. Most people when they get pregnant have the thought: "What color should we do the babies room?" My first thought was: "How can I take care of this problem, so my life will go back to the way it was." I started looking at information on abortions and just wanted this "problem" to go away. I was depressed and had a hard time accepting this pregnancy. I had a handful of people that I was speaking to about this situation. (Friends that have children/Friends that have had abortions/ and Godly Counsel) It was clear that God had given this baby to me, and that the Enemy saw this baby as a Huge Threat. I had a battle going on for the life of this baby. It took me months to finally accept this pregnancy and the only reason why was because of the Godly Counsel and the Word of God. I ended up choosing Life and decided Not to kill my baby, by getting an abortion. I had a healthy baby boy that we named, Gabriel. I even began volunteering at The Pregnancy Center of Clearwater as a Life Coach. This is what your money does! Your money saves the lives of Mothers and Children. Here is a picture of the baby that I almost aborted. If I would of chose abortion I would of taken the life of this baby and never had the chance to meet him, hold him, kiss him, see him smile, hear him laugh, and see what God had planned for him.
Meet Gabriel
Go over and to their website and save a life!
Living A Christian Life......
I always wanted a "guideline" on what it would look like on "Living a Christian Life." I can study the life of Jesus because he lived it Sinless and Humble and put others before himself. I can read the Word of God to see how God wants me to live. I can surround myself with godly influences and friends that can keep me accountable and inspire me. I can go to church and have worship with other members that are in the body of Christ. These are things that everyone should do because it says we are to do this if we are a disciple of Christ. God knows that we have a sinful nature because of Satan, so he gives us guidelines and instructions on how to DAILY be like Christ. When we wake up in the morning the enemy will start in your mind and start pushing against you. Satan wants you to feel pressure and be anxious before you get out of bed. This is why it is so important to have knowledge in the word of God, so we can understand how the enemy works and we can come against him with his attacks.
I wanted to give a basic guideline for people who maybe are new believers in Christ Jesus and would like a good starting point. This is a list that I have come up with that I feel would be a great place to start.
Living A Christian Life
1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it:"Love your neighbor as yourself." All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments. (Matthew 22:37-40)
2) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)
3) Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices. (Colossians 3:5-10)
*** Did you notice that in the beginning of #3 it says that these things are "already in us?" (sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and idolatry) So since we are a new creation we no longer have these traits we are a new person. So if you see yourself having these traits: anger, wrath, malice, slander and obscene talk, and lying. Then you are bearing fruits of your old nature and you need to repent and turn from these sins. *****
4) Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. (James 1:19-20)
5) Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)
6) For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins. Your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14-15)
7) For if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
8) Pray and Ask God for enlightenment and wisdom. Remember Solomon prayed for wisdom and it pleased God so much and when we ask according to HIS will he hears us.
9) No matter what the situation is or what the circumstance is, we need to keep our eyes fixed on HIM. We cannot be like Peter in the storm walking on water. The moment we take our eyes off of him we will get consumed by that situation/circumstance.
10) Remember that we only have to answer to God. Do what is according to Gods Word and if others have a problem with it, that is between them and God. You do not need to justify yourself because God is the ultimate judge.
I wanted to give a basic guideline for people who maybe are new believers in Christ Jesus and would like a good starting point. This is a list that I have come up with that I feel would be a great place to start.
Living A Christian Life
1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it:"Love your neighbor as yourself." All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments. (Matthew 22:37-40)
2) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)
3) Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices. (Colossians 3:5-10)
*** Did you notice that in the beginning of #3 it says that these things are "already in us?" (sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and idolatry) So since we are a new creation we no longer have these traits we are a new person. So if you see yourself having these traits: anger, wrath, malice, slander and obscene talk, and lying. Then you are bearing fruits of your old nature and you need to repent and turn from these sins. *****
4) Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. (James 1:19-20)
5) Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)
6) For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins. Your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14-15)
7) For if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
8) Pray and Ask God for enlightenment and wisdom. Remember Solomon prayed for wisdom and it pleased God so much and when we ask according to HIS will he hears us.
9) No matter what the situation is or what the circumstance is, we need to keep our eyes fixed on HIM. We cannot be like Peter in the storm walking on water. The moment we take our eyes off of him we will get consumed by that situation/circumstance.
10) Remember that we only have to answer to God. Do what is according to Gods Word and if others have a problem with it, that is between them and God. You do not need to justify yourself because God is the ultimate judge.
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