This is something that could be for someone you know, or even possibly yourself. This life has it's struggles, pain, and trials. I have spoken to people who have told me that they take a look at this life, and that is the reason why they do not believe in God. They say if God is so good, then why does all the bad happen? This message is for people who don't believe in God, or Jesus. Science can only go so far. Everybody has their theories on things and equations, and big bang theory's, etc. I can see people backing their stuff up, and showing how they got their facts, etc. I am not ruling out science. I am not saying science isn't right. What I am saying is...... that there is God who created ALL of this, and it is WAY ABOVE any science ever calculated. I have read the Bible from front to back, in the middle of reading it again, doing bible studies weekly, nightly, and teaching a class to others and I can tell you what I have learned. The reason we live in THIS horrific world today is because of three letters.....SIN!!! It is explained in Genesis in the first three chapters. God created us to be in fellowship with him one on one. Here us humans had to find another way to do it, and that is called "Pride" and we told God, we didn't want it his way, we wanted it OUR way!! So as we know EVERYTHING has it's consequences. We want to do it our way and be separated from our Creator, then we reap what we sow. This is opposite of what God had for us, so we get these consequences. We now have violence in the world, sickness, death, trials, hurt, shame, rape, abortion, etc. The list can go on and on. Satan is the Prince today in this world, and he makes sure we remember it, because all of the violence today is started from him. He is the father of lies, and deceit. He will deceive us, and make things look good, when in fact they are false. He will tell us there are one hundred ways to get to Heaven, he will tell us there is no God, he will tell us to live everyday like it is our last, and to live it up. He will tell us that nobody loves us, or cares about us. He will present HIS options before us making us choose one or the other. He loves to trap us and entangle us in his web of lies. Does this sound like a fun abundant life to you? I have one name that can turn ALL of this around. JESUS!!!! Jesus conquered ALL of this, when he walked on this earth, and became human. He came down so we could know him, and he could relate with us. He came down to sacrifice himself for OUR punishment and OUR sin. He did EVERYTHING for us, all we have to do is accept him as Lord. We live in this society today that is so people pleasing. Everyone wants to agree and make everyone happy. Everyone wants to say "Gay marriage is great, because people love people and it shouldn't matter the sex, etc" This is putting views BEFORE Gods view. God is the creator, not us. If God has a standard set, then nobody's is above his. God set his standard for us in the beginning of the Bible. Satan likes to twist things and confuse people, to make us question Gods word. God loves people, God loves EVERYONE. But God HATES sin!!! When our time is done here on earth, we will stand before God on Judgement day and have to answer to EVERYTHING we have done in our lifetime. He will be able to see right through us, we will be transparent. Did you love others? Did you share Gods Word? Were you a true disciple of Christ? Did you bear fruit? These are questions we are going to have to answer for. This is a reality check right now, if you don't have Jesus in your life, there is one way to live and one way to die. If you don't have Jesus in your life, you will live a life in Sin and when your time is up, you will be separated from him in eternity and be condemned to hell. This is the time!!!! We are not promised another day!!! Today is the day to make Christ your Lord and Savior. Do NOT let this moment pass you by!!! Without Christ in your life, you lose EVERYTHING, With Christ in your life you lose NOTHING. Get alone with God right now and give your life to the Lord. Make him Lord and Savior of your life!!