Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why God......Why?????

So many times we find ourselves asking Why God WHy?  We may even scream it sometimes with tears streaming down our face.  We want to know why are we going through this?  Why is this happening to us? When do we see the light?  Sometimes we get these questions answered right away, sometimes they are delayed and sometimes left unanswered.  Before I even go into this, I wanted to address the people that don't believe in God.  When they are going through hard times, who do they look to?  Who is their hope?  Themlsevles?  Karma?  I cannot imagine living life with no God and being all alone to do it in my own flesh and strength.  I would feel so alone and I would have no hope.  I can actually relate with this because I was living this way before I came to know Christ.  I made my own decisions and was selfish and when things happened I just rolled it off my shoulders and was very passive.  The difference before Christ and now With Christ is dark and light.  I encourage you, if you are doing it alone without God, please reconsider.  Your life is at stake literally, and so is eternity.  It is time to do life WITH christ Jesus. 
    Now for the people who have God in their life, this is who my blog address today.  We have faith in the Lord and trust him, and then things happen to where we are left in a daze thinking "what just happened?"  "How did I get here?"  Did you know that Jesus knows we were going to have these questions and concerns because he already knew us before we were even conceived in our mothers womb.  He knows everything we endure and knows that we would have these questions.  We have such a loving shepherd that he didn't want to leave us with nothing we could grasp.  So he left us a manual, it is called The Bible.  Here the Holy Spirit is the Living Word on paper.  It is God speaking.  It is God giving us instruction and answering our questions.  We can get a word from God on what we are going through.  Is it going to be what we want to hear sometimes? No.  We want instant gratification, we want answers now, we want things changed now.  Let me throw this at you for a moment: What if God didn't give us the Bible?  What if you couldn't go to the manual to get his Word?  That to me is the most scary thought.  So many people have a bible in their home and it just sits there collecting dust.  Here Gods breathe is in that book, and he wants to speak in your life and give you hope, but instead it sits on a shelf collecting dust.  Then I hear the excuse "It's too hard to understand."  Yes, the language is difficult to  understand especially in the Old Testament, but they have Bibles for each person that helps break it down, so all you have to do is find one that fits your style on wording. 
    So right now, you are still asking why?????? Let's see what Gods word has to say for what you are going through:

   1 peter 5:7 
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 42:5-6
Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

6 My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
2 Corinthians 1:8-10
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters,[a] about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 9 Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,
Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight
Here are some amazing quotes :
Never yield to gloomy anticipation.  Place your hope and confidence in God.  He has no record of failure. - Mrs charles e cowman
We are not called to be burden-bearers, but cross-bearers and light-bearers.  We must cast our burdens on the Lord. - connie te boom
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. - dennis swanberg
This life of faith, then, consists in just this- being a child in the Fathers house.  Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care, which so please you and win your heart when you observe your own little ones, teach you what you should be in your attitude toward God. -Hannah Whitall Smith
Today is mine.  Tomorrow is none of my business.  IF I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now. -Elisabeth Elliott. 
Trustfulness is based on confidence in God whose ways I do not understand.  -Oswald Chambers
Anger unresolved will only bring you woe. -Kay Arthur
When you strike out in anger, you may miss the other person, but you will always hit yourself. -Jim Gallery
When something robs you of your peace of mind, ask yourself if it is worth the energy you are expending on it.  If not, then put it out of your mind in an act of disciple.  Every time the thought of "it" returns, refuse it.  -Kay Arthure
Christians think they are prosecuting attorneys or judges, when, in reality, God has called all of us to be witnesses. -Warren Wiersbe
Despair is always the gateway of faith.-Oswald Chambers
There is no pit so deep that Gods love is not deeper still. -Corrie ten Boom

Monday, February 25, 2013

My 150th blog post.....(Integrity)

I am very happy to say that this is my 150th post on my blog!! I look forward to having many more blogs in the future and I am very happy that these blogs are reaching the world.  The love of Jesus should always be shared with each and every country and everyone should know how special they are to God and feel his love.  No matter your past, your present, it is all in his hands if you let him in your life.  How many times do you need to see that you can't do it in your own strength anymore?  It is time to truly REST in him and have real Peace.  Trust God, he NEVER fails, that is my promise to you!!!
     This blog is going to be on Integrity. Please read the definition of Integrity
  1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  2. The state of being whole and undivided: "territorial integrity".
honesty - probity - entirety - rectitude - wholeness

    Do you see number 1 on how it says The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.  The key words that jump out to me are: honest, strong moral principles, moral uprightness.  How many people are honest moral strong principles and uprightness in todays world?  I bet some haven't truly met anyone like this, or maybe they know at least one person like this.  This would be a true rare jewel to find in todays culture.  Please if you know anyone like this, do me a favor and KEEP them in your life because you can learn from them.  This is the type of integrity we need to have in men and women today.  We need to be on this level and strive for it.  We need this in our homes, with spouses, children, at work, in friends, etc.  We need to strive for this so that we can be the example of Christ.  I could post these blogs all day, but if I act one way in person or around friends, then I am not true in heart with having integrity.  It just says that I am amazing with words, and that is as far as it would go.  My close family and friends would know the true me and most importantly God sees all!!! We are transparent.   In this world there is alot of pain and dysfunction because so many are walking out of tune with God so many people get hurt and struggle.  If you have integrity there is a way you can conduct yourself to stay moraly upright in every situation and circumstance.  One example I can think of is Divorce.  This is a very painful process because it affects the man and the woman and the entire family of the children.  The ones who suffer the most are the children, and many grow up feeling unloved and not good enough.  As being adults we need to carry the weight and have integrity, we need to stay honest and be moraly righteouss.  In ugly situations we need to maintain our composure and still treat one another with respect and be kind, no matter what was done to you.  God will hold you accountable for how YOU act on judgement day, not how your spouse acted, how YOU act.  God will say "why did YOU act that way in your marriage"  We need to always keep Gods principles first no matter what was done to you.  In our society we always try to get ahead with our work and we are always comparing ourselves to our employees.  We need to stop watching everyone else and do what they are doing.   If another co-worker is getting to work late everyday and nobody says anything, then we can say "well they come to work late and thats not fair i come early everyday, so i am going to start coming late."  We need to be men and women of God in every circumstance, there are no excuses on why not you should act godly.  So if you have been ungodly please repent, ask for God to give you revelation to show you the way, treat one another with kindness.  Jesus stressed on the 2 most important commandments we need to follow: Love the Lord your God, and Love one another as you love yourself.  If you wouldn't hurt yourself then why hurt others?  I pray this blog stirs in your heart and the Holy Spirit starts a working in your spirit to where it is revelaed to you where areas need to worked on in your life.  Having strife with friends, family, children, spouse, co worker, divorcee, etc.  Please pick up the phone, meet in person, write an email be godly.  Apologize, maintain being an integrite man and woman of God. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

What happens in Marriage (In todays Society)

I am going to paint a picture on what I feel people tend to think of marriage.  Being young everyone wants to grow up and can't wait to be on their own and do what they want.  They can't wait to drive, have a job, their own place, their own car, start dating, get married, and have a family of their own.  There are these expectations that we build up in our mind on what we look for in our spouse.  We have visions of what we do want and what we don't want.  We have the "must" list, on everything our spouse needs to have.  When we feel we find this person, we then compare this person with our expectation list we have envisioned our entire life.  Once we see it connects then we decide to marry.  It is so exciting, your life is set, your dream has come true and everything is good.  The thing in our vision that we never imagined is problems or hard times.  Yes people say them in their vows, but it seems they glaze over them and focus on hearing "good times" and have the mentality "oh we will get to it when we get to it."  Then finally issues start arrising and now our dream is looking foggy and cloudy.  We now start to look at that person and question if they are who they were when you met them.  The image starts to get disfigured and then you start asking yourself if this is what you really wanted.  Then you start focusing on all the bad things and the annoying things and you forget the reason you ever married the person to begin with.  Instead of being in a rush to get home, you now look for excuses to not come home.  You stay longer working, out with friends, etc.  There is a distance that has been created to where neither party doesn't know how they got there.  Then all of a sudden the "D" word comes up.  In the society Divorce is such a common word today and a common act to take part in.  There are more divorces then marriages actually staying together.  People tend to just live together instead of ever getting married because if it doesn't work out then it is easier to split up.  Then when both get divorced each go on a search to find their expecation list that the first person never met and the process starts all over.  Does this sound familiar to you? Do you know someone going through this?  Or are you in this today?   If so, then I am goiing to throw something at you that you don't have in your marriage......get ready....... G O D!!!!!  God designed marriage and created it.  He created the meaning of marriage, he has the plan of how marriage is supposed to be and the outline is in the Bible.  You can read the Bible and know the outline but never truly apply it to your marriage.  You can go your whole life being married and miss the outline.  It is clearly laid out in the Bible and it starts out in Genesis.  Do you want to have a succesful marriage?  Then run to the marriage book... The Bible.  Run to the ultimate counselor, God.    It takes both people to have God first in their life and come together as one.  There needs to be complete unity.  Right now in your head you are thinking...."Katy, I was on the right track with God, it was the other person"  My answer to you is..... You are responsible for what YOU do,  YOU be godly, You give love when someone is mean, you choose to reconcile when the other doesn't, You find hope when there isn't any to find.  If God never gave up on us, then we can't give up on marriage.   God blesses each person who is married, and he gave you your spouse as a gift because he is pleased with you.  If God gives you a present and you treat that present as trash, then what are you saying to God.  Don't put on an act and say you tried everything.  There is no magic number, or timeline when you throw in the towel.  God is patient with us so we must be patient in our marriage.  So go run out and get godly in your marriage.  Don't be another statistic in the world of another failed marriage

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This is going to be on the word and principle: SACRIFICE.  In Websters Dictionary the definition of Sacrifice is :
 an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially: the killing of a victim on an altar
: something offered in sacrifice
a: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
b: something given up or lost
    We can look around this world and see that the way we live is for ourselves and very selfish.  We live on what works best for us and our needs and our desires.  We believe others should live the way we would live by and if they don't, then there is conflict.  We think people do horrible things, and we put cateogories on people (good people/bad people)  In the "world" this pretty much sums it up.  In Gods Word you understand the true definition of Sacrifice, if there really are good and bad people, and exactly how we should live our lives.  In the World there will always be conflict because there are two battles going on here on earth and in the spiritual realm (good and evil)  We will always have conflict because of what happened in the Garden of Eden.  We will always have sickness because of what happened in the Garden of Eden.  So we need to take our eyes of this world, and look above and get our eyes fixed on the eternal things which we cannot see.  In the Bible the passage that shows Sacrifice is : John 3:16-18   For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
   So we can see that God gave freely because he loved us so much, so he gave us his one and only Son.  His Son Jesus was the perfect sacrificial lamb, and here God could of sent him to show us how bad we were/ and still are messing up, but he sent him so we might be saved.   As you can see in the Webster dictionary above it says to give for something precious.  See to God, we are precious we are rare, one of a kind.  We are worth his Son going through pain and death to the cross.  We were worth every single step to the cross.  At anytime Jesus could of got himself down on the cross because he is Christ himself, but instead he saw your face and my face.  THIS IS  TRUE SACRIFICE!!!!! 
    In this world we live in, we hear songs on the radio of artisits saying "they will do anything for their man/woman etc"  These are just words.  In this world you cannot find the level of sacrifice that God did here.  God shows the true definition of Sacrifice.  We learn from the best and the only right here.  God is the ONLY truth we will EVER know in this World.  If we can get in alignment with God then everything we experience will be blessing upon blessing.  From Divine Appointments, to Peace, to finding the partner God has for you, etc.  These are things the world tries to fool us with.  The world tells us if we look a certain way or have a certain job then we are worthy, and then we will find someone and find real love.  The truth is REAL love is with the Lord, because the Lord accepts us fully and forgives us and cleanses us as white as snow.  As humans we slip up time and time again because we get offended or we cut people off because we don't understand their ways.  See the Real true love and sacrifice comes from God above.  I don't know about you, but I want to cling as tight as I can to the one truth in this world and that is the Word of God. 
    Our main mission as being Disciples is to Lead people to Christ and it isn't just with head knowledge of the Word, it is by actions, and you can start with the smallest action.  It may be one of the hardest but speaks volumes.  When someone says something hurtful, choose to do it Gods way and say nothing back, speak love.  When someone does something hurtful, do volumes of love back.  Think of Christ on the cross.  Look what he did for us,  we should do the same for him. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Don't be Self-conscious with God

At many times we are self-conscious human beings to where we are always trying to make sure we do something a certain way or even look a certain way.  Why do we constantly try and impress others?  Why is there such a NEED for this today?  The enemy wants us to focus on all the distractions around us and be in competition with our brothers and sisters.  He wants us to focus on the bigger and better and never be satisfied or content.  He wants us to keep trying and trying until our time is finished here on earth.  So here is a scary thing we do: we get self-conscious with God.  God already knows everything about us, he did create us and knew us before we were ever even formed in the womb.  We are aware of issues we have, and some God knows about and we haven't even discovered them yet.  So why in our prayer time do we sit asking for things, or pretending that everything is fine?  Who are we fooling?  Only Ourselves!!!!  God can see right through us as clear as day.  The only way we are going to get real revelation is if we get on our knees and on our face before God and lay it all out there.  We need to be honest with ourselves and our ugly sides of how we act and how we are with our sin and stop making excuses for it.  Let's call it what it is "SIN"  We need to be bold before Our Father and ask for him to reveal things in us that the enemy has hidden, we need light shed on those areas, we need breakthrough, we need revelation in the heavenly realms.  These things can happen, but it is up to us!! God takes all the steps but one, he wants us to take that final step.  Time to start getting real with God and stop being so self-conscious, God wants you to have the very best, but this is something you cannot do on your own.   You have to deny yourself and totally surrender to him and follow him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Accountability Partners.....

As being a member in the body of Christ it is a never ending battle we endure.  We endure it for the sake of our Savior and for winning souls for Christ as a disciple.  We are human and we are sinners and we get in the flesh at times, ok let me take that line back...... we get in the flesh every single day!!!  Everyday is a battle, we feel and we do, instead of renewing our mind with the word and taking each step slowly throughout the day.  Ever heard the term accountability partner?  This is another member in the body of christ that actually lives as disciple in christ and strives to live like christ that you have as your partner.  When things happen, or when we are having flesh moments, we need to go to God first, then you can go to an accountability partner.  This person should listen to what you have to say, you should be able to say anything you want, nothing is off bounds because you trust this person and because they don't judge you.  Then the person should give back the word of God and pray for you, and give advice on how to get back to what God expects of us.  We need reminders here on earth because it is a constant battle.  Miss church for awhile? Don't think anybody notices you anyway? Well this is when an accountability partner comes into play and says "why haven't you been in church everything ok, we miss you."  Not acting godly?  Got caught up in the world for a moment?  Well this is when an accountability partner tells you things that might sting a bit, but they bring the word back into your life to where you see, you need to get back on the path.  Living together and not married?? Let me guess..... It will happen sometime down the road just not now,  we are going to get engaged, she wants the perfect wedding,  we don't have enough money,   if it ain't broke why  mess it up????  any of these sound familiar???  These are roles that the enemy plays in your mind to stay another day out of the alignment of God.  Gods word is clear, you cannot live together if not married,  why do we make excuses for it?  Get Married and get back in alignement under God,  this is what an accountability partner is for, to tell you Gods Word!!  Don't have one?  At your church if you know of people that you know where they are at their walk with God and you would like to make them your partner, ask them!!!!  Ask a Pastor that you trust, ask a elder that you trust, ask a friend that you look up to in the church.  There are no excuses on not to have an accountability partner. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


People tend to put "labels" on things, or believe that even "labeling" yourself, that it says something about you.  People believe that if they say they are something, then they don't need to say anything futher, because that label should be enough of an explanation.  This to me is something the enemy is good at in deceiving people.  I cannot even begin to tell you on when you ask people certain questions and they give you an answer, and their actions or lifestyle doesn't match the "label."  The most perfect example is this:  People ask you what are you? What is your religion?  Then people give their "label" and think that says something about them.  To be honest, that is just starting to open the lid to a jar.  You haven't even gotten the lid popped off open yet, you haven't given the ingredients, how to make it, or even taste it yet.  It is just the tip of the icing (as some people might say)  People can ask me "Katy are you a Christian?"  My answer would be yes!!!  I can say it softly or scream it loudly, it really doesn't make a difference.  So that is just something I labeled myself  as.  Now the truth is do I live like a Bible Believing Christian?  Because if I am cursing, sleeping around with people, living with people before married, putting idols before God, now reading or praying, not actually being a disciple of Jesus Christ, then me saying I am a christian didn't say anything.  It is something I can write down or say out loud but it doesn't mean anything.  It is just a word.  My actions have to speak volumes.  I have to actually LIVE the life that Jesus talks about.  Growing up and still today I have friends that have their label as "catholic" and it just mind boggles me because I will say "oh so your catholic, so you go to church on sundays?"  The response is " I haven't been to church in months,  or that they only go on easter or christmas."  My first thought is who are you fooling?  Don't worry about trying to impress me, just don't lie to yourself to make yourself feel better.  The truth is if you really and truly believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross that your lifestyle would do the speaking for you and by your actions people would know what you are and what you believe in.  We should be so grateful for what jesus did for us, that it should just become second nature to us.  So instead of sounding all classy with your wording of what you believe in, actually look in the mirror and see how you talk, how you live, what your actions are, and stop lying to yourself.  Stop believing in the enemy, and open the Bible and see how you should be living as a follower of Jesus

Friday, February 1, 2013

Had a Revelation

I honestly believe what I am about to write was a revelation from the Holy Spirit.  I feel this applies best to myself and possible someone else.  I discovered Pinterest today (yes I know I am late on this discovery but i am busy 24-7 with kids)  so anyways I was blown away at this website and loved everything I saw.  I found the most amazing decorating ideas, health tips, beauty advice, etc.  People had the most amazing ideas on this website, it was hard for me to get off this website.  So anyways I copied a few pictures to reference with future projects which I will post when they are completed, and was really pleased with it.  Well later in the evening out of nowhere I started getting a revelation from the Holy Spirit that came from nowhere, so now I am going to share it.  I know alot of people are not going to agree with me, but if I feel it is from God, I am sharing.  (Freedom of Speech baby :) )  So here I was today looking for ideas, spending time on this website, and I was finding new ways to decorate etc, and it came to me:  We are not content with what we have.  The Lord has blessed us right now with what we have, where we live, the gifts, necessities, etc.  There are people that are homeless and  having real struggles and here I am on Pinterest looking at ways to "improve"where we live.  If the less fortunate saw where we lived, I am sure we would look like rich people, because we have everything we need.  Here I am not being grateful and here I am wasting time on this website looking at ideas when instead I could be praying for the less fortunate, doing something REALLY VALUABle with my time.  Why do we get so selfish? Why aren't we never satisfied?  I shut the website off and said to myself "I am happy with what I have, The lord above has blessed me, now it is my turn to bless others."  I know lots of people see nothing wrong with seeking ideas, but if you put it into perspective you could spend 30 mintues to an hour on that website, and here you could be doing something useful with your time, or trying to help someone that needs it, or praying for someone, salvations, etc.  So I had this whole idea hit me, and I wanted to write it down before I forgot it, because I truly feel I was given the enlightnment to share this.  So if you have all your necessities and the Lord has blessed you, don't keep searching for the "next best thing" our job is to not focus on the "here and now"  we have our eyes set on eternity and we only have a certain amount of time to reach souls.  So stop it!!! :)