Thursday, January 31, 2013

Comparing and Judging......

This happens to be something we do on a daily basis.  We compare ourselves to others, and judge others to make ourselves feel better or sometimes even worse.  We like to look around and see how we "measure" up to people and that way we can see if we are improving.  This is CRAZY to do because we have NO clue where "people" have been in their life, or where they are at in that particular moment.  We only see them on the surface that they present and that is it.  People want to put on a good face because it is important to look well for others.  I know awhile back I read a survey on how people said facebook made them depressed because they would look at others profiles and see how beautiful people are, and how cool their friends were, and it always looked like they were going to cool places.  Well the crazy thing is that people will only display beautiful pictures, and they will post pictures of only cool places.  Everything is filtered!!!!  Once we can get this in our head then we can see that we need to only look at Gods Word and that needs to be our manual, not others.  I remember awhile back I did a study on Beth Moore and she brought up an excellent point, she said that we cannot judge people, but this goes for in church.  She brought up the point that others like to look around church and actually judge people.  They laugh if people clap, have their arms raised, on their knees, crying, singing, dancing, etc.  The truth in this is that, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THAT PERSON HAS BEEN OR WHERE GOD DELIVERED THEM THROUGH!!!  God has taken that person out of a dark valley and they are rejoicing to their saviour, and who are you to snicker and laugh on the sidelines.  Do not mock the savior of where he has brough that person out of.  Society likes to judge: too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too fake, too nice, too rich, too poor, etc.  We are not supposed to judge every single thing and pick apart each person.  We were all created from our Creator, and nobody is more special than the next.  If you are a true follower in Christ then we need to lead by example.  God uses each person as long as they are still alive on this earth, so each person is a work in progress.  We need to encourage and not discourage.  So next time you want to judge or hear yourself doing it, pick up Gods Word instead of the telephone to gossip about what someone is doing.  Pick up Gods word read it and look in the mirror, make sure you are a disciple of our Lord and Christ Jesus.  Those are the standards we need to study, we are going to have to answer to God!!!

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