Friday, January 25, 2013

"Christians" please STOP doing this....

This blog is dedicated to the conspiracy Christians.  I have been seeing so many posts, facebook status's, hearing people talk, etc.  If you are calling yourself a Christian and telling "the world" that all this conspiracy stuff is going on, how are you brining them to Christ???? Let me tell you what the enemy is doing to you..... He is distracting you and when Gods puts people in your path, you are distracted by the enemy to where you want to talk about conspiracy theories, and all of the things the enemy is doing in this world.  Why are people focusing on our government.  Yes it is messed up, but does this surprise people really? It has always been like this, so why are we focusing on it.  Here we are Gods people, and we need to start acting like Gods people.  Right now this very moment we can still bring people to God, and here we are sitting around putting posts about things that distract us.  I have to admit the enemy distracted me awhile ago and I was putting stuff up on my page, but The holy spirit got a good hold of me and I was able to see what was happening.  The enemy wants to cause anxiety, the "what if's" Here God schedules divine appointments where we need to be sharing our testimonies on what God has done in our life, and all the glory to him.  We need to be a light in this dark world.  The bad things that are happening and that are to come, Jesus already told us these things must happen, everything has to be fuliflled before he comes.  So once again this is nothing new to us.  If you hear a "christian" start talking like this, tell them they are focusing on the wrong things, and they need to keep their eyes fixed on HIM!!!!  When we call ourselves Christians and make it known "the world" will look at us and see how we react, and if we react like everyone else, then we are no different.  There is no fruit bearing.  Christ died for you and for me, let's make the most of this life.  Jesus found us worthy enough to die for us while we were still sinners, so lets see the value in us that God sees and start being a true disciple.  Be encouraging to others, share the world, pray for someone, be positive when you find it hard to be.  So "Christians" start finding opportunities to preach and save souls, that is our true calling, not to be gossipers and focusing on the enemy. 

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