Sunday, January 13, 2013


This is a term that I believe we are all familiar with.  Our culture teaches us to "say what is on our mind," "If you have something to say, make sure you speak up", etc.  Why aren't we this way when we enter Gods throne room?  God specifically tells us to enter boldly into the throne room and to make our requests known.  We have that authority if we are born again believers.  He looks at us and sees his son, Jesus Christ.  If your child was asking for something, I am sure they would come to you boldly because they feel they are entitled to it.  We are Gods children, we are his sons and daughters.  We should come boldly to our Father and make our request known.  Lets get bold with our faith.  It is now 2013, it can be a brand new start for some people to where they actually want to develop some good habits.  If you aren't meeting with God on a regular basis, then NOW is the time to start!! If you already are meeting with God, then why not shoot for several times a day?  Lets connect with Our Heavenly Father and let him know that he is important to us!! We do make him a priority and we do want to spend time with him!!  It seems like we never have any trouble making time for "things" that are important to us.  Here God should be number one, but sometimes people can go days without even acknowledging him.  Then they will ask God "why ?"  The answer is simple, it is because you have not made me important.  God created you, he created you to be intimate with you, and wants to give you blessing upon blessing.  Is that so hard to ask?  God makes it so easy on our part, all we have to do is read his word, fellowship with him, and do what the word says.  Our job is really so simple, it is up to us to get our eyes fixed on him and get our hearts full of his Word.  Please fellow believers, as members in the body of Christ it is our duty to become equipped with Gods Word, and it is our duty to be disciples of others.  We are here to win souls, it is a mission we do for HIM, not for us.  He says for us to do it, so we must do it.  Do you have unsaved loved ones? Then it is your duty to be an intercessor and get to the battle front line and become a prayer warrior.  Prayers are the only thing that actually matter in this world.  Our prayers make God move, it puts him into motion on our behalf.  So let's come Boldly into the throne room at the feet of our God, and make our request known.  Start today!!!!

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