Here is a question that I believe many people come across and don't know exactly where they stand at with this. You can pull out the checklist and check it off: I go to church (check), I believe in God (check), I know there is God (check), I try to be a good person (check), I try and tell the truth (check), I have read some of Gods Word or all of it (check) etc. All of us can make a list of check marks and sit back and be impressed with how many boxes we have marked and actually feel like we are doing pretty good. Or wait, let me throw this one at you, do this checklist with someone else, and then you can compare it with someone else and if you have more check marks then you can feel that short moment of "satisfaction." This is what we do today as a society, we compare ourselves to others and see how we measure up and we try to make sure we are doing better than others or making sure we aren't as bad as others. This is how the enemy gets us right where he wants us, he wants us to always feel we aren't doing enough or could be doing more. He gives us the "whys, whats, hows, and the wonderful "what ifs." He loves to have us live in the past and go by regrets of mistakes we have made. I bet you are nodding your head while reading this and can understand what I am talking about. Well I will get to the point on what this is all about. I bet you are on your very best behavior when you attend church, you can be confessing you love the Lord, you can even feel unstoppable because church is supposed to recharge us and fuel us up for the week. That is where we come in running on "empty" and going to church is where we get gassed up and we are on a Holy High. How are you when you leave church? How are you the rest of the week? How about when a lovely unpleasant surprise from the enemy hits? Fight with a family member? Fight with a spouse? How about someone who is mean to you ON PURPOSE and chooses to make your life difficult? THIS IS THE TEST TO SEE IF YOU TAKE GODS WORD FOR WHAT IT IS!!!! How about if you are single, in a relationship but not married yet. Are you being intimate with that person and thinking it is ok? Do you live with someone that you are dating that you aren't married to? The world will tell us this is ok and it is acceptable and everyone is doing it!! You can take comfort in the world (which has people deceived ) or you can wake up and get the truth from Gods Word and see what He says and what the truth is!!! You can have you head stuck in the sand and pretend you don't know, or you will have time to correct it, but why are you waiting? why even risk it? You should be on a level of relationship with the Lord where you cannot go ONE DAY WITHOUT him!!! You need him every day and every second while you are still breathing!!! We can hear the word in church and hear a few good verses and really like them and maybe even write them down. Just because you like something or write it down, doesn't mean you will actually believe it and put it into action. One of my most favorite scriptures is that Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down
while you are still angry." I have heard this verse at church and have even read it and I really liked this. The true test is that if you truly love the Lord your God first and with all your mind soul and strength then this is a COMMAND from him, he says it so we HAVE to do it and follow it!!! When you are having a fight with someone and you are heated and waiting for the "feeling of calming down." Well if it becomes night time and you are still angry, you have two choices: 1) wait it out and either see if you calm down, get more angry, or wait for that person to come to you or 2) You can be a bible believer and see that God commands this so no matter "our feeling" we have to not let our anger make us sin and we must squash the quarrel before we go to bed.
This is something I have brought up to have you see what I am talking about. This is how we should read the bible and how serious we should take it. All the answers we ever wanted to know are here in Gods Word.
There is alot of hype about December 21 2012 about Mayan calendar and Nostradamus etc and people are really believing these things and put their faith on these people. The bible talks about this and how there are going to be false prophets and how people are going to choose to hear what they want to hear and make up their own truths because they want to. I have to admit I started having anxiety awhile back because I started watching some programs and seeing things on line and I had to literally turn it off because it was deceiving me and getting me away from Gods truth and Gods Word. You can believe what the World says or what Gods Word says. |
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