Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This is really powerful about marriage.

Keeping Covenant
A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. ECCLESIASTES 4:12
Modern society is still suffering from the sickness of the "Me Generation," which has contaminated the covenant of marriage. The selfish Me-Gen person says in effect, "When marriage serves my purpose, I'm on board. But when it ceases to make me happy, when it's too much effort, when the unexpected shows up and creates additional pressure, I'm outta here." Some leave physically; others leave emotionally and withdraw.
But those who do have forgotten three basic truths about their commitment to each other:
1. Marriage is a covenant between three, not two. On our wedding day, I entered into a covenant both with Carlos and with God. Our marriage is not a contract but a sacred cord of three strands that will not be easily broken.
2. Marriage vows require us to forgive each other. No marriage is a perpetual walk through the daisies. There will be unmet expectations, unwise decisions, troubles with schedules and finances, and other unexpected pressures that will rattle our relationship until we think it's about to fall apart. But when hurt and disappointment come, our vows demand that we forgive one another. This is not an optional accessory. It is the
life and breath of our marriage.
3. Marriage vows are enduring. When the pressure becomes relentless and intense—when the cultural voices around us entice us to look out only for ourselves and quit—our vows shout, "DON'T!" (Or, as my kids say, "Deal with it.")
Quitting on your marriage may temporarily reduce the pressure you feel, but I promise you that a broken marriage and family will add truckloads of new pressures over a lifetime. It takes courage to do what you know is right.
Remaining devoted to your spouse becomes your living testimony to the faithfulness of God and the strength of your marriage covenant.
Think of the marriages you've seen fail. To what extent did selfishness play a part in the breakup of those relationships?
Pray that you will always love as God loves, forgive as He forgives and endure as He endures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

putting my husband on blast...

I decided to write this blog to put my hubby on blast.
I am so thankful for the man he has become,and who
He is still becoming. My husband and I met, and we
Became best friends and our relationship developed
Slowly.  The truth is that God had his hand on us the
Whole time. We fell in love and my goal was to get my
Man saved where he could come to know jesus! As
God already knew it, my boyfriend at the time gave
His heart to the lord! We then got engaged and soon
After got married! Since then he has matured into
A migjhty man of God.  He is not the same person
That I met, and I have God to thank for that. I
Could not imagine my life without him.  Together we
Created two beautiful babies: a boy and a girl :)
We have a family that adores and loves Our God!
I am so proud of what God gave me and did for our
Carlos- you are and will always be the man in my life.
You are an incredible husband, father, lover and
Friend! You are the most beautiful, loving, respectful
Husband! You treat me the way a son of the most
High should. Thank you, I will honor you until my last
Breathe. I cannot wait to see what God has in store
For our family! Te quiero mucho mi amor!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I am Thankful For.....

I am thankful for The Lord Our God, For Jesus dying on the cross for me, to be alive on this earth for 28 years, to have all family members healthy and doing well, for my spouse who is the love of my life, for two beautiful children that make my world so much brighter, to be a stay at home mom, for my husbands job, for a roof over our heads, for a good vehicle, for food in our home, for electricity, water, that we all have clothes to keep us warm, for insurance, for the nice things in our home, for a church that we love and serve at, for our families salvation, for the new things that is yet to come, that God never gave up on me and still is working in me and through me, that God will never leave me or forsake me and my family, that his word is always true, that he loves me and my family more than anyone else........
   To sum it all up every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord above, so I wouldn't have any of these things if it wasn't for my Lord God.  I am so thankful that he came to rescue me from sin, and loves me so much and finds so much value in me, even when at times I don't see it in myself.  This thanksgiving I am thankful for The Lord Our God Almighty, without him I am a filthy rag, I am nothing, I can't even breathe on my own without him.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012


False Evidence Appearing Real...........  How does the enemy like to grip us the most? hmmmm... by putting fear in our lives and in our minds.  We like to play the "what if game?"  We like to try and out weigh our circumstance to see all the possible outcomes and plan for each and every scenerio.  To me this sounds exhausting!!! It sounds like if we think like this, our minds NEVER rest and we are always planning and in "go" mode.  This is a GREAT plan the enemy does to get us off track.  He keeps us busy and always on the go so we don't take time to stop and look around us and see what is REALLY IMPORTANT.  So now you ask "Katy what is really important?"  What is important is that you were able to wake up today, God has given you life this morning, you have new blessings poured out fresh today from God today, you have a roof over your head, you can shower, brush your teeth, get a drink, get something to eat, have clean clothes to put on, deodrant, can wash clothes, have electricity, have a vehicle, have a job, family, pets, friends, freedom with nobody telling you how to live or who to worship, etc.  Be grateful people!!! Don't get in the scheme of the enemy and jump from here to there and take everything and everyone for granted.  Why do you think we need church? We need church to slow us down off of our schedules to where we can just sit down and rest and focus on the most important person GOD!!!! We need a fresh breathe of his spirit poured out on us, we need a renewal of our minds, we need bible study, we need fellowship with other believers to hold us accountable when we need people to be straight with us when we get out of line.  This is what church is supposed to be!!!  We are supposed to be grateful and thankful because God has a plan for each of us and we are not supposed to rush through life.  Before you know it, you will be old and you won't have anything of real value of by your side.  Yes you may have money and nice things, but as it states in James those things just stack up on earth and collect moths.  People come and go everyday, we need to cherish one another like we have never cherished them before.  Yes we have rough times ahead, yes there is unknown ahead, but lets focus on RIGHT NOW!! Live in the Present!!! Cherish all that God has given you and thank him for it.  Get out of the flesh, and get into the spirit.  Fall in love more than ever with the Lord today, more than you have ever before.  We need to stop letting satan put fear in our mind, and stop him from keeping us so busy with world stuff!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Let's Talk about ME......

There are issues that people struggle with, but at times we don't even know what we are truly struggling with.  The best way I can put it, is that people always tend to think that it is always "someone Else's fault," or "problem."  It is always so easy to see the wrong in someone else and judge someone else.  The truth is that the Lord teaches us that we are to look at ourselves and our own faults.  So instead of focusing on someone Else's, focus on your own.  If you are having issues with someone, a significant other, friend, family member, etc.  Instead of trying to change them, or fixing them, turn it on yourself and work on you!!!  Do you ever notice the more you bring up something that you want changed in that person, that usually the change doesn't happen because it is getting constantly brought up? So it is a waste of time anyway, to spend time talking about someones problem.  Pray, seek God and ask God to change YOU.  Change ME God!!  Change me so I am able to tolerate that person, or with the change coming from yourself, it can cause a ripple effect and actually have that person change as well.  God always sees the ENTIRE picture and knows best for us and everything happens for a reason, so we just need to trust him!!! In trials that we don't understand, get on your face and seek God, seek his presence, seek his peace and ask for the change to be brought in you!!!  We all need to work on things about ourselves, as long as we are alive on this earth, we are going to be constantly improving ourselves and working on our weaknesses.  We aren't perfect beings, and we are all sinners, but that is the beauty.  He finds beauty in the broken!!! So let's do the best we can, and take care of ourselves!!! Focus on You, Focus on what YOU need to do, not the other person!!  After all, in the finale of it all, it is going to be YOU and GOD ALONE!!! It isn't going to be you, God, and another person.  We are all judged solely, so make sure you do the best you can do because you are going to have to answer for it!! Each and every action will have to be answered to God for.  Does that scare you a bit? Good!!!! Fear in the Lord is a good thing!!!!  So instead of talking about the other person or that persons faults, say let's talk about ME, and what I need to change :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The United States of America....

Our Country is the Land of Liberty and Freedom!!!! We truly know what it is like to have freedom of speech, equal opportunity, and are able to raise our families the way we want to, with nobody telling us how to.  So many other countries would love to live where we live.  We are so very blessed!! Please if you have a chance and want to learn about the history of our wonderful America watch this movie "monumental." I will put a copy of the movie below.  This movie goes back to how our country was founded and what beliefs it was established on.  Lot's of people would not know that America was founded on Christian Beliefs and made to have a Christian Belief system.  So take a look back in time, and see what our founding fathers had planned for us. 

We just got done with an election to where it was a very very crucial election to where alot is at stake with our country.  In my opinion I did not care for either of the men running.  As a christian they both go against my faith and morals and belief system.  Our Governement is supposed to be there to enforce laws and help make us have a better running society.  We aren't supposed to DEPEND on the governement, we aren't supposed to look at them for ALL the answers.  We are supposed to depend on God and trust in God to provide and take care of us.  The governement shouldn't be taking care of the people, the true christians should be taking care of the less fortunate, but the problem is that people are too into themselves and what they can get.  Our society is truly approaching the end times, and things are going to get worse.  There are going to be things in the future where the goverment is going to start enforcing things, and at first it is going to seem ok, but in the long run it is all a "plan."  If you want to know what happens, then read the bible.  Yes all the answers are in the Bible.  To be honest, this election really upset me, to where it physically made me sick.  I am going to keep seeking God and praying for God to take care of our Country, and to pray for our countrys repentence.  Our Country needs to pray for repentence, especially approaching the end times.  There is going to be a time where it is going to get so rough, and then people are going to call out to God and it will be too late.  Be Pro Active, not Reactive!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Feeling Stressed Out??

What happens to us most of the time while living in this world? We get stressed out over everything.  Financial Stresses, Health stresses, marriage stresses, relationship stresses, family stresses, emotional stresses, etc.  You name it, it is a stress!!! Did God know what kind of world we would be living in with all of these stresses? Or did he just forget? Did this world pressure take him by surprise? It seems like men, women, children, elderly, no matter what, everyone is stressed  out!!  Do you see people driving and how stressed out they are?  When did this happen?  I think about back in the day to when we didn't have cars, we had horses and buggies, now to me, that sounds like people had a right to be stressed out because traveling would of taken months to get around.  Here we have amazing technology to get around wherever we want, and we are un-grateful.  When did we forget how blessed we are?  The answer to all of this is that we were not made for "this type of world."  God had the perfect plan for each of us, we were made in his perfect image to do amazing things and bring Glory to God.  The moment satan made his mark on this world and we are now sinful, we have to deal with worldy pressures, that are constantly tempting us.  The good news is that no matter what, God STILL has a plan!!! Even though we are sinful, even though we messed up our purpose, God is STILL GOOD!!! He sent his perfect, sinless son, Jesus Christ to die in our place, and to endure TRUE stress.  He had the ultimate stress (the weight of the world on his shoulders, all of our sins on his shoulders)  Anytime you feel like you are stressed out, think of what Christ endured for you, and what he went through for YOU!!! Yes it is an intimate relationship, it is a LOVE relationship where he died just for you!!!  Here in this world we think we have "the image of what love is."  The truth is that is worldly love, it isn't true love.  TRUE LOVE IS JOHN 3:16.  Here someone gave their only son to die in your place, could you do that?  That should be our model for what REAL LOVE is!!! This stuff on TV, or how people treat eachother, it is because people are deceived and choose the "normal."  All throughout the bible, Jesus tells us "Fear Not."  These are not just words, this is him knowing EVERYTHING and everything that is to come, and still he says "Fear Not."   God is never surprised, he already knows everything from beginning to end.  So when God speaks we need to listen and take him seriously.  Next time you are feeling fear, remember Jesus' words "Fear Not." It is an Instruction, we need to follow it.  If you are a true follower of Christ, then we need to obey our teacher.  So have you been feeling stressed out lately?  I have two words for you: FEAR NOT!!  The man who died for you to have an abundant life, told you to do so.  The man who has your name written in Heaven on the palms of his hands says so.  The man who was the only perfect person says so.  The man who loved you before you loved him, says so.  ENOUGH SAID!!