Thursday, October 18, 2012
People always say "do what is in your heart to do." My heart is after Mothers and their babies. It literally brings my heart great pain, when I hear these mothers being in pain and feeling like they have no other choice except to have an abortion. The enemy lies to these women and makes them think that they can't raise their child, that their child was a mistake, that this child has no future, that they have put their life on hold now because of the child, and having these thoughts go through their head brings fear. Fear is "False Evidence Appearing Real" Women fall for these lies from the enemy, and he is father of lies, he will make you think you have no other option except for the one he places infront of you. These women put their bodies through something that is not natural. Having a miscarriage is something the body does naturally, and God has his hand on that. An abortion is something forced, it is doing something that is not natural. The mother can have serious health complications from this, emotionally they suffer (even if they think they don't right away) and an innocent baby that played no part in it, has died a horrible painful death. If someone was driving by and saw a mother abusing a baby, they would be furious, but people don't look at it the same. Our Nation has lost God in it. God is being pushed out more and more of it, and there is going to be a day where God is going to pour his wrath out on this world, because ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! Psalm 139:14 I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works for my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139 is all about how God creates life, and that he created specific detail for that life. It may not be in our "human plan" but God has the ultimate plan for that life, so we have to trust him, even if we don't know what to do. Having volunteered at a pregnancy center I have had the opportunity to learn all about the options women have, and have sat down with women who were contemplating abortion, or have already had several abortions. These women are deeply hurting, and they don't have God in their life. They get caught in this process that cycles and they are in pain, and don't understand the root of it. These women are believing the lies of the enemy and they are getting all the pain from this choice. As women we need to be loving and supporting other women, especially if there are hurting women. We need to be sharing the love of Our Lord Jesus to these women. These children are being killed daily, and our nation is ok with it because we stand on the fact that "each has a right to choose life or death." I have shared my testimony to where I was scared to the point of death when I almost had an abortion with my first child. I honestly felt my life was over, and wasn't ready. God fought for my child by putting certain people in my path that prayed and fought for me and my baby. The enemy also put other people in my path to try and encourage to have an abortion and that i would be ok. I can only imagine the spiritual realm of angels and demons fighting for me and my baby. I thank the Lord every single day for my faith in him, and love from him that I received for me and my child. The Lord loves my child more than I do, that when i didn't want him, he did, and when i didn't want myself, the Lord did!!! God IS Love!!!! God is the definition of Love and Life. If you don't have God, you don't have real love. The definiton of Love is John 3:16, that is TRUE Love, not this "love" our world tries to throw around. So go after what is in your heart, whatever that is, get involved and have you and God go after what is in your heart. If you have a heart for children, women, men, prisoners, homeless, etc. Get involved and do something about it. Pray, and get involved. Go out into all thee nations and be disciples, be fishers of men!!
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