Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Are you grateful for what God has given you?

This question is something that everyone should truly ask themselves.  Are you truly greateful for what God has given you?  God has given you an abundance of things to praise him for, do you take the time to recognize them, or do you just take them for granted because you are used to them?  Waking up each morning is something that should never be taken for granted, having food or clothes, shelter or water, are things we should never take for granted.  God has given us so many blessings that those blessings should pour over to others, who haven't been so fortunate.  Do you actually set things aside to bless other with from your overflow?  If not, this is something you should start praying about, and seeking God about.  We are called as christians to be a light and a blessing to others in this dark world. We can be like the world, and say it saddens us to hear of poverty and children hungry, or we can actually be REAL chrisitans and get a plan and actually do something.  God has given so much to us, so we need to give back to everyone else and share the love of God.  Please I encourage you, with the amazing things God has given you, please be a blessing to others and share Gods love.   Share kindness, food, words of wisdom, whatever you are able to do. 

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