People will argue from time to time, give opinions, excuses, advice, etc regarding whether it is important to go to church or not. Some wrong reasons to go to church: for attendance, for routine/ritual, because someone tells you to, to feel good about yourself, etc. When you actually understand the purpose of going to church, you will go because you WANT to go and it is important to you, and it fills you up (spiritually) in the first paragraph it expresses what Jesus says about church and going to church.
Hebrews 10:25- he encourages meeting with one another and encourages fellowship. Romans 12:5-we all form one body in Christ, and each person is a member so we all form together as one body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-explains the importance of all of the parts and how they form one body. 1 Corinthians 12:14-23- explains how each member cannot do it alone, and how each needs one another to function properly. 1 Corinthians 12:27-this explains what you are and what you are a part of. Ephesians 4:2-we develop the character of Christ through bearing with another in the body of Christ. 1 Peter 4:10- we use our spiritual gifts to serve one another. 1 Peter 5:1-4- Our leaders in the church offer spiritual protection. (Hebrews 13:17)
So now that you know what the Word says and how Jesus instructs us to go and the reasons to go. What I am going to explain is that when we are alone, we have great days and bad days, we succeed and then we fail. We need encouragement from others, we need to be spiritually filled up for the week, we need to be around others who can help us in our spiritual walk, etc. When we meet others in church and make godly connections we are actively using our members in the body of Christ. I can speak from personal experience that doing group bible studies I am able to hear the word and hear how other people have applied it to their life and family. There are so many people in all different places of their spiritual walk to where you can learn or teach someone. I am learning from another woman about how she has brought up her children godly and applied the fruits of the Spirit, to see another women’s boldness in the Lord is just so inspiring and I am like a sponge wanting to absorb as much as I can. Also when we get in the Word and in fellowship God will speak to us and reveal areas in our life where we need to have brought to the surface and exposed so we can get in the process of changing our habits that aren’t godly.
So this hopefully will give you a good reason of why it is so important to find a church and grow and function as a member in Christ.