Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is wrong with you????????

                What are some of YOUR flaws???

                                As humans we tend to think we are perfect, are hearts are full of love, are mind has great thoughts, we never mean to offend people, etc.  It is crazy how we always believe that people should make exceptions for US.  It only bothers us when something happens to US.  Isn’t it also funny how we can always find what is wrong with everyone else, but not ourselves?  It seems like everyone walking around has huge captions in bold on their forehead and we are able to point out their flaws and their issues.  There are certain “trashy” tv shows that people watch and sit and actually say “wow, those people are messed up.”   By saying this comment we are judging people and comparing ourselves to what they are doing, and how they are living.  This is what the enemy wants us to do.  He wants us to think we are better than others, and that we are “owed” something by others.  He wants to build our pride up and blow our heads up.  Think back when Jesus was here as human, how was he? How did he live?  How did he treat others?   He was a humble servant that lived as simple as possible, never judged anyone and always offered LOVE no matter WHAT!!! No matter what was said, what was done, the answer was ALWAYS LOVE!!!   So in this society it is all about “titles” and this is Satans lie.  What is on the inside is what counts and says who we are.  So instead of looking at everyone else and to point out what is wrong with everyone else, turn that finger around and point at yourself.  What is wrong with you?  What do you have trouble with?  How is your mind?  Do you forgive? Do you offer love under certain circumstances or it doesn’t matter?  If we get to the root of our issues and get honest with us and point out our problems that is the first start.  Then we identify what triggers those issues and a list of ways to correct and start the process of changing these habits.  This is a HARD process, which can only be successful with the Lord so we need to give it to him and be aware of our mind, mouth, and heart.  Let’s do an exercise right now:  Think of someone that has hurt you so bad that if you had a list of people who did you wrong, they would be at the top.  Think of this person, now ask yourself this:  “Would I die for this person?”  “Would I sacrifice the person I love the most for this person?” (Spouse, child, family member)  If the answer is NO, then you know you NEED JESUS!!!!!  Jesus did this, and God gave his only son.  Ok, so now you know you need a savior and now you know you have issues on forgiving.  Now go to the bible and start finding scriptures on forgiving, and meditate on them and apply them.  Or better yet, remember that you are exactly the same as that person you dislike, you both are in the same boat and you are not better than them.  So Stop judging them and let God do that.  So I am going to challenge you this week to stop looking at everyone else and start with yourself and see what God wants to work out with you and turn those flaws into beauty, and build some real Christ like character.   

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