Friday, October 21, 2011

Stepping out of YOUR comfort zone

Stepping Out of YOUR Comfort Zone………

                We all tend to get in our routine and what feels safe for us.  We socialize with “our” group, we have our family, our job, etc.  We can get nervous when we need to do things that we aren’t familiar with, or it could be a big change that we then start to experience fear and doubt.  For Christians since we have the Lord as our life we are supposed to have full trust and let him mold and change us.  So during these times we can either be stubborn and scared or just stand strong in the arms of the Lord and let him move us.  We all have “pasts” and “failures”  we can let the devil condemn us or we can use the bad and let God make it used for good.  It can be painful for us to share with others but The Lord will turn that pain into a blessing.  He only gives us what we can handle and he always uses it for our best interest.  So think of something in the past that was a huge learning lesson for you, and now think of people that may be struggling with the same thing.  Wouldn’t it be great to share your experience and hopefully it would help them and they would move on a lot faster then maybe with how long it took you?  That is what the enemy does not want, he wants people to take the long and hard road and miss years and years living in regret.  We need to get over it, and learn from it, and teach others.  If you can help just one person for the Kingdom of God, then you have been a good disciple of Christ.  It might be the most painful thing you have ever done, but if God is your #1 and you know it brings Glory to him, then you should be more than happy too!!! ;)  Think of your most painful situation right now that you are punishing yourself for, and let what I am about to say soak in.   Jesus experienced it, and took everyone else’s painful situation too on top of that.  Also he took the punishment too!!  So why are you still punishing yourself?  It will not make you feel any better, it will not make a difference, and no matter how long you take, it won’t be good enough.  SO it is time to smarten up and move on.  Don’t be like the Israelites and walk around the same mountain for 40 years.  God wants you to get over this, and use the bad for good.  So step out of your comfort zone, and help someone else and be a disciple of Christ. 

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