5/5/2011- Happy National Prayer Day :)!!!!!
This blog today is something that has been on my heart for awhile now. In life we are all about guarantees and it gives us a comfort when we know we have a guarantee on something. Well once you dive into the bible and attend more and more church services things begin to become clear. What if there was something I can tell you right now that is 100%true with every single person? I can say that you have done something today that maybe you know or may not know. Did you know that you have offended God today? Did you know that you need to ask for forgiveness right now and tonight? We all judge ourselves by what everyone else is doing and what is going on in the world. We look at good and bad people and see how we measure up next to them. God is not part of this world, he is greater than this world so we aren't judged by world earthly standards. If you took the Lord's name in vain today, said a bad remark about someone, have bad thoughts toward someone, looked inappropriately at someone, then you have to ask for forgiveness. Did you know that if you have bad thoughts toward someone, that God considers that murder. If you look inappropriately at someone then that means you have cheated. These sound crazy to someone who doesn't know this or even take this seriously. God holds us accountable at these very standards (ten commandments) when we stand before God we are judged by this right here. So if you are going day in and day out of sinning over and over and not stopping to think and try to change, lean on God, pray, ask for forgiveness then now is your chance to do it. How to start doing this: Be conscious of your thoughts, if a negative bad thought comes to mind, stop it dead in it's track and ask for forgiveness. In the morning wake up and pray before you even step out the door and at night ask for forgiveness for things you did knowingly and unknowingly. So since you know there are no doubts you have in fact sinned against God today now is the day to start a new routine and really get a good relationship with Our Saviour. KatyRose
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