Church, Church, Church I am deeply in love with church :). It gives you the extra boost you need to get going in the right direction. I absolutley love my church and the service. I honestly don't know why people look at church as boring or just don't go because they aren't motivated. Find a church that you look forward to, or that excites you!!!!
Why are people constantly searching for things and posessions to satisfy them??? Do you realize that there is nothing that will satisfy you?? People continually work to their goals but eventually the goals are going to run out, then what? You need something that won't run out, someone that won't ever fail you or disappoint you or ever let you down. Do you know anybody here on earth that can give you that guarantee??? NOPE!!!!! The answer is Jesus!!! He is always there waiting for you to reach out to him, we all go on our "own"timing or what works best for us. Do you realize that if you really are all about jesus then there is no "our timing" it is all his time!!!! So if you arent making time for Jesus each day then he isn't a priority in your life. Now why not? Oh because people place other things higher and make other prioritys more imporant. What is more important than Jesus? People are so into appearance and to be honest it is a distraction, that is what the enemy wants you to focus on so you aren't focused on the inside which is the most important. This outside appearance is a shell that is all it is, the real substance is on the inside. So get with it!!! Get to church, no excuses, get in the word, no excuses. Do you think you have all the time in the world?? Nope!!!!
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