Thursday, July 8, 2010

7/8/2010 How Good are you with God?

If you were asked this question, how would you respond? Could you answer with confidence or would you let your head hang down? Maybe it would make you nervous or uneasy. Ask yourself it, and see how you can truly answer that deep down. It’s not about making yourself feel better and giving excuses, you know your thoughts, actions, values, morals, etc. Measuring all those together, could you answer it? I know a lot of people do what feels good, For example, they will volunteer, do charity, etc. Those are amazing things to do, and those should be done because your heart is telling you too, but I believe some people think if they do those things, they will be ok in God’s eyes. The thing is that God wants us to bring others to the Lord and help the needy, those are things we are called to do, but it doesn’t make us good with God. How about if you were to do a mental list and try to measure out the good you have done, verses the bad. How does that measure up? I will change it up again, When do you call on God the most? When things are good or going bad??
The reason I ask these questions is because no matter how you answer them, the overall answer should be the same: WE ALL NEED A SAVIOR!!!! No matter how good you think you do, it’s never enough. If you call on God only when things are going bad, then there is NO RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!!!! It’s so easy to just carry on when things are going good, and going to your standard, but when something happens, we freak out and come crawling to God. It is important to always come back to God, but shouldn’t we always try and stay with God????? He never leaves us, so why do we leave him? No matter what we do, we are always going to fall short and be sinners, the part we can rejoice in, is that we have that chance to become worthy if we accept Jesus as our savior and become born again, then we will be with the Lord in eternity. Isn’t that an amazing thought? Here we are sinners, we are never good enough, but because of what Jesus did for us, it can be ours, if we want it and choose it.
Now you may ask, well how do we choose it? How do I become born again? The answer is to acknowledge out loud and say proudly before others that you whole heartingly accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and ask forgiveness for your sins, and invite him into your life and to have him dwell in you and be in full obedience with HIS WILL and not your own. It really is that simple. You say it, and watch what happens, it is the most powerful experience ever, and once it happens, it is up to you to be obedient and follow in His way. We always have choices, we can choose to do wrong, or do good. Choose to do our own Will or His. It is so easy to make good and bad decisions, the key is to sticking them out and following through them when you are tested. So let’s say you made this commitment today, do you think it is going to be all good and no worries or problems? The road for christians is one of the hardest to follow, because the enemy hates you and will try to bring you down. That is all part of it, all of the suffering and enduring is for Jesus, we are on his army and we should be more than happy to go to battle for our Lord. He fought for us and stood for us, we need to do the same!!!
So I am going to close with this, really evaluate and see where your time goes, and if you are truly living in the word, and reading it. Because life is too short, people can get wrapped up into flesh things, since we are human, but that is what the enemy wants us to focus on. He doesn’t want us to focus on the spiritual battle that is happening around us, and that is the area we should be most concerned about because that is our eternity forever!!!! God Bless KatyRose

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