Thursday, July 29, 2010

7/29/2010 Are you a Part of Gods Army?

Do you have any idea what a privilege it is to be part of God’s Army? In this corrupt world filled with SOOOOOO much sin, what an honor it is to be a part of the All and Mighty Creator of the Universe. Do you understand the territory that comes with being a TRUE part of God’s Army? Sacrifice, Humble, Enduring Suffering, Being in this world but NOT of this world, turning the other cheek, showing grace, etc. All of these things mentioned here, aren’t something you just get down and start a routine doing. It isn’t like a workout routine. These things take discipline and obedience, and not just one day a week, but EVERY single day in EVERY situation. You will always be tested, and the enemy doesn’t leave you alone. Don’t expect people to feel sorry for you, or give you the same treatment and respect that you give others. If you keep thinking people owe you favors, then your mind is very far from God. As a Christian the greatest book to live by and is our guideline is the Bible. So if you want to know how to live and have a guide, then that is your answer. The majority of the world is not living according to what the Bible preaches, because people choose to live by the guidelines of the World. So very few people you will notice that are different, and that they are doing something different, and those are the people you want to surround yourself with. What benefits come with surrounding yourself with un-godly people? Nothing good comes from it, it only steers you in the wrong direction. This world has enough things to lead you astray, why make it easier by associating with the people that are un-godly. Think of the people that you hang out with, do they curse a lot? People think cursing isn’t a big deal because EVERYONE does it. Once again you don’t want to do what everyone is doing. Do you know that in the Bible it states you cannot praise God and curse God at the same time? Or from the same mouth? So if the guideline clearly states that and if you are truly a part of God’s Army why do you curse or associate with people that do that? That is not what God wants, so don’t be a part of it. That is just a smaller example I brought up, there are many to choose from. So instead of reading this and then living the way you want to live, stop and think. What are your actions? Are they godly? Have a blessed day, katy rose

Friday, July 16, 2010

7/16/2010 Things Not seen

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday :) I wanted to write this bulletin on: The things we don’t see.
All we can do as humans is judge with our eyes, ears, senses etc. This is all we know, we learned this as we were young and this is all we know on how to go by. We are able to see our world and how the society is and the changes that it is headed towards and we can see how we are doing. It is very easy to go by our natural senses and do what we know best, which is to follow them and blend in. The unfamiliar territory is the things we don’t see, and how to feel those out and start to tap into our senses. The Bible mentions time and time again that we are to believe in faith, and our faith is to be so strong that we believe in the things that are not seen. We put our full and complete trust in the Lord, and he will be our eyes, ears, and senses. The Bible is a book on how God wants us to live accordingly. We will never be able to live by each thing perfectly because we aren’t perfect, but it is an exact guideline on how God wants us to live in the world today. Nothing in the Bible mentions to use our own eyes, ears, and senses because Satan is the God of this world and that is what he wants us to go by. He wants us to only tap into those senses and live life according to what we see, it would scare him if we started searching for the truth and the way our creator wants us to live. If you really think about it, this world reflects huge on “status” and monetary value. Do you know that you can’t put God and Money in the same sentence? You can’t worship God and money. It is either one or the other.
Ok, so how do we tap into our senses in what we are not familiar with, and completely foreign to our knowledge? 1) Start looking into the only truth in this world, and that is the Bible. It states everything true and right and exactly what God wants us to know and how to live and how to be as people. 2) Start going to church, get involved in a fellowship with other believers that come and worship together. Don’t just go as a routine, where you get nothing from it. God would want you to leave church feeling on fire, and wanting to spread the word, not just mark off on a checklist, that you attended church. 3) Start practicing what you read and hear from Church, and show others grace by action. 4) Start being more aware of where you spend your free time, how you think, and how you treat others, and ask: is this godly? It is so easy to be distracted and to think that things don’t affect us. Do you think if you are trying to be good and live the right way, and you go to a nightclub and start drinking, is not that big of a deal? Think again, think of the environment you are putting yourself into ( music with sexual hints, cursing, people dressing very revealing, alcohol, getting into fights, being around people that are ignorant and openly inviting sin into their life) Do you see where everything could lead? It really is a lifestyle. When you start seeking the word, you are more familiar with the right type of environments. So there are steps to get right and it is a long road, but it is a privilege to follow that road and endure the trials, and if you are able to save some souls along the way, then Hallelujah!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

7/8/2010 How Good are you with God?

If you were asked this question, how would you respond? Could you answer with confidence or would you let your head hang down? Maybe it would make you nervous or uneasy. Ask yourself it, and see how you can truly answer that deep down. It’s not about making yourself feel better and giving excuses, you know your thoughts, actions, values, morals, etc. Measuring all those together, could you answer it? I know a lot of people do what feels good, For example, they will volunteer, do charity, etc. Those are amazing things to do, and those should be done because your heart is telling you too, but I believe some people think if they do those things, they will be ok in God’s eyes. The thing is that God wants us to bring others to the Lord and help the needy, those are things we are called to do, but it doesn’t make us good with God. How about if you were to do a mental list and try to measure out the good you have done, verses the bad. How does that measure up? I will change it up again, When do you call on God the most? When things are good or going bad??
The reason I ask these questions is because no matter how you answer them, the overall answer should be the same: WE ALL NEED A SAVIOR!!!! No matter how good you think you do, it’s never enough. If you call on God only when things are going bad, then there is NO RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!!!! It’s so easy to just carry on when things are going good, and going to your standard, but when something happens, we freak out and come crawling to God. It is important to always come back to God, but shouldn’t we always try and stay with God????? He never leaves us, so why do we leave him? No matter what we do, we are always going to fall short and be sinners, the part we can rejoice in, is that we have that chance to become worthy if we accept Jesus as our savior and become born again, then we will be with the Lord in eternity. Isn’t that an amazing thought? Here we are sinners, we are never good enough, but because of what Jesus did for us, it can be ours, if we want it and choose it.
Now you may ask, well how do we choose it? How do I become born again? The answer is to acknowledge out loud and say proudly before others that you whole heartingly accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and ask forgiveness for your sins, and invite him into your life and to have him dwell in you and be in full obedience with HIS WILL and not your own. It really is that simple. You say it, and watch what happens, it is the most powerful experience ever, and once it happens, it is up to you to be obedient and follow in His way. We always have choices, we can choose to do wrong, or do good. Choose to do our own Will or His. It is so easy to make good and bad decisions, the key is to sticking them out and following through them when you are tested. So let’s say you made this commitment today, do you think it is going to be all good and no worries or problems? The road for christians is one of the hardest to follow, because the enemy hates you and will try to bring you down. That is all part of it, all of the suffering and enduring is for Jesus, we are on his army and we should be more than happy to go to battle for our Lord. He fought for us and stood for us, we need to do the same!!!
So I am going to close with this, really evaluate and see where your time goes, and if you are truly living in the word, and reading it. Because life is too short, people can get wrapped up into flesh things, since we are human, but that is what the enemy wants us to focus on. He doesn’t want us to focus on the spiritual battle that is happening around us, and that is the area we should be most concerned about because that is our eternity forever!!!! God Bless KatyRose

Friday, July 2, 2010

7/2/2010 Endure, Endure, Endure

I wanted to write this Friday bulletin on how truly blessed we are and sometimes don’t see it or realize it. It sometimes takes something to happen in order to realize it. I know everyone has their own trials and tribulations, but no matter what were going through, it is not as bad as what trial and tribulation that Jesus went through. He paid the ultimant price. Would you be innocent and put up with the treatment that Jesus did? Would you stay peaceful and loving as the people that did it to you? Would you die for the people that were doing it to you? Everyone tends to focus on themselves and can get really hard on themselves and get down, but that is what the enemy is trying to do. He is trying to get you in a negative mind set, he doesn’t want you to have hope, he doesn’t want you to pray and have faith, he wants you to get into deep depression and also pull others down. The enemy is already defeated, why let him win? His whole thing is that he wants to pull you down because he knows you were created in God’s image and knows your potential and God’s greatness for you, he is trying to keep you from accomplishing it. We need to stand up and put on our armor and fight as a Christian Warrior for God. It is a never ending battle, the battle ends when we are no longer here, so we must NEVER give up the fight.
In church last Sunday, we had someone speak on a visit to Rome and they saw the prison cell of the disciple peter, and here peter was innocent and sentenced to jail and was in a dark, mildew prison cell and was chained between two prisoners and he still kept his peace and wrote pages of the bible, telling us to hold steady to faith and endure the suffering because peace will come for the Glory of God. Can you imagine how he must of felt? Could you of kept your spirits up and been positive in a situation like that?? The devil didn’t have a chance with Peter, he stayed true to God and trusted him in every circumstance and situation.
So my bulletin is to trust God in ALL SITUATIONS!!!! Stop looking at the time frame of how long you have been in a situation, God will pull you through it, stay true and faithful to the Lord and you will prevail. Have a blessed weekend, katy