Thursday, June 17, 2010

6/17/2010 Ackowledge Him

Life is truly amazing but I must say it is amazing not because of free will, or doing what we want, it's because of what Jesus did for us!!!!!! Since he died for us, it gives us the chance to spend eternity with him and his father forever!!! It is up to us if we choose it or not and that is by our lifestyle, choices, and obedience. There is only one way to heavan and that is through Jesus's salvation. It isn't by good works, etc. There is only one way, and if you haven't found Jesus yet, I suggest you get on board. There are alot of rebellious people in the world and prideful people. Don't people understand we are all sinners and we will always sin, we will never be perfect? Why hold grudges? If we hold grudges with people, how do you expect God to forgive you?? Acknowledge Christ in everything you do, and I mean in everything. The whole day should be a non-stop conversation between you and God. God needs to be first, go to him before you go to anyone else. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes we go to other people because we already know how their response is going to be, and it gives us comfort to hear someone agree with us. The truth is, that it doesn't really matter who sides with us or what advice is given. We are all held accountable for our own individual lives. I will tell you that I am not going to listen to someone when it comes to my judgement day. I want to go to God first, and lay it down to him and have him lead me and work me through it. In this day of age it is so hard to live a christian lifestyle, it is very hard, but it is no impossible. It just takes you to have a strong relationship with God, a very intimant relationship, and obedience. If you get into a routine of reading the bible, and practicing what you read, not only in your actions, in your thoughts and in your heart, then that is a start and God will show even more favor in your life then ever before. Yes the enemy will mess with you because he hates God, and the enemy will try and try with circumstances, certain people you meet, etc to try and get you to get on his side. but if you are into the bible, you already know that the enemy is a defeated foe, and he is finished. So knowing that, it gives a sense of power to be in God's army and be a soldier for God. I will take whatever suffering God has for me because everything is planned and he already knows all that is to happen, and I will endure if for Jesus. Look at what he did for us!!! Why do we complain of struggles? Do we expect life to be easy? Do you not understand that if we had no struggles, then we would never call on God. We would take things for granted and be even more spoiled than we are now. Everything happens for a reason. The biggest thing I can preach on with something that I am currently working on, is to show grace through actions. I don't care if 100 people say you are crazy for treating someone with kindness after they have done wrong over and over. We are all sinners and grace is shown to us from jesus, so we must pass that along to others. Alot of people haven't found Jesus yet, and our job here isn't for us to find ourselves and have it be ALL about us and our needs. When you surrender to Jesus its what HE has planned for you, and HIS will and what is pleasing to him. He wants us to help get souls that are lost, that is what we should be doing, instead of concentrating on ourself. I am going to say a prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you heavenly father for blessing us another day and giving us grace for another day. Lord Jesus, let people find the light and see you and invite you into their hearts. let them perform your will as you have commanded. Let the Holy Spirit fill us with guidance, let us have the boldness of faith to get into the bible even more then before and into church and to find the lost souls and be a vessel. Speak through us Lord and let us do your will. Amen

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6/12/2010 Outreach

Did my second outreach today and I must say that I am now officially addicted. To go out there and get involved and be bold and help people is amazing. To meet people and hear their stories and get to know them by name, is so touching to my heart. Today was an absolute success!!!! I had my very first opportunity of laying hands on a man and praying over him :) It was the best feeling ever!!! To have God use me as a vessel to touch someone, is an absolute blessing. I was so moved after today and it really changes my whole view on the things we should really be focusing on, and how lucky we have it. Some of these people didn't have anything but the clothes on their back and that is it, and they were some of the most giving people, not selfish at all!!!! We as americans who have everything are so spoiled and always want more, that just isn't where it's at. I just wanted to share this, get more involved and make a contribution, get out and help people, make God proud, do something bold, step out of your comfort zone. AMEN>>

Thursday, June 10, 2010

6/10/2010 Authority

I actually woke up in the middle of the night last night and had this message come to me, and so I had to write it today and share it. We need to have authority over our soul, mind and body. It can be so easy to get wrapped up and lose it especially with being busy and getting consumed with things that do not matter. There are things we know that we do that are not right and still do them. Now why is that? Do you make excuses or brush it off? By doing that and getting in the habit of that we make it acceptable to ourselves and make it a natural environment to live in. The truth is that no matter what we are going to sin, the difference is that since God gives us grace, we need to accept that and respect that and we need to ask for forgiveness when we catch ourselves doing wrong, have obedience and follow the Lord. It is not through our perfection, but HIS!!!!! There is only one way to heavan and that is through the salvation of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter how many good things you do, if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and start living for him, then there are no short cuts about it. I think we can get into the routine of waking up each day and doing our daily routine and think that we are going to be guaranteed another day, but that is never the case. Why does it take for something bad to happen or to catch us off guard to wake us up???? That is what the enemy wants, he wants to put fear into our lives. The spirit of fear is not from God, it is directly from Satan. So the next time you have fear, you already know that it isn't from God, and you need to rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ. As christians we are supposed to be sharing our faith with others that need help with strengthening their faith. Why are people so shy about sharing that? We have a million rap songs that are all worldly known that are full of cursing and the wrong way to live, and everyone is so open and vocal about it and shares it. Can you see where the mixed up prioritys are? It is the exact opposite with the way our society works today and it is only getting more worse. Our society is literally playing into what the devil wants. Everyone is more vocal about sleeping around, cheating, lying, cursing, money over God, materialistc things, etc. If we know these things are against the Lord, why play into them and think it isn't a big deal?? It is a big deal. Do you know that we are always under a spiritual test 24/7. If we know better, why fail??? In the bible in Job, it mentions that Job was a godly man and was highly favored by God and the devil was next to Job and basically said that the only reason Job was so godly was because he had everything good, and everything in his favor, but the devil told God that if he was to take things away, that Job would curse God. So God took things away, Jobs sons got sick, etc and you know what??? Job still was a godly man!!! That is the devil's mentality with us, he predicts that we will curse God and fall apart when things don't go our way. Never ever please the devil!!!!! Stop wasting another day, and start now!!!! Start in the Bible, lead a godly life, do not blend into society be different!!!!!!!!!!! Remember there is only one way to heaven. You need to keep quenching your mind, body and soul. It needs to be a daily thing, it is like job, if you don't keep up, you can lose it, and have to start over. Keep building. I am going to say a prayer right now: Lord Jesus, please forgive us for our sins, and continue to bless us and keep us in your Holy Hand. I rebuke the devil and his schemes in the name of you most holy high Jesus. Keep us uplifted, help us to always be pleasing to you and become more godly men and women each day. Have the Holy Spirit enlighten us and bless us and keep us safe and give us peace. Let us keep praising your name forever and ever, and keep us in the light. Let us always keep turning to you and following YOUR WILL and YOUR WAY and be vessels to those around us. Amen. Have a blessed day Katy Rose