Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/1/2010 Now

I just wanted to write a note saying that no matter what happens, or what kind of break/vacation you take from church or reading the bible, it is most important to not take it for granted, because we are not promised another day. My opinion is that if you aren't in church on sundays and if you are not reading the bible, then something is greatly missing in your life. You may be trying to find earthly posessions to fill that void, and that will fail EVERYTIME!!! Get to church, it doesn't matter if you are by yourself, it is time to praise and worship Our Savior, we owe that to him, it should be a pleasure to do that for him. Throughout the week, start reading Gods Word, start meditating on scriptures. Don't let this precious time be wasted. We need to make sure we are running the race and living spiritually and if we mess up, we must ask for forgiveness and go right back to being disciplined and obediant. There are NO excuses!!! When our time is up on earth, that is IT!! There are no do-overs, we only have this lifetime and that is it, then we are judged for ETERNITY!!! When you let that sink in, you should be in a panic because that is a scary thought if you aren't living right and reading Gods Word. Start Today, get a bible and start reading in it and getting in tune with God's Word, start going to church, meet people that can help and enlighten you with the knowledge of Gods Word. It is our job as christians to look after one another and get eachother in line, and spread the good news!!