Sunday, August 23, 2009

8/23/2009 Starting Over

I must finally say i officially have came face to face with reality. Things have been constantly going in circles, and I have tried to ignore it with a big smile on my face and crackin jokes. It is no longer funny, i am no longer laughing about it. All i ever wanted was progress forward, and all i ever wanted was a for sure thing, and stability. I could not achieve that and it wasn't meant for me at this exact time in my life. I now realize that I have to start over and when I say start over, it means with myself and myself alone. I have always been a free spirit, and have always made things work because of my positive spirit, and with the grace from the Lord above. I know my Lord has never abandoned me, he has been by my side the whole time, and he is with my especially now. I don't quite see the whole picture yet, but I am willing to accept it, and give it all to him, and have him take care of me. I need to literally start over with myself and get to know myself alone and get myself situated. I feel only good can come from this because you have to get yourself straight first, then everything else will fall into place. It isn't going to be easy, but I know the Lord will send the HOly Spirit to guide me and block out the negative. I know I am a strong woman, and I have gotten through many dark times, and i know this is just another patch that i have to cross. I am done trying to dwell on it, I am done trying to understand it and break down my faults. I have fully accepted it, and came face to face with it, and I am done. I leave it in your hands God, and I am fully focused forward and whatever lies ahead, I will embrace it head on. Thank you God for keeping me strong through this dark and lonely time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8/5/2009 Priorities

I have said this over and over, but our society's priorities are so mixed up. I am going to point out a few things because recently I have really noticed them and been aware of them. How many times does one of your co-workers or friends comes in, and is so excited to tell you a bad joke, a dirty joke, whatever kind of a joke that they heard? A lot of times, and people get all excited to listen and anticipate the "punch line" so they make sure they are fully 100% aware? I know everyone has had that happen, well how come we get so excited and make ourselves fully aware for that? Why aren't we excited whenever we hear someone talk or speak out our Lord Jesus Christ? We should have that same attention we give for the joke for him, and a heck of a lot more. How many of you have your favorite T.V shows that you just cannot possibly miss? You will literally work your schedule around so you won't miss it no matter what? Why aren't we that excited about going to Church and praising Our Lord. There are always excuses about not feeling like it, or too tired. If your favorite show was on there would be no excuses, why aren't you able to be that excited about praising and serving our Lord? How many of us save up our money to buy a particular name brand of clothes, or an item no matter how ridiculously expensive it is? Why aren't we at least contributing donating money to the poor, and the helpless? If we can save a couple of hundred of dollars for clothes, why not at least donate a portion of that to the poor? I cannot believe how these things are actually true, and an actually reality in our society today!!!! I don't know how the majority of us actually can adapt to this, and think that this kind of lifestyle is ok? It really is just sad, lonely, and temporary. Why not invest our time into helping one another, and serving our dear Lord? That is what our number 1 priority should be, not all this materialistic crap in our world today. It really is a sin, and it is dragging us down because it corrupts peoples minds on trying to stress what you need to have, or what you should have, and that just isn't true at all. You don't need certain clothes, you don't need to be super skinny, you don't need surgery to change your look, it is almost like brainwashing. It is hard not to get caught up on, because everyone believes and sees it every single day, that is all you hear about on t.v, the radio, etc. Imagine what kind of world we would live in, if they paid that much attention to actually trying to educate one another on how we should treat one another, how we should dedicate our time to more important things and that if we waste our valuable time on things like that, it could be too late. Nobody ever thinks of it, because nobody has ever been there, so it is almost as if nobody believe it. Why do you need to see it to believe it? Do you want to really risk it, and then find out and it be too late? Prepare, Prepare, Prepare,.... PRAY!!! Be Humble..... Give Love.... Forgive....Repent, Repent, Repent!!!!

Please have a wonderful, blessed and safe weekend and try to pray to the Lord to open your eyes fully beyond what this world has to offer, to better serve and to better focus on him. Pray for one another for the ones that aren't fully opened and our trapped by what this world has to offer!! God Bless and Be Safe KatyRose

8/5/2009 How strong is your character

So exactly how strong do you think your character is? I didn't ask how strong you are physically, I meant mentally, and mainly meant spiritually? Would you break down at the first sign of a struggle? Or fall a few times, then lose hope? Or maybe you would just accept the struggle, and get stuck in it, and never try? Last but not least maybe do you deal with it, and keep going because you have your heart on the whole picture? Which one do you think you fall into? I think if someone would of asked me this question at different ages of my life, I think I would of had different responses because I was young, and still naive.

I will say one thing, a lot of people have their stories of struggle and what they have went through, but do you ever deal with the people that have to keep making it well known how hard it has been over and over and over? They aren't strong because they are negative, and still have not made it over the struggle. What I am talking about is being through a lot, and then some, and still having the WILL to move on. What if all your views and ideas that you had for yourself never worked out, and everything you thought was right for you, wasn't? Does that mean to give up? No!! It means that God has other plans for you, and you need to stop trying so hard, and let him lead you, once you let go, and let God take over, then you start to see his plan for you.

My favorite thing I have to say is what my fiancee said to me one time: He mentioned that everyone keeps looking for such big signs, and miracles, and basically almost as if someone needs to yell and make it clear on what they are supposed to do in life, and what there will is. He said to me: Maybe it isn't a big sign, maybe it is as simple as your supposed to be at a particular spot in someone's life and help them out of a bad situation, and guide that person, and maybe able to save that person, and that might be what your supposed to do. Maybe it is just talking to someone at the right time, and that could be your gift. Maybe we should look at everything as a sign, and be grateful. I never looked at it like that, but he said it and it really does give it a different angle. Basically, stop looking for such a big thing, because in all actuality you might miss it.

Now, when I ask how strong is your character, I mean this: If Jesus needed you or I should say If Jesus had to count on you, could he? Do you know that Jesus counts on each and everyone of us to spread the word of the gospel, and to be kind to one another and teach his teachings? He really does count on us. He is not going to come down and tell each one of us, because he shouldn't have to. He already proved his love for dying for each and everyone of us, and giving us eternity with the Lord. We should be shouting and praising the word and telling the goodness to everyone.

Oh well, stay positive. And just keep in mind that if Jesus had to depend on you, are you that strong? If not maybe you need to arm yourself a little more with knowledge of the good Word, and attend Church, and preach to one another. God Bless katyRose

8/5/2009 Laws

Do you notice that everyday we have laws that we must abide by? We have rules and regulations that we must follow. We must follow these because they are the laws of the United States of America and that if we don't follow them, there are consequences that could take action for not following those laws. I think that is a beautiful thing that we have laws because we must keep everything orderly so nobody gets hurt or out of line. But do you ever contemplate and think that why do we pay so much attention to these laws, and not God's laws??? That really is mind boggling to me. I say this over and over, but it never gets old saying it "everything here is TEMPORARY!" Why do we spend so much time obsessing about earthly possessions and treasures when they are all only temporary? We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God, and Jesus's love for us. He has forgiven us from all sin, as long as we have love for him, strong faith, forgiveness, and love for one another. Why aren't we focusing on that? That seems like the most important law to me!! We have this thing called the Ten Commandments, in case you forgot about them here they are:

1 You shall have no other Gods but me.

2 You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.

3 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

4 You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.

5 Respect your father and mother.

6 You must not kill.

7 You must not commit adultery.

8 You must not steal.

9 You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.

10You must not be envious of your neighbor's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Now why aren't we so strict about following these laws? This should be our number one priority. I will tell you this much, it takes something or someone to open your eyes up fully to see that this world has nothing good to offer it really doesn't, and that we shouldn't want to "fit" in this world or in this "society" because it has nothing good to offer, it is just full of sin, and violence, and mixed up priorities. We should not want to be classified in this society because it is so mixed up. Do you ever go to church? And if you do why aren't people more excited to be there? Heck half of the time there are more empty seats then filled seats. That is wrong, I don't care what religion you are or what the excuse is but Jesus died for all of man kind, and we can't simply go and give him our offering? Why is that? Too lazy, stayed up too late the night before? This world really needs to change before we ruin everything that we have been given by God. It really just saddens me. It saddens me to see so many people with good hearts mixed in this society of how we "should be" or how cool we are, and that is just all bull. Stop caring about what others think, and start thinking of God, and putting him first.
God bless katyRose

Monday, August 3, 2009

8/3/2009 Praying is the way to go

Prayers really are the way to go. If your having struggles, can't find the answers you need, lost, feeling empty, need strength, etc. Praying is the only way to go. People run off to psychics and try to solve their worries that way, and why are people running to psychics, and not giving prayer a shot? I feel everyone wants the quickest way out, or the fastest solution. Why is everyone so impatient? Everything takes time, we are never going to understand why certain things happen, we just have to trust in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to stop being in control of our life, and give it over to Christ. Do you think your looks are here forever? No!! So all of the people that are into themselves, and vain need to find a more deeper meaning. Do you think that we are here on this earth forever? No!!! So why are we investing so much wasted time into this earth, and possessions if it is temporary, why not make it meaningful and invest our time wisely.

I wish I could literally give a piece of what I feel to everyone else that doesn't feel it. Because so many people are wasting their time, and it is just sad. Everyone has their trials that they have to go through, we cannot escape them, nor understand them, but that is where we need to turn our cares and worries to God. We need to do that through prayer. Keep asking him to take them, and to put you where you should be, to fulfill his will.

I can honestly give an example: I have been going through a particularr trial lately, and I have been worrying, praying, praying and praying about it. Anyways, so what happened was that yesterday I was in my mass, and when they do intentions in mass, out of nowhere they have never done it before, they related to the subject that I have been worrying about and praying about, and asked everyone to say "Lord, here our prayer." I noticed that, and it made me so happy, because I realized God does hear me, and he even had all of the people in mass even pray for me. I was so excited, God really is beautiful he really is the only way to go. If you put all of your worries, and cares to God, and you really turn to him and pray, you will see things that you will know he is listening. So never have doubt, never feel alone, I can personally say that Jesus is always be your side, and he never leaves us, it is us who leave him, and wander on our own. KatyRose