Katy Rose

Katy Rose

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Letting Go Of Old Habits.....

As human beings, we tend to get "stuck" in our ways and end up developing habits.  Each person knows their biggest struggle, and what gives them a difficult time.

As Christians, we proclaim that Jesus is Lord and that we follow him by denying ourselves and carrying our crosses along with him.  It is very easy to look at each person and identify what is wrong with them, but the Bible teaches us that we are to examine the speck in our own eye and deal with ourselves.  Matthew 7:5- You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.  Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is to look at ourselves in the mirror and have a reality check.  We need to pray to the Holy Spirit for revelation and we need to use the Bible as a mirror and see if our lifestyles reflect what is written in it.  In relationships it is a two way street.  This deals with family members, spouses, kids, co-workers, friends, etc.

Usually when a dispute breaks out, you have one party explaining what the other person did wrong and not one time does that person admit something they did wrong.  It is easy to play the "victim" role and hear the violin music playing in the background to feel sorry for yourself.  As Christians, we are to be BOLD and Strong IN CHRIST!!!  We are to not be weary and weak!!  We need to recognize old habits and take captive of them and cast them down. 2 Corinthians 10:5- {In as much as we} refute arguments and theories and reasoning's and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the {true} knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ [the Messiah, the Anointed One].  We no longer have to be bound and settle for our old ways.  We are new creatures In Christ and a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)  We do not have to receive what has been passed down from our family and we now have a new bloodline.  We have the bloodline of Jesus Christ!  Have you held up the Bible lately and used it as a mirror?  What was revealed to you?  Did you take it seriously and write it down?  Did you find scriptures to help you with your habits? What steps are you taking to help break the old habits?  These are questions that you need to ask yourself, and if you are serious about it, then you should write them down!!  It is very easy to be led by feelings, and move like the wind from one day to the next.  I am going to give each person a task:  Instead of complaining about someone else's weakness, focus on your own and make a plan to break it!!!!  Start by working on yourself, and stop focusing on what everybody else is doing.  Do not judge one another, and spend the time to focus on yourself and what you need to do.  We are all here to do a specific duty, and we are to use our gifts and talents to fulfill HIS will!!  I pray that this blog post spoke to your heart, and that you are able to officially let go of old habits!!

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