Katy Rose

Katy Rose

Friday, July 16, 2010

7/16/2010 Things Not seen

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday :) I wanted to write this bulletin on: The things we don’t see.
All we can do as humans is judge with our eyes, ears, senses etc. This is all we know, we learned this as we were young and this is all we know on how to go by. We are able to see our world and how the society is and the changes that it is headed towards and we can see how we are doing. It is very easy to go by our natural senses and do what we know best, which is to follow them and blend in. The unfamiliar territory is the things we don’t see, and how to feel those out and start to tap into our senses. The Bible mentions time and time again that we are to believe in faith, and our faith is to be so strong that we believe in the things that are not seen. We put our full and complete trust in the Lord, and he will be our eyes, ears, and senses. The Bible is a book on how God wants us to live accordingly. We will never be able to live by each thing perfectly because we aren’t perfect, but it is an exact guideline on how God wants us to live in the world today. Nothing in the Bible mentions to use our own eyes, ears, and senses because Satan is the God of this world and that is what he wants us to go by. He wants us to only tap into those senses and live life according to what we see, it would scare him if we started searching for the truth and the way our creator wants us to live. If you really think about it, this world reflects huge on “status” and monetary value. Do you know that you can’t put God and Money in the same sentence? You can’t worship God and money. It is either one or the other.
Ok, so how do we tap into our senses in what we are not familiar with, and completely foreign to our knowledge? 1) Start looking into the only truth in this world, and that is the Bible. It states everything true and right and exactly what God wants us to know and how to live and how to be as people. 2) Start going to church, get involved in a fellowship with other believers that come and worship together. Don’t just go as a routine, where you get nothing from it. God would want you to leave church feeling on fire, and wanting to spread the word, not just mark off on a checklist, that you attended church. 3) Start practicing what you read and hear from Church, and show others grace by action. 4) Start being more aware of where you spend your free time, how you think, and how you treat others, and ask: is this godly? It is so easy to be distracted and to think that things don’t affect us. Do you think if you are trying to be good and live the right way, and you go to a nightclub and start drinking, is not that big of a deal? Think again, think of the environment you are putting yourself into ( music with sexual hints, cursing, people dressing very revealing, alcohol, getting into fights, being around people that are ignorant and openly inviting sin into their life) Do you see where everything could lead? It really is a lifestyle. When you start seeking the word, you are more familiar with the right type of environments. So there are steps to get right and it is a long road, but it is a privilege to follow that road and endure the trials, and if you are able to save some souls along the way, then Hallelujah!!!!!!!

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